" Script to extract tables from Unicode .txt files, to be used in src/mbyte.c. " The format of the UnicodeData.txt file is explained here: " http://www.unicode.org/Public/5.1.0/ucd/UCD.html " For the other files see the header. " " Might need to update the URL to the emoji-data.txt " Usage: Vim -S " " Author: Bram Moolenaar " Last Update: 2010 Jan 12 " Parse lines of UnicodeData.txt. Creates a list of lists in s:dataprops. func! ParseDataToProps() let s:dataprops = [] let lnum = 1 while lnum <= line('$') let l = split(getline(lnum), '\s*;\s*', 1) if len(l) != 15 echoerr 'Found ' . len(l) . ' items in line ' . lnum . ', expected 15' return endif call add(s:dataprops, l) let lnum += 1 endwhile endfunc " Parse lines of CaseFolding.txt. Creates a list of lists in s:foldprops. func! ParseFoldProps() let s:foldprops = [] let lnum = 1 while lnum <= line('$') let line = getline(lnum) if line !~ '^#' && line !~ '^\s*$' let l = split(line, '\s*;\s*', 1) if len(l) != 4 echoerr 'Found ' . len(l) . ' items in line ' . lnum . ', expected 4' return endif call add(s:foldprops, l) endif let lnum += 1 endwhile endfunc " Parse lines of EastAsianWidth.txt. Creates a list of lists in s:widthprops. func! ParseWidthProps() let s:widthprops = [] let lnum = 1 while lnum <= line('$') let line = getline(lnum) if line !~ '^#' && line !~ '^\s*$' let l = split(line, '\s*;\s*', 1) if len(l) != 2 echoerr 'Found ' . len(l) . ' items in line ' . lnum . ', expected 2' return endif call add(s:widthprops, l) endif let lnum += 1 endwhile endfunc " Build the toLower or toUpper table in a new buffer. " Uses s:dataprops. func! BuildCaseTable(name, index) let start = -1 let end = -1 let step = 0 let add = -1 let ranges = [] for p in s:dataprops if p[a:index] != '' let n = ('0x' . p[0]) + 0 let nl = ('0x' . p[a:index]) + 0 if start >= 0 && add == nl - n && (step == 0 || n - end == step) " continue with same range. let step = n - end let end = n else if start >= 0 " produce previous range call Range(ranges, start, end, step, add) endif let start = n let end = n let step = 0 let add = nl - n endif endif endfor if start >= 0 call Range(ranges, start, end, step, add) endif " New buffer to put the result in. new exe "file to" . a:name call setline(1, "static convertStruct to" . a:name . "[] =") call setline(2, "{") call append('$', ranges) call setline('$', getline('$')[:-2]) " remove last comma call setline(line('$') + 1, "};") wincmd p endfunc " Build the foldCase table in a new buffer. " Uses s:foldprops. func! BuildFoldTable() let start = -1 let end = -1 let step = 0 let add = -1 let ranges = [] for p in s:foldprops if p[1] == 'C' || p[1] == 'S' let n = ('0x' . p[0]) + 0 let nl = ('0x' . p[2]) + 0 if start >= 0 && add == nl - n && (step == 0 || n - end == step) " continue with same range. let step = n - end let end = n else if start >= 0 " produce previous range call Range(ranges, start, end, step, add) endif let start = n let end = n let step = 0 let add = nl - n endif endif endfor if start >= 0 call Range(ranges, start, end, step, add) endif " New buffer to put the result in. new file foldCase call setline(1, "static convertStruct foldCase[] =") call setline(2, "{") call append('$', ranges) call setline('$', getline('$')[:-2]) " remove last comma call setline(line('$') + 1, "};") wincmd p endfunc func! Range(ranges, start, end, step, add) let s = printf("\t{0x%x,0x%x,%d,%d},", a:start, a:end, a:step == 0 ? -1 : a:step, a:add) call add(a:ranges, s) endfunc " Build the combining table. " Uses s:dataprops. func! BuildCombiningTable() let start = -1 let end = -1 let ranges = [] for p in s:dataprops if p[2] == 'Mn' || p[2] == 'Mc' || p[2] == 'Me' let n = ('0x' . p[0]) + 0 if start >= 0 && end + 1 == n " continue with same range. let end = n else if start >= 0 " produce previous range call add(ranges, printf("\t{0x%04x, 0x%04x},", start, end)) endif let start = n let end = n endif endif endfor if start >= 0 call add(ranges, printf("\t{0x%04x, 0x%04x},", start, end)) endif " New buffer to put the result in. new file combining call setline(1, " static struct interval combining[] =") call setline(2, " {") call append('$', ranges) call setline('$', getline('$')[:-2]) " remove last comma call setline(line('$') + 1, " };") wincmd p endfunc " Build the double width or ambiguous width table in a new buffer. " Uses s:widthprops and s:dataprops. func! BuildWidthTable(pattern, tableName) let start = -1 let end = -1 let ranges = [] let dataidx = 0 for p in s:widthprops if p[1][0] =~ a:pattern if p[0] =~ '\.\.' " It is a range. we don't check for composing char then. let rng = split(p[0], '\.