structure-indexes   [plain text]

This file describes the design, data model, and storage formats of FSFS
index data.


Each pack and each rev file using logical addressing contains exactly
two index sections.  One, the log-to-phys index, maps the (rev, item_index)
pairs to absolute file offsets.  The other, phys-to-log, is a reverse
index that gives basic information on any file location.  This is enough
to read and cache any data without traversing DAGs.

Rev and pack files are immutable, so the same is true for index data.
During a transaction or while packing a file, a proto index file gets
written (actually, one log-to-phys and one phys-to-log).  They use a
simpler, less compact format with fixed record lengths.  A proto index
basically aggregates all the information that must later be transformed
into the final index.

General design concerns

In Subversion, there is no limit to the size of a revision; even practical
limits are in the order of millions of changes at least.  Index data for
these would be multiple megabytes in size with pack file indexes possibly
approaching 1 GB.  To ensure we still get roughly O(1) access time, we
need a hierarchical data structure.

Therefore, the indexes will start with a header containing an array of
references to sub-sections or pages.  The length of these pages varies
but is limited to a size configurable in fsfs.conf.

Finally, it is assumed that whole pages can be cached efficiently and
with a high cache hit rate.  So, although a page may have a thousand or
more entries, the access time is still amortized O(1) in many scenarios.

Items and item types

The index implementation treats item_index and item type as simple ints,
Since they have been defined as 0, the code may test for "used" etc.
by simply comparing with 0.

See section "addressing modes" in structure to a list of item types
and pre-defined item_index values.


The final index data format is tuned for space and decoding efficiency.
Indexes are stored as a sequence of variable integers.  The encoding is
as follows:

* Unsigned integers are stored in little endian order with a variable
  length 7b/8b encoding.  If most significant bit a byte has been set,
  the next byte has also belongs to the same value.

  0x00 .. 0x7f    -> 0x00 .. 0x7f               ( 7 bits stored in  8 bits)
  0x80 .. 0xff    -> 0x80 0x01 .. 0xff 0x01     (14 bits stored in 16 bits)
  0x100 .. 0x3fff -> 0x80 0x02 .. 0xff 0x7f     (14 bits stored in 16 bits)
  0x100000000     -> 0x80 0x80 0x80 0x80 0x10   (35 bits stored in 40 bits)

  Technically, we can represent integers of arbitrary lengths.  Currently,
  we only generate and parse up to 64 bits.

* Signed integers are mapped onto the unsigned value space as follows:

  x >= 0 ->  2 * x
  x < 0  -> -2 * x - 1

  Again, we can represent arbitrary length numbers that way but the code
  is currently restricted to 64 bits.

Most data is unsigned by nature but will be stored differentially using
signed integers.

Encoding in proto-index files

These have a much simpler encoding.  Throughout the files, all records have
the same length (but different between L2P and P2L).  All records contain
unsigned 64 bit integers only, stored in little endian byte order.

Log-to-phys index

This index has to map (rev, item_index) -> offset.  It assumes that the
item_index values per revision are dense and start at 0.  There may be
unused item_index values, though; the data structure simply gets less
space-efficient when the more sparse the value space gets.

Index data model


  header -> per-revision info -> page -> offset

  There is one entry per revision in the header.  Per revision there are
  one or more pages (exclusive to that revision) containing up to a known,
  fixed limit of entries (= page size).  The total access path is:

  pages = header->pages[revision];
  offsets = page = pages[item_index / page_size];
  offset = offsets[item_index % page_size];

  Different log-to-phys indexes in the same repository may have different
  page sizes but within any given index, the page size is the same and


  <first revision>   ... first revision covered by this index
  <revision count>   ... number of revision covered by this index
  <page size>        ... maximum number of entries per page
  <page table index> ... array, for each revision containing the index in
                         <page table> of the first page that belongs to
                         this revision.  This has <revision count>+1
                         entries to terminate the last revision.
  <page table>       ... array of page headers.  It has
                         <page table index>[<revision count>] entries.

page table:

  <offset>           ... absolute position of the page contents within the
  <entry count>      ... number of offset entries in the page.
                         Must match <header>.<page size> unless this is
                         the last page for the respective revision.
  <size>             ... length in bytes of the on-disk page description.
                         Note that this is redundant with the <offset>.


  <entry count>      ... number of offset entries in the page.
                         Must match <header>.<page size> unless this is
                         the last page for the respective revision.
                         Redundant with <page table>.<entry count>
  <offsets>          ... array of absolute file positions within the rev /
                         pack file.  This has <entry count> entries.

Index on-disk format

  index := "L2P-INDEX\n" header revisions pages offsets

  header := u(<header>.<first revision>) \
            u(<header>.<page size>) \
            u(<header>.<revision count>) \
            u(s(<header>.<page table>))

  revisions := u(  <header>.<page table index>[k+1]
                 - <header>.<page table index>[k]),
               for k in 0 .. <header>.<revision count>-1

  pages := u(<header>.<page table>[k].<size>) \
           u(<header>.<page table>[k].<entry count>),
           for k in 0 .. s(<header>.<page table>)-1

  offsets := page(k),
             for k in 0 .. s(<header>.<page table>)-1

  page(k) := i(<header>.<page table>[k].<offsets>[0]) \
             i(  <header>.<page table>[k].<offsets>[l] \
               - <header>.<page table>[k].<offsets>[l - 1]),
             for l in 1 .. s(<header>.<page table>[k].<entry count>)-1

  u(x) ... unsigned int x in 7b/8b encoding
  i(x) ... signed int x in 7b/8b encoding
  s(x) ... number of entries in array x

Proto index file format

The index will be created from a "revision-less" proto index file
containing (<offset><item_index>) pairs only.

