" Tests for regexp with backslash and other special characters inside [] " Also test backslash for hex/octal numbered character. function RunSTest(value, calls, expected) new call feedkeys("i" . a:value, "mx") exec a:calls call assert_equal(a:expected, getline(1), printf("wrong result for %s", a:calls)) quit! endfunction function RunXTest(value, search_exp, expected) new call feedkeys("i" . a:value, "mx") call feedkeys("gg" . a:search_exp . "\nx", "mx") call assert_equal(a:expected, getline(1), printf("wrong result for %s", a:search_exp)) quit! endfunction function Test_x_search() let res = "test text test text" call RunXTest("test \\text test text", "/[\\x]", res) call RunXTest("test \ttext test text", "/[\\t\\]]", res) call RunXTest("test text ]test text", "/[]y]", res) call RunXTest("test ]text test text", "/[\\]]", res) call RunXTest("test text te^st text", "/[y^]", res) call RunXTest("test te$xt test text", "/[$y]", res) call RunXTest("test taext test text", "/[\\x61]", res) call RunXTest("test tbext test text","/[\\x60-\\x64]", res) call RunXTest("test 5text test text","/[\\x785]", res) call RunXTest("testc text test text","/[\\o143]", res) call RunXTest("tesdt text test text","/[\\o140-\\o144]", res) call RunXTest("test7 text test text", "/[\\o417]", res) call RunXTest("test text tBest text", "/\\%x42", res) call RunXTest("test text teCst text", "/\\%o103", res) call RunXTest("test text \x00test text", "/[\\x00]", res) endfunction function Test_s_search() let res = "test text test text" call RunSTest("test te\x00xt t\x04est t\x10ext", "s/[\\x00-\\x10]//g", res) call RunSTest("test \\xyztext test text", "s/[\\x-z]\\+//", res) call RunSTest("test text tev\\uyst text", "s/[\\u-z]\\{2,}//", res) call RunSTest("xx aaaaa xx a", "s/\\(a\\)\\+//", "xx xx a") call RunSTest("xx aaaaa xx a", "s/\\(a*\\)\\+//", "xx aaaaa xx a") call RunSTest("xx aaaaa xx a", "s/\\(a*\\)*//", "xx aaaaa xx a") call RunSTest("xx aaaaa xx", "s/\\(a\\)\\{2,3}/A/", "xx Aaa xx") call RunSTest("xx aaaaa xx", "s/\\(a\\)\\{-2,3}/A/", "xx Aaaa xx") call RunSTest("xx aaa12aa xx", "s/\\(a\\)*\\(12\\)\\@>/A/", "xx Aaa xx") call RunSTest("xx foobar xbar xx", "s/\\(foo\\)\\@\\|\\.\\)\\=\\)\\+=/XX/", "XX 9;") call RunSTest("hh= 77;", "s/^\\(\\h\\w*\\%(->\\|\\.\\)\\=\\)\\+=/YY/", "YY 77;") call RunSTest(" aaa ", "s/aaa/xyz/", " xyz ") call RunSTest(" xyz", "s/~/bcd/", " bcd") call RunSTest(" bcdbcdbcd", "s/~\\+/BB/", " BB") endfunction