\.') if len(rng) != 2 echoerr "Cannot parse range: '" . p[0] . "' in width table" endif let n = ('0x' . rng[0]) + 0 let n_last = ('0x' . rng[1]) + 0 else let n = ('0x' . p[0]) + 0 let n_last = n endif " Find this char in the data table. while 1 let dn = ('0x' . s:dataprops[dataidx][0]) + 0 if dn >= n break endif let dataidx += 1 endwhile if dn != n && n_last == n echoerr "Cannot find character " . n . " in data table" endif " Only use the char when it's not a composing char. " But use all chars from a range. let dp = s:dataprops[dataidx] if n_last > n || (dp[2] != 'Mn' && dp[2] != 'Mc' && dp[2] != 'Me') if start >= 0 && end + 1 == n " continue with same range. else if start >= 0 " produce previous range call add(ranges, printf("\t{0x%04x, 0x%04x},", start, end)) if a:pattern == 'A' call add(s:ambitable, [start, end]) else call add(s:doubletable, [start, end]) endif endif let start = n endif let end = n_last endif endif endfor if start >= 0 call add(ranges, printf("\t{0x%04x, 0x%04x},", start, end)) if a:pattern == 'A' call add(s:ambitable, [start, end]) else call add(s:doubletable, [start, end]) endif endif " New buffer to put the result in. new exe "file " . a:tableName call setline(1, " static struct interval " . a:tableName . "[] =") call setline(2, " {") call append('$', ranges) call setline('$', getline('$')[:-2]) " remove last comma call setline(line('$') + 1, " };") wincmd p endfunc " Build the amoji width table in a new buffer. func! BuildEmojiTable(pattern, tableName) let alltokens = [] let widthtokens = [] let lines = map(filter(filter(getline(1, '$'), 'v:val=~"^[1-9]"'), 'v:val=~a:pattern'), 'matchstr(v:val,"^\\S\\+")') for n in range(len(lines)) let line = lines[n] let token = split(line, '\.\.') let first = ('0x' . token[0]) + 0 if len(token) == 1 let last = first else let last = ('0x' . token[1]) + 0 endif let token = [first, last] if len(alltokens) > 0 && (token[0] - 1 == alltokens[-1][1]) let alltokens[-1][1] = token[1] else call add(alltokens, token) endif " Characters below 1F000 may be considered single width traditionally, " making them double width causes problems. if first < 0x1f000 continue endif " exclude characters that are in the "ambiguous" or "doublewidth" table for ambi in s:ambitable if first >= ambi[0] && first <= ambi[1] let first = ambi[1] + 1 endif if last >= ambi[0] && last <= ambi[1] let last = ambi[0] - 1 endif endfor for double in s:doubletable if first >= double[0] && first <= double[1] let first = double[1] + 1 endif if last >= double[0] && last <= double[1] let last = double[0] - 1 endif endfor if first <= last let token = [first, last] if len(widthtokens) > 0 && (token[0] - 1 == widthtokens[-1][1]) let widthtokens[-1][1] = token[1] else call add(widthtokens, token) endif endif endfor let allranges = map(alltokens, 'printf("\t{0x%04x, 0x%04x},", v:val[0], v:val[1])') let widthranges = map(widthtokens, 'printf("\t{0x%04x, 0x%04x},", v:val[0], v:val[1])') " New buffer to put the result in. new exe "file " . a:tableName . '_all' call setline(1, " static struct interval " . a:tableName . "_all[] =") call setline(2, " {") call append('$', allranges) call setline('$', getline('$')[:-2]) " remove last comma call setline(line('$') + 1, " };") wincmd p " New buffer to put the result in. new exe "file " . a:tableName . '_width' call setline(1, " static struct interval " . a:tableName . "_width[] =") call setline(2, " {") call append('$', widthranges) call setline('$', getline('$')[:-2]) " remove last comma call setline(line('$') + 1, " };") wincmd p endfunc " Try to avoid hitting E36 set equalalways " Edit the Unicode text file. Requires the netrw plugin. edit http://unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt " Parse each line, create a list of lists. call ParseDataToProps() " Build the toLower table. call BuildCaseTable("Lower", 13) " Build the toUpper table. call BuildCaseTable("Upper", 12) " Build the ranges of composing chars. call BuildCombiningTable() " Edit the case folding text file. Requires the netrw plugin. edit http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/CaseFolding.txt " Parse each line, create a list of lists. call ParseFoldProps() " Build the foldCase table. call BuildFoldTable() " Edit the width text file. Requires the netrw plugin. edit http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/EastAsianWidth.txt " Parse each line, create a list of lists. call ParseWidthProps() " Build the double width table. let s:doubletable = [] call BuildWidthTable('[WF]', 'doublewidth') " Build the ambiguous width table. let s:ambitable = [] call BuildWidthTable('A', 'ambiguous') " Edit the emoji text file. Requires the netrw plugin. edit https://www.unicode.org/Public/emoji/11.0/emoji-data.txt "edit http://www.unicode.org/Public/emoji/latest/emoji-data.txt " Build the emoji table. Ver. 1.0 - 6.0 " Must come after the "ambiguous" table call BuildEmojiTable('; Emoji\s\+#\s\+\d\+\.\d', 'emoji')