" Test for expanding file names func Test_with_directories() call mkdir('Xdir1') call mkdir('Xdir2') call mkdir('Xdir3') cd Xdir3 call mkdir('Xdir4') cd .. split Xdir1/file call setline(1, ['a', 'b']) w w Xdir3/Xdir4/file close next Xdir?/*/file call assert_equal('Xdir3/Xdir4/file', expand('%')) if has('unix') next! Xdir?/*/nofile call assert_equal('Xdir?/*/nofile', expand('%')) endif " Edit another file, on MS-Windows the swap file would be in use and can't " be deleted. edit foo call assert_equal(0, delete('Xdir1', 'rf')) call assert_equal(0, delete('Xdir2', 'rf')) call assert_equal(0, delete('Xdir3', 'rf')) endfunc func Test_with_tilde() let dir = getcwd() call mkdir('Xdir ~ dir') call assert_true(isdirectory('Xdir ~ dir')) cd Xdir\ ~\ dir call assert_true(getcwd() =~ 'Xdir \~ dir') exe 'cd ' . fnameescape(dir) call delete('Xdir ~ dir', 'd') call assert_false(isdirectory('Xdir ~ dir')) endfunc