All mappings belonging to the same revision must be written in one go but
there is no restriction on the order of those entries.  To signify that
a new revision begins, a (0, 0) mapping must be written.  A (0, 0) entry
at the beginning of the file is optional and will be ignored.

  <bof>         /* begin of proto index file for revision r and following */
  (0, 0)        /* mark start of revision r, optional for first rev */
  (off, item)*  /* zero or more mappings in random order */
  (0, 0)        /* mark start of revision r + 1 */
  (off, item)*  /* zero or more mappings in random order */
  (0, 0)        /* mark start of revision r + 2 */
  (off, item)*  /* zero or more mappings in random order */
  <eof>         /* end of file. */

All entries are pairs of 64 bit unsigned integers in little endian order.

Phys-to-log index

This index has to map offset -> (rev, item_index, type, len, checksum).

Index data model


  header -> page -> item info

  Logically, the index splits up index rev / pack file into pages of a
  fixed size.  That page size may differ from the FS's block size.  The
  index will describe each rev / pack file page with one index page.

  page = header->pages[offset % page_size];
  item info = binary_search(, offset)

  Note that the current implementation will not return any data if the
  offset is does not match any actual item start.  To simplify the lookup,
  the last index page will have an "unused item" entry for the section
  behind EOF.  Holes aren't allowed as well, i.e. every byte of the rev /
  pack is expected to be covered by the index.

  Also, there may be items stretching across page borders or even over
  multiple pages.  The data model solves this issue by storing the item
  descriptions as a "primary array" and then representing the pages as
  ranges within that array.  Thus multiple pages may reference the same
  item description.


  <first revision>   ... first revision covered by this index
  <file size>        ... size of the rev / pack file in bytes
  <page size>        ... number of bytes in the rev / pack file covered by
                         each index page
  <page count>       ... number of pages
  <offsets>          ... array of page offsets, i.e. locations the page
                         data within the index.
                         This array has <page count> + 1 entries.


  <entries>          ... array of item descriptions, ordered by offset.
                         First and last entry may cross page boundaries.


  <offset>           ... absolute position in the pack / rev file
  <size>             ... on-disk size of the item in the pack / rev file
  <type>             ... item type
  <FNV checksum>     ... modified 32 bit FNV-1a checksum of that section
                         of the pack / rev file (see below). 0 for empty
                         or zero-length items
  <revision>         ... revision that this item belongs to
  <item_index>       ... item_index within that revision

Index on-disk format

  index := "P2L-INDEX\n" header pages items

  header := u(<header>.<first revision>) \
            u(<header>.<file size>) \
            u(<header>.<page size>) \
            u(<header>.<page count>)

  pages := u(<header>.<offsets>[k+1] - <header>.<offsets>[k]),
           for k in 0 .. <header>.<page count> -1

  items := u(<items in page k>[0].<offset>) \
           u(<items in page k>[l].<size>) \
           i(c(<items in page k>[l]) - c(<items of page k>[l-1])) \
           i(  <items in page k>[l].<revision>
             - <items in page k>[l-1].<revision>), \
           u(FNV checksum)
           for l in 0 .. s(<items in page k>)-1,
           for k in 0 .. <header>.<page count>-1

  u(x) ... unsigned int x in 7b/8b encoding
  i(x) ... signed int x in 7b/8b encoding
  s(x) ... number of entries in collection x
  c(x) ... compound function := x.<item_index> * 8 + x.<type>

  Access to negative indexes gives a 0 value.

  <Items in page k> are in strict ascending offset order.  Items that
  started after the begin of a given page and overlap with the next page
  will not be stored in the start page.  The runtime representation will
  duplicate items overlapping page boundaries; the on-disk representation
  will not.  Thus, pages inside large items will have zero entries on disk.

Proto index file format

The index will be created from a proto index file containing simple
instances of svn_fs_fs__p2l_entry_t with the following element order:

  item offset               as uint64
  item size                 as uint64
  item type                 as uint64
  modified FNV1a checksum   as uint64
  revision                  as uint64, with SVN_INVALID_REVNUM mapped to 0
                                       and revisions >= 0 stored as rev+1
  item index                as uint64

All values are stored in little endian order.

Page table and header information, except start revision and page size,
can easily be derived from that information.

All entries must be written in strict offset order.  Overlapping entries
are not allowed; zero-length items are.

In transactions, the final revision number may not be known when writing
the proto index file (e.g. while still writing the proto rev file).  Items
with revision set to SVN_INVALID_REVNUM will therefore be automatically
updated when creating the final index.  This is possible in conjunction
with rev files but not for pack files.

FNV checksum

FNV-1a can be found here:
For performance reasons we use a modified version:

* split the input byte stream [b0 .. bN] into 4 sub-streams of equal
  length and up to 3 remnants:

  [b0 b4 b8 ..], [b1 b5 b9 ..], [b2 b6 b10 ..], [b3 b7 b11 ..], [remnant]

* calculate 32 bit FNV-1a checksums for the 4 substreams:

  h0 = fnv_1a([b0 b4 b8 ..]), ..., h3 = fnv_1a([b3 b7 b11 ..])

* concatenate the big endian representation of these checksums (4 bytes
  each) plus the remnant of the original stream into a 16 to 19 byte long

  [i0 .. iK] = [big-endian(h0) ... big-endian(h3) remnant ], 16 <= K+1 <= 19

* fold the variable-length intermediate into a compact 32 bit checksum:

  FNV checksum = fnv_1a([i0 .. iK])