#!/usr/bin/env python # # svnshell.py : a Python-based shell interface for cruising 'round in # the filesystem. # ###################################################################### # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. ###################################################################### # import sys import time import re from cmd import Cmd from random import randint from svn import fs, core, repos class SVNShell(Cmd): def __init__(self, path): """initialize an SVNShell object""" Cmd.__init__(self) path = core.svn_path_canonicalize(path) self.fs_ptr = repos.fs(repos.open(path)) self.is_rev = 1 self.rev = fs.youngest_rev(self.fs_ptr) self.txn = None self.root = fs.revision_root(self.fs_ptr, self.rev) self.path = "/" self._setup_prompt() self.cmdloop() def precmd(self, line): if line == "EOF": # Ctrl-D is a command without a newline. Print a newline, so the next # shell prompt is not on the same line as the last svnshell prompt. print("") return "exit" return line def postcmd(self, stop, line): self._setup_prompt() _errors = ["Huh?", "Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?", "Say what?", "Nope. Not gonna do it.", "Ehh...I don't think so, chief."] def default(self, line): print(self._errors[randint(0, len(self._errors) - 1)]) def do_cat(self, arg): """dump the contents of a file""" if not len(arg): print("You must supply a file path.") return catpath = self._parse_path(arg) kind = fs.check_path(self.root, catpath) if kind == core.svn_node_none: print("Path '%s' does not exist." % catpath) return if kind == core.svn_node_dir: print("Path '%s' is not a file." % catpath) return ### be nice to get some paging in here. stream = fs.file_contents(self.root, catpath) while True: data = core.svn_stream_read(stream, core.SVN_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE) sys.stdout.write(data) if len(data) < core.SVN_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE: break def do_cd(self, arg): """change directory""" newpath = self._parse_path(arg) # make sure that path actually exists in the filesystem as a directory kind = fs.check_path(self.root, newpath) if kind != core.svn_node_dir: print("Path '%s' is not a valid filesystem directory." % newpath) return self.path = newpath def do_ls(self, arg): """list the contents of the current directory or provided path""" parent = self.path if not len(arg): # no arg -- show a listing for the current directory. entries = fs.dir_entries(self.root, self.path) else: # arg? show a listing of that path. newpath = self._parse_path(arg) kind = fs.check_path(self.root, newpath) if kind == core.svn_node_dir: parent = newpath entries = fs.dir_entries(self.root, parent) elif kind == core.svn_node_file: parts = self._path_to_parts(newpath) name = parts.pop(-1) parent = self._parts_to_path(parts) print(parent + ':' + name) tmpentries = fs.dir_entries(self.root, parent) if not tmpentries.get(name, None): return entries = {} entries[name] = tmpentries[name] else: print("Path '%s' not found." % newpath) return keys = sorted(entries.keys()) print(" REV AUTHOR NODE-REV-ID SIZE DATE NAME") print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------") for entry in keys: fullpath = parent + '/' + entry size = '' is_dir = fs.is_dir(self.root, fullpath) if is_dir: name = entry + '/' else: size = str(fs.file_length(self.root, fullpath)) name = entry node_id = fs.unparse_id(entries[entry].id) created_rev = fs.node_created_rev(self.root, fullpath) author = fs.revision_prop(self.fs_ptr, created_rev, core.SVN_PROP_REVISION_AUTHOR) if not author: author = "" date = fs.revision_prop(self.fs_ptr, created_rev, core.SVN_PROP_REVISION_DATE) if not date: date = "" else: date = self._format_date(date) print("%6s %8s %12s %8s %12s %s" % (created_rev, author[:8], node_id, size, date, name)) def do_lstxns(self, arg): """list the transactions available for browsing""" txns = sorted(fs.list_transactions(self.fs_ptr)) counter = 0 for txn in txns: counter = counter + 1 sys.stdout.write("%8s " % txn) if counter == 6: print("") counter = 0 print("") def do_pcat(self, arg): """list the properties of a path""" catpath = self.path if len(arg): catpath = self._parse_path(arg) kind = fs.check_path(self.root, catpath) if kind == core.svn_node_none: print("Path '%s' does not exist." % catpath) return plist = fs.node_proplist(self.root, catpath) if not plist: return for pkey, pval in plist.items(): print('K ' + str(len(pkey))) print(pkey) print('P ' + str(len(pval))) print(pval) print('PROPS-END') def do_setrev(self, arg): """set the current revision