#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # # $HeadURL: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/branches/1.10.x/tools/hook-scripts/svnperms.py $ # $LastChangedDate: 2016-04-30 08:16:53 +0000 (Sat, 30 Apr 2016) $ # $LastChangedBy: stefan2 $ # $LastChangedRevision: 1741723 $ import sys, os import getopt import shlex try: # Python >=3.0 from subprocess import getstatusoutput as subprocess_getstatusoutput except ImportError: # Python <3.0 from commands import getstatusoutput as subprocess_getstatusoutput try: my_getopt = getopt.gnu_getopt except AttributeError: my_getopt = getopt.getopt import re __author__ = "Gustavo Niemeyer " class Error(Exception): pass SECTION = re.compile(r'\[([^]]+?)(?:\s+extends\s+([^]]+))?\]') OPTION = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*)$') class Config: def __init__(self, filename): # Options are stored in __sections_list like this: # [(sectname, [(optname, optval), ...]), ...] self._sections_list = [] self._sections_dict = {} self._read(filename) def _read(self, filename): # Use the same logic as in ConfigParser.__read() file = open(filename) cursectdict = None optname = None lineno = 0 for line in file: lineno = lineno + 1 if line.isspace() or line[0] == '#': continue if line[0].isspace() and cursectdict is not None and optname: value = line.strip() cursectdict[optname] = "%s %s" % (cursectdict[optname], value) cursectlist[-1][1] = "%s %s" % (cursectlist[-1][1], value) else: m = SECTION.match(line) if m: sectname = m.group(1) parentsectname = m.group(2) if parentsectname is None: # No parent section defined, so start a new section cursectdict = self._sections_dict.setdefault \ (sectname, {}) cursectlist = [] else: # Copy the parent section into the new section parentsectdict = self._sections_dict.get \ (parentsectname, {}) cursectdict = self._sections_dict.setdefault \ (sectname, parentsectdict.copy()) cursectlist = self.walk(parentsectname) self._sections_list.append((sectname, cursectlist)) optname = None elif cursectdict is None: raise Error("%s:%d: no section header" % \ (filename, lineno)) else: m = OPTION.match(line) if m: optname, optval = m.groups() optval = optval.strip() cursectdict[optname] = optval cursectlist.append([optname, optval]) else: raise Error("%s:%d: parsing error" % \ (filename, lineno)) def sections(self): return list(self._sections_dict.keys()) def options(self, section): return list(self._sections_dict.get(section, {}).keys()) def get(self, section, option, default=None): return self._sections_dict.get(option, default) def walk(self, section, option=None): ret = [] for sectname, options in self._sections_list: if sectname == section: for optname, value in options: if not option or optname == option: ret.append((optname, value)) return ret class Permission: def __init__(self): self._group = {} self._permlist = [] def parse_groups(self, groupsiter): for option, value in groupsiter: groupusers = [] for token in shlex.split(value): # expand nested groups in place; no forward decls if token[0] == "@": try: groupusers.extend(self._group[token[1:]]) except KeyError: raise Error, "group '%s' not found" % token[1:] else: groupusers.append(token) self._group[option] = groupusers def parse_perms(self, permsiter): for option, value in permsiter: # Paths never start with /, so remove it if provided if option[0] == "/": option = option[1:] pattern = re.compile("^%s$" % option) for entry in value.split(): openpar, closepar = entry.find("("), entry.find(")") groupsusers = entry[:openpar].split(",") perms = entry[openpar+1:closepar].split(",") users = [] for groupuser in groupsusers: if groupuser[0] == "@": try: users.extend(self._group[groupuser[1:]]) except KeyError: raise Error("group '%s' not found" % \ groupuser[1:]) else: users.append(groupuser) self._permlist.append((pattern, users, perms)) def get(self, user, path): ret = [] for pattern, users, perms in self._permlist: if pattern.match(path) and (user in users or "*" in users): ret = perms return ret class SVNLook: def __init__(self, repospath, txn=None, rev=None): self.repospath = repospath self.txn = txn self.rev = rev def _execcmd(self, *cmd, **kwargs): cmdstr = " ".join(cmd) status, output = subprocess_getstatusoutput(cmdstr) if status != 0: sys.stderr.write(cmdstr) sys.stderr.write("\n") sys.stderr.write(output) raise Error("command failed: %s\n%s" % (cmdstr, output)) return status, output def _execsvnlook(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs): execcmd_args = ["svnlook", cmd, self.repospath] self._add_txnrev(execcmd_args, kwargs) execcmd_args += args execcmd_kwargs = {} keywords = ["show", "noerror"] for key in keywords: if key in kwargs: execcmd_kwargs[key] = kwargs[key] return self._execcmd(*execcmd_args, **execcmd_kwargs) def _add_txnrev(self, cmd_args, received_kwargs): if "txn" in received_kwargs: txn = received_kwargs.get("txn") if txn is not None: cmd_args += ["-t", txn] elif self.txn is not None: cmd_args += ["-t", self.txn] if "rev" in received_kwargs: rev = received_kwargs.get("rev") if rev is not None: cmd_args += ["-r", rev] elif self.rev is not None: cmd_args += ["-r", self.rev] def changed(self, **kwargs): status, output = self._execsvnlook("changed", **kwargs) if status != 0: return None changes = [] for line in output.splitlines(): line = line.rstrip() if not line: continue entry = [None, None, None] changedata, changeprop, path = None, None, None if line[0] != "_": changedata = line[0] if line[1] != " ": changeprop = line[1] path = line[4:] changes.append((changedata, changeprop, path)) return changes def author(self, **kwargs): status, output = self._execsvnlook("author", **kwargs) if status != 0: return None return output.strip() def check_perms(filename, section, repos, txn=None, rev=None, author=None): svnlook = SVNLook(repos, txn=txn, rev=rev) if author is None: author = svnlook.author() changes = svnlook.changed() try: config = Config(filename) except IOError: raise Error("can't read config file "+filename) if not section in config.sections(): raise Error("section '%s' not found in config file" % section) perm = Permission() perm.parse_groups(config.walk("groups")) perm.parse_groups(config.walk(section+" groups")) perm.parse_perms(config.walk(section)) permerrors = [] for changedata, changeprop, path in changes: pathperms = perm.get(author, path) if changedata == "A" and "add" not in pathperms: permerrors.append("you can't add "+path) elif changedata == "U" and "update" not in pathperms: permerrors.append("you can't update "+path) elif changedata == "D" and "remove" not in pathperms: permerrors.append("you can't remove "+path) elif changeprop == "U" and "update" not in pathperms: permerrors.append("you can't update properties of "+path) #else: # print "cdata=%s cprop=%s path=%s perms=%s" % \ # (str(changedata), str(changeprop), path, str(pathperms)) if permerrors: permerrors.insert(0, "you don't have enough permissions for " "this transaction:") raise Error("\n".join(permerrors)) # Command: USAGE = """\ Usage: svnperms.py OPTIONS Options: -r PATH Use repository at PATH to check transactions -t TXN Query transaction TXN for commit information -f PATH Use PATH as configuration file (default is repository path + /conf/svnperms.conf) -s NAME Use section NAME as permission section (default is repository name, extracted from repository path) -R REV Query revision REV for commit information (for tests) -A AUTHOR Check commit as if AUTHOR had committed it (for tests) -h Show this message """ class MissingArgumentsException(Exception): "Thrown when required arguments are missing." pass def parse_options(): try: opts, args = my_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:s:r:t:R:A:h", ["help"]) except getopt.GetoptError as e: raise Error(e.msg) class Options: pass obj = Options() obj.filename = None obj.section = None obj.repository = None obj.transaction = None obj.revision = None obj.author = None for opt, val in opts: if opt == "-f": obj.filename = val elif opt == "-s": obj.section = val elif opt == "-r": obj.repository = val elif opt == "-t": obj.transaction = val elif opt == "-R": obj.revision = val elif opt == "-A": obj.author = val elif opt in ["-h", "--help"]: sys.stdout.write(USAGE) sys.exit(0) missingopts = [] if not obj.repository: missingopts.append("repository") if not (obj.transaction or obj.revision): missingopts.append("either transaction or a revision") if missingopts: raise MissingArgumentsException("missing required option(s): " + ", ".join(missingopts)) obj.repository = os.path.abspath(obj.repository) if obj.filename is None: obj.filename = os.path.join(obj.repository, "conf", "svnperms.conf") if obj.section is None: obj.section = os.path.basename(obj.repository) if not (os.path.isdir(obj.repository) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(obj.repository, "db")) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(obj.repository, "hooks")) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(obj.repository, "format"))): raise Error("path '%s' doesn't look like a repository" % \ obj.repository) return obj def main(): try: opts = parse_options() check_perms(opts.filename, opts.section, opts.repository, opts.transaction, opts.revision, opts.author) except MissingArgumentsException as e: sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % str(e)) sys.stderr.write(USAGE) sys.exit(1) except Error as e: sys.stderr.write("error: %s\n" % str(e)) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main() # 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