#!/bin/env python # # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # # $Id: gen_junit_report.py 1741723 2016-04-30 08:16:53Z stefan2 $ """ gen_junit_report.py -- The script is to generate the junit report for Subversion tests. The script uses the log file, tests.log created by "make check" process. It parses the log file and generate the junit files for each test separately in the specified output directory. The script can take --log-file and --output-dir arguments. """ import sys import os import getopt def replace_from_map(data, encode): """replace substrings in DATA with replacements defined in ENCODING""" for pattern, replacement in encode.items(): data = data.replace(pattern, replacement) return data xml_encode_map = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''', } def xml_encode(data): """encode the xml characters in the data""" return replace_from_map(data, xml_encode_map) special_encode_map = { ']]>': ']]]]>', # CDATA terminator sequence '\000': '␀', # U+2400 SYMBOL FOR NULL '\001': '␁', # U+2401 SYMBOL FOR START OF HEADING '\002': '␂', # U+2402 SYMBOL FOR START OF TEXT '\003': '␃', # U+2403 SYMBOL FOR END OF TEXT '\004': '␄', # U+2404 SYMBOL FOR END OF TRANSMISSION '\005': '␅', # U+2405 SYMBOL FOR ENQUIRY '\006': '␆', # U+2406 SYMBOL FOR ACKNOWLEDGE '\007': '␇', # U+2407 SYMBOL FOR BELL '\010': '␈', # U+2408 SYMBOL FOR BACKSPACE '\011': '␉', # U+2409 SYMBOL FOR HORIZONTAL TABULATION #'\012': '␊', # U+240A SYMBOL FOR LINE FEED '\013': '␋', # U+240B SYMBOL FOR VERTICAL TABULATION '\014': '␌', # U+240C SYMBOL FOR FORM FEED #'\015': '␍', # U+240D SYMBOL FOR CARRIAGE RETURN '\016': '␎', # U+240E SYMBOL FOR SHIFT OUT '\017': '␏', # U+240F SYMBOL FOR SHIFT IN '\020': '␐', # U+2410 SYMBOL FOR DATA LINK ESCAPE '\021': '␑', # U+2411 SYMBOL FOR DEVICE CONTROL ONE '\022': '␒', # U+2412 SYMBOL FOR DEVICE CONTROL TWO '\023': '␓', # U+2413 SYMBOL FOR DEVICE CONTROL THREE '\024': '␔', # U+2414 SYMBOL FOR DEVICE CONTROL FOUR '\025': '␕', # U+2415 SYMBOL FOR NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE '\026': '␖', # U+2416 SYMBOL FOR SYNCHRONOUS IDLE '\027': '␗', # U+2417 SYMBOL FOR END OF TRAMSNISSION BLOCK '\030': '␘', # U+2418 SYMBOL FOR CANCEL '\031': '␙', # U+2419 SYMBOL FOR END OF MEDIUM '\032': '␚', # U+241A SYMBOL FOR SUBSTITUTE '\033': '␛', # U+241B SYMBOL FOR ESCAPE '\034': '␜', # U+241C SYMBOL FOR FILE SEPARATOR '\035': '␝', # U+241D SYMBOL FOR GROUP SEPARATOR '\036': '␞', # U+241E SYMBOL FOR RECORD SEPARATOR '\037': '␟', # U+241F SYMBOL FOR UNIT SEPARATOR } def escape_special_characters(data): """remove special characters in test failure reasons""" if data: data = replace_from_map(data, special_encode_map) return data def start_junit(): """define the beginning of xml document""" head = """""" return head def start_testsuite(test_name): """start testsuite. The value for the attributes are replaced later when the junit file handling is concluded""" sub_test_name = test_name.replace('.', '-') start = """""" % \ (test_name, test_name, sub_test_name, test_name, test_name, test_name) return start def junit_testcase_ok(test_name, casename): """mark the test case as PASSED""" casename = xml_encode(casename) sub_test_name = test_name.replace('.', '-') case = """""" % \ (test_name, casename, sub_test_name) return case def junit_testcase_fail(test_name, casename, reason=None): """mark the test case as FAILED""" casename = xml_encode(casename) sub_test_name = test_name.replace('.', '-') reason = escape_special_characters(reason) case = """ """ % (test_name, casename, sub_test_name, reason) return case def junit_testcase_xfail(test_name, casename, reason=None): """mark the test case as XFAILED""" casename = xml_encode(casename) sub_test_name = test_name.replace('.', '-') reason = escape_special_characters(reason) case = """ """ % (test_name, casename, sub_test_name, reason) return case def junit_testcase_skip(test_name, casename): """mark the test case as SKIPPED""" casename = xml_encode(casename) sub_test_name = test_name.replace('.', '-') case = """ """ % (test_name, casename, sub_test_name) return case def end_testsuite(): """mark the end of testsuite""" end = """""" return end def update_stat(test_name, junit, count): """update the test statistics in the