OSEndianTypes.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
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 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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 *   gvdl    20050620    Created

@header OSEndianTypes
@abstract C++ inline types for byte swapping
The OSEndianTypes consist of a number of types that are used very similarly to the traditional MacOS C scalar integers types, eg. UInt32 and SInt32.
@copyright 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
@updated 2005-07-25

// Header doc magic trick for simple documentation
#if 0
/*!  @typedef BigUInt16
@abstract A Big-endian unsigned integer scalar size 16 - UInt16 */
typedef class BigUInt16 BigUInt16;

#if 0
/*! @typedef BigSInt16
@abstract A Big-endian signed integer scalar size 16 - SInt16 */
typedef class BigSInt16 BigSInt16;

/*! @typedef BigUInt32
@abstract A Big-endian unsigned integer scalar size 32 - UInt32 */
typedef class BigUInt32 BigUInt32;

/*! @typedef BigSInt32
@abstract A Big-endian signed integer scalar size 32 - SInt32 */
typedef class BigSInt32 BigSInt32;

/*! @typedef BigUInt64
@abstract A Big-endian unsigned integer scalar size 64 - UInt64 */
typedef class BigUInt64 BigUInt64;

/*! @typedef BigSInt64
@abstract A Big-endian signed integer scalar size 64 - SInt64 */
typedef class BigSInt64 BigSInt64;

/*! @typedef LittleUInt16
@abstract A Little-endian unsigned integer scalar size 16 - UInt16 */
typedef class LittleUInt16 LittleUInt16;

/*! @typedef LittleSInt16
@abstract A Little-endian signed integer scalar size 16 - SInt16 */
typedef class LittleSInt16 LittleSInt16;

/*! @typedef LittleUInt32
@abstract A Little-endian unsigned integer scalar size 32 - UInt32 */
typedef class LittleUInt32 LittleUInt32;

/*! @typedef LittleSInt32
@abstract A Little-endian signed integer scalar size 32 - SInt32 */
typedef class LittleSInt32 LittleSInt32;

/*! @typedef LittleUInt64
@abstract A Little-endian unsigned integer scalar size 64 - UInt64 */
typedef class LittleUInt64 LittleUInt64;

/*! @typedef LittleSInt64
@abstract A Little-endian signed integer scalar size 64 - SInt64 */
typedef class LittleSInt64 LittleSInt64;



#if __cplusplus

#include <libkern/OSTypes.h>
#include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>

// Probably should really be using templates, this is one of the few cases
// where they do make sense.  But as the kernel is not allowed to export
// template based C++ APIs we have to use sophisticated macros instead
#define __OSEndianSignIntSizeDEF(argname, argend, argtype, argsize) {	\
public:									\
    typedef argtype ## argsize		Value;				\
private:								\
    typedef UInt ## argsize		UValue;				\
    UValue mValue;							\
    void writeValue(Value v) {						\
	if (__builtin_constant_p(v))					\
	    mValue = OSSwapHostTo ## argend ## ConstInt ## argsize(v);	\
	else								\
	    OSWrite ## argend ## Int ## argsize(&mValue, 0, (UValue) v);\
    };									\
    Value readValue() const {						\
	return (Value) OSRead ## argend ## Int ## argsize(&mValue, 0);	\
    };									\
public:									\
    argname() { };							\
    argname (Value v) { writeValue(v); };				\
    argname  &operator = (Value v) { writeValue(v); return *this; }	\
    Value get() const { return readValue(); };				\
    operator Value () const { return readValue(); };			\

class BigUInt16    __OSEndianSignIntSizeDEF(BigUInt16,    Big,    UInt, 16);
class BigSInt16    __OSEndianSignIntSizeDEF(BigSInt16,    Big,    SInt, 16);
class BigUInt32    __OSEndianSignIntSizeDEF(BigUInt32,    Big,    UInt, 32);
class BigSInt32    __OSEndianSignIntSizeDEF(BigSInt32,    Big,    SInt, 32);
class BigUInt64    __OSEndianSignIntSizeDEF(BigUInt64,    Big,    UInt, 64);
class BigSInt64    __OSEndianSignIntSizeDEF(BigSInt64,    Big,    SInt, 64);
class LittleUInt16 __OSEndianSignIntSizeDEF(LittleUInt16, Little, UInt, 16);
class LittleSInt16 __OSEndianSignIntSizeDEF(LittleSInt16, Little, SInt, 16);
class LittleUInt32 __OSEndianSignIntSizeDEF(LittleUInt32, Little, UInt, 32);
class LittleSInt32 __OSEndianSignIntSizeDEF(LittleSInt32, Little, SInt, 32);
class LittleUInt64 __OSEndianSignIntSizeDEF(LittleUInt64, Little, UInt, 64);
class LittleSInt64 __OSEndianSignIntSizeDEF(LittleSInt64, Little, SInt, 64);

#undef __OSEndianSignIntSizeDEF

#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* ! _OS_OSENDIANHELPER_H */