#!/usr/bin/env python # # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # ## See the usage() function for operating instructions. ## import re try: # Python >=2.6 from functools import reduce except ImportError: # Python <2.6 pass import sys import operator _re_trail = re.compile('\((?P[a-z_]*), (?P[a-z_\-./]*), (?P[0-9]*), (?P0|1)\): (?P.*)') _re_table_op = re.compile('\(([a-z]*), ([a-z]*)\)') _seperator = '------------------------------------------------------------\n' def parse_trails_log(infile): trails = [] lineno = 0 for line in infile.readlines(): m = _re_trail.match(line) lineno = lineno + 1 if not m: sys.stderr.write('Invalid input, line %u:\n%s\n' % (lineno, line)) sys.exit(1) txn = int(m.group('txn')) if not txn: ### We're not interested in trails that don't use txns at this point. continue txn_body = (m.group('txn_body'), m.group('filename'), int(m.group('lineno'))) trail = _re_table_op.findall(m.group('ops')) trail.reverse() if not trail: sys.stderr.write('Warning! Empty trail at line %u:\n%s' % (lineno, line)) trails.append((txn_body, trail)) return trails def output_summary(trails, outfile): ops = [] for (txn_body, trail) in trails: ops.append(len(trail)) ops.sort() total_trails = len(ops) total_ops = reduce(operator.add, ops) max_ops = ops[-1] median_ops = ops[total_trails / 2] average_ops = float(total_ops) / total_trails outfile.write(_seperator) outfile.write('Summary\n') outfile.write(_seperator) outfile.write('Total number of trails: %10i\n' % total_trails) outfile.write('Total number of ops: %10i\n' % total_ops) outfile.write('max ops/trail: %10i\n' % max_ops) outfile.write('median ops/trail: %10i\n' % median_ops) outfile.write('average ops/trail: %10.2f\n' % average_ops) outfile.write('\n') # custom compare function def _freqtable_cmp(a_b, c_d): (a, b) = a_b (c, d) = c_d c = cmp(d, b) if not c: c = cmp(a, c) return c def list_frequencies(list): """ Given a list, return a list composed of (item, frequency) in sorted order """ counter = {} for item in list: counter[item] = counter.get(item, 0) + 1 frequencies = list(counter.items()) frequencies.sort(_freqtable_cmp) return frequencies def output_trail_length_frequencies(trails, outfile): ops = [] for (txn_body, trail) in trails: ops.append(len(trail)) total_trails = len(ops) frequencies = list_frequencies(ops) outfile.write(_seperator) outfile.write('Trail length frequencies\n') outfile.write(_seperator) outfile.write('ops/trail frequency percentage\n') for (r, f) in frequencies: p = float(f) * 100 / total_trails outfile.write('%4i %6i %5.2f\n' % (r, f, p)) outfile.write('\n') def output_trail(outfile, trail, column = 0): ### Output the trail itself, in its own column if len(trail) == 0: outfile.write('\n') return line = str(trail[0]) for op in trail[1:]: op_str = str(op) if len(line) + len(op_str) > 75 - column: outfile.write('%s,\n' % line) outfile.write(''.join(' ' * column)) line = op_str else: line = line + ', ' + op_str outfile.write('%s\n' % line) outfile.write('\n') def output_trail_frequencies(trails, outfile): total_trails = len(trails) ttrails = [] for (txn_body, trail) in trails: ttrails.append((txn_body, tuple(trail))) frequencies = list_frequencies(ttrails) outfile.write(_seperator) outfile.write('Trail frequencies\n') outfile.write(_seperator) outfile.write('frequency percentage ops/trail trail\n') for (((txn_body, file, line), trail), f) in frequencies: p = float(f) * 100 / total_trails outfile.write('-- %s - %s:%u --\n' % (txn_body, file, line)) outfile.write('%6i %5.2f %4i ' % (f, p, len(trail))) output_trail(outfile, trail, 37) def output_txn_body_frequencies(trails, outfile): bodies = [] for (txn_body, trail) in trails: bodies.append(txn_body) total_trails = len(trails) frequencies = list_frequencies(bodies) outfile.write(_seperator) outfile.write('txn_body frequencies\n') outfile.write(_seperator) outfile.write('frequency percentage txn_body\n') for ((txn_body, file, line), f) in frequencies: p = float(f) * 100 / total_trails outfile.write('%6i %5.2f %s - %s:%u\n' % (f, p, txn_body, file, line)) def usage(pgm): w = sys.stderr.write w("%s: a program for analyzing Subversion trail usage statistics.\n" % pgm) w("\n") w("Usage:\n") w("\n") w(" Compile Subversion with -DSVN_FS__TRAIL_DEBUG, which will cause it\n") w(" it to print trail statistics to stderr. Save the stats to a file,\n") w(" invoke %s on the file, and ponder the output.\n" % pgm) w("\n") if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 2: sys.stderr.write("Error: too many arguments\n\n") usage(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) if len(sys.argv) == 1: infile = sys.stdin else: try: infile = open(sys.argv[1]) except (IOError): sys.stderr.write("Error: unable to open '%s'\n\n" % sys.argv[1]) usage(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) trails = parse_trails_log(infile) output_summary(trails, sys.stdout) output_trail_length_frequencies(trails, sys.stdout) output_trail_frequencies(trails, sys.stdout) output_txn_body_frequencies(trails, sys.stdout)