junit string""" junit_str = '\n'.join(junit) t_count = count[test_name] total = float(t_count['pass'] + t_count['fail'] + t_count['skip']) elapsed = float(t_count['elapsed']) case_time = 0 if total > 0: # there are tests with no test cases case_time = elapsed/total total_patt = 'TOTAL_%s' % test_name fail_patt = 'FAIL_%s' % test_name skip_patt = 'SKIP_%s' % test_name elapsed_patt = 'ELAPSED_%s' % test_name elapsed_case_patt = 'ELAPSED_CASE_%s' % test_name # replace the pattern in junit string with actual statistics junit_str = junit_str.replace(total_patt, "%s" % total) junit_str = junit_str.replace(fail_patt, "%s" % t_count['fail']) junit_str = junit_str.replace(skip_patt, "%s" % t_count['skip']) junit_str = junit_str.replace(elapsed_patt, "%.3f" % elapsed) junit_str = junit_str.replace(elapsed_case_patt, "%.3f" % case_time) return junit_str def main(): """main method""" try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'l:d:h', ['log-file=', 'output-dir=', 'help']) except getopt.GetoptError as err: usage(err) log_file = None output_dir = None for opt, value in opts: if (opt in ('-h', '--help')): usage() elif (opt in ('-l', '--log-file')): log_file = value elif (opt in ('-d', '--output-dir')): output_dir = value else: usage('Unable to recognize option') if not log_file or not output_dir: usage("The options --log-file and --output-dir are mandatory") # create junit output directory, if not exists if not os.path.exists(output_dir): print("Directory '%s' not exists, creating ..." % output_dir) try: os.makedirs(output_dir) except OSError as err: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s\n" % err) sys.exit(1) patterns = { 'start' : 'START:', 'end' : 'END:', 'pass' : 'PASS:', 'skip' : 'SKIP:', 'fail' : 'FAIL:', 'xfail' : 'XFAIL:', 'elapsed' : 'ELAPSED:' } junit = [] junit.append(start_junit()) reason = None count = {} fp = None try: fp = open(log_file, 'r') except IOError as err: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s\n" % err) sys.exit(1) for line in fp.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line.startswith(patterns['start']): reason = "" test_name = line.split(' ')[1] # replace '.' in test name with '_' to avoid confusing class # name in test result displayed in the CI user interface test_name.replace('.', '_') count[test_name] = { 'pass' : 0, 'skip' : 0, 'fail' : 0, 'xfail' : 0, 'elapsed' : 0, 'total' : 0 } junit.append(start_testsuite(test_name)) elif line.startswith(patterns['end']): junit.append(end_testsuite()) elif line.startswith(patterns['pass']): reason = "" casename = line.strip(patterns['pass']).strip() junit.append(junit_testcase_ok(test_name, casename)) count[test_name]['pass'] += 1 elif line.startswith(patterns['skip']): reason = "" casename = line.strip(patterns['skip']).strip() junit.append(junit_testcase_skip(test_name, casename)) count[test_name]['skip'] += 1 elif line.startswith(patterns['fail']): casename = line.strip(patterns['fail']).strip() junit.append(junit_testcase_fail(test_name, casename, reason)) count[test_name]['fail'] += 1 reason = "" elif line.startswith(patterns['xfail']): casename = line.strip(patterns['xfail']).strip() junit.append(junit_testcase_xfail(test_name, casename, reason)) count[test_name]['pass'] += 1 reason = "" elif line.startswith(patterns['elapsed']): reason = "" elapsed = line.split(' ')[2].strip() (hrs, mins, secs) = elapsed.split(':') secs_taken = int(hrs)*24 + int(mins)*60 + float(secs) count[test_name]['elapsed'] = secs_taken junit_str = update_stat(test_name, junit, count) test_junit_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "%s.junit.xml" % test_name) w_fp = open (test_junit_file, 'w') w_fp.writelines(junit_str) w_fp.close() junit = [] elif len(line): reason = "%s\n%s" % (reason, line) fp.close() def usage(errorMsg=None): script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) sys.stdout.write("""USAGE: %s: [--help|h] --log-file|l --output-dir|d Options: --help|-h Display help message --log-file|l The log file to parse for generating junit xml files --output-dir|d The directory to create the junit xml file for each test """ % script_name) if errorMsg is not None: sys.stderr.write("\nERROR: %s\n" % errorMsg) sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()