" Vim plugin for formatting XML " Last Change: 2020 Jan 06 " Version: 0.3 " Author: Christian Brabandt " Repository: https://github.com/chrisbra/vim-xml-ftplugin " License: VIM License " Documentation: see :h xmlformat.txt (TODO!) " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " Load Once: {{{1 if exists("g:loaded_xmlformat") || &cp finish endif let g:loaded_xmlformat = 1 let s:keepcpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " Main function: Format the input {{{1 func! xmlformat#Format() abort " only allow reformatting through the gq command " (e.g. Vim is in normal mode) if mode() != 'n' " do not fall back to internal formatting return 0 endif let count_orig = v:count let sw = shiftwidth() let prev = prevnonblank(v:lnum-1) let s:indent = indent(prev)/sw let result = [] let lastitem = prev ? getline(prev) : '' let is_xml_decl = 0 " go through every line, but don't join all content together and join it " back. We might lose empty lines let list = getline(v:lnum, (v:lnum + count_orig - 1)) let current = 0 for line in list " Keep empty input lines? if empty(line) call add(result, '') continue elseif line !~# '<[/]\?[^>]*>' let nextmatch = match(list, '<[/]\?[^>]*>', current) if nextmatch > -1 let line .= ' '. join(list[(current + 1):(nextmatch-1)], " ") call remove(list, current+1, nextmatch-1) endif endif " split on `>`, but don't split on very first opening < " this means, items can be like ['', 'tag content'] for item in split(line, '.\@<=[>]\zs') if s:EndTag(item) call s:DecreaseIndent() call add(result, s:Indent(item)) elseif s:EmptyTag(lastitem) call add(result, s:Indent(item)) elseif s:StartTag(lastitem) && s:IsTag(item) let s:indent += 1 call add(result, s:Indent(item)) else if !s:IsTag(item) " Simply split on '<', if there is one, " but reformat according to &textwidth let t=split(item, '.<\@=\zs') " if the content fits well within a single line, add it there " so that the output looks like this: " " 1 if s:TagContent(lastitem) is# s:TagContent(t[1]) && strlen(result[-1]) + strlen(item) <= s:Textwidth() let result[-1] .= item let lastitem = t[1] continue endif " t should only contain 2 items, but just be safe here if s:IsTag(lastitem) let s:indent+=1 endif let result+=s:FormatContent([t[0]]) if s:EndTag(t[1]) call s:DecreaseIndent() endif "for y in t[1:] let result+=s:FormatContent(t[1:]) "endfor else call add(result, s:Indent(item)) endif endif let lastitem = item endfor let current += 1 endfor if !empty(result) let lastprevline = getline(v:lnum + count_orig) let delete_lastline = v:lnum + count_orig - 1 == line('$') exe v:lnum. ",". (v:lnum + count_orig - 1). 'd' call append(v:lnum - 1, result) " Might need to remove the last line, if it became empty because of the " append() call let last = v:lnum + len(result) " do not use empty(), it returns true for `empty(0)` if getline(last) is '' && lastprevline is '' && delete_lastline exe last. 'd' endif endif " do not run internal formatter! return 0 endfunc " Check if given tag is XML Declaration header {{{1 func! s:IsXMLDecl(tag) abort return a:tag =~? '^\s*\s*$' endfunc " Return tag indented by current level {{{1 func! s:Indent(item) abort return repeat(' ', shiftwidth()*s:indent). s:Trim(a:item) endfu " Return item trimmed from leading whitespace {{{1 func! s:Trim(item) abort if exists('*trim') return trim(a:item) else return matchstr(a:item, '\S\+.*') endif endfunc " Check if tag is a new opening tag {{{1 func! s:StartTag(tag) abort let is_comment = s:IsComment(a:tag) return a:tag =~? '^\s*<[^/?]' && !is_comment endfunc " Check if tag is a Comment start {{{1 func! s:IsComment(tag) abort return a:tag =~? '