to view""" try: if arg.lower() == 'head': rev = fs.youngest_rev(self.fs_ptr) else: rev = int(arg) newroot = fs.revision_root(self.fs_ptr, rev) except: print("Error setting the revision to '" + arg + "'.") return fs.close_root(self.root) self.root = newroot self.rev = rev self.is_rev = 1 self._do_path_landing() def do_settxn(self, arg): """set the current transaction to view""" try: txnobj = fs.open_txn(self.fs_ptr, arg) newroot = fs.txn_root(txnobj) except: print("Error setting the transaction to '" + arg + "'.") return fs.close_root(self.root) self.root = newroot self.txn = arg self.is_rev = 0 self._do_path_landing() def do_youngest(self, arg): """list the youngest revision available for browsing""" rev = fs.youngest_rev(self.fs_ptr) print(rev) def do_exit(self, arg): sys.exit(0) def _path_to_parts(self, path): return [_f for _f in path.split('/') if _f] def _parts_to_path(self, parts): return '/' + '/'.join(parts) def _parse_path(self, path): # cleanup leading, trailing, and duplicate '/' characters newpath = self._parts_to_path(self._path_to_parts(path)) # if PATH is absolute, use it, else append it to the existing path. if path.startswith('/') or self.path == '/': newpath = '/' + newpath else: newpath = self.path + '/' + newpath # cleanup '.' and '..' parts = self._path_to_parts(newpath) finalparts = [] for part in parts: if part == '.': pass elif part == '..': if len(finalparts) != 0: finalparts.pop(-1) else: finalparts.append(part) # finally, return the calculated path return self._parts_to_path(finalparts) def _format_date(self, date): date = core.svn_time_from_cstring(date) date = time.asctime(time.localtime(date / 1000000)) return date[4:-8] def _do_path_landing(self): """try to land on self.path as a directory in root, failing up to '/'""" not_found = 1 newpath = self.path while not_found: kind = fs.check_path(self.root, newpath) if kind == core.svn_node_dir: not_found = 0 else: parts = self._path_to_parts(newpath) parts.pop(-1) newpath = self._parts_to_path(parts) self.path = newpath def _setup_prompt(self): """present the prompt and handle the user's input""" if self.is_rev: self.prompt = "$ " def _complete(self, text, line, begidx, endidx, limit_node_kind=None): """Generic tab completer. Takes the 4 standard parameters passed to a cmd.Cmd completer function, plus LIMIT_NODE_KIND, which should be a svn.core.svn_node_foo constant to restrict the returned completions to, or None for no limit. Catches and displays exceptions, because otherwise they are silently ignored - which is quite frustrating when debugging!""" try: args = line.split() if len(args) > 1: arg = args[1] else: arg = "" dirs = arg.split('/') user_elem = dirs[-1] user_dir = "/".join(dirs[:-1] + ['']) canon_dir = self._parse_path(user_dir) entries = fs.dir_entries(self.root, canon_dir) acceptable_completions = [] for name, dirent_t in entries.items(): if not name.startswith(user_elem): continue if limit_node_kind and dirent_t.kind != limit_node_kind: continue if dirent_t.kind == core.svn_node_dir: name += '/' acceptable_completions.append(name) if limit_node_kind == core.svn_node_dir or not limit_node_kind: if user_elem in ('.', '..'): for extraname in ('.', '..'): if extraname.startswith(user_elem): acceptable_completions.append(extraname + '/') return acceptable_completions except: ei = sys.exc_info() sys.stderr.write("EXCEPTION WHILST COMPLETING\n") import traceback traceback.print_tb(ei[2]) sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (ei[0], ei[1])) raise def complete_cd(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): return self._complete(text, line, begidx, endidx, core.svn_node_dir) def complete_cat(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): return self._complete(text, line, begidx, endidx, core.svn_node_file) def complete_ls(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): return self._complete(text, line, begidx, endidx) def complete_pcat(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): return self._complete(text, line, begidx, endidx) def _basename(path): "Return the basename for a '/'-separated path." idx = path.rfind('/') if idx == -1: return path return path[idx+1:] def usage(exit): if exit: output = sys.stderr else: output = sys.stdout output.write( "usage: %s REPOS_PATH\n" "\n" "Once the program has started, type 'help' at the prompt for hints on\n" "using the shell.\n" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(exit) def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 2: usage(1) SVNShell(sys.argv[1]) if __name__ == '__main__': main()