repos.h   [plain text]

/* repos.h : interface to Subversion repository, private to libsvn_repos
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 *    distributed with this work for additional information
 *    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 *    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 *    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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#include <apr_pools.h>
#include <apr_hash.h>

#include "svn_fs.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

/* Repository format number.

   Formats 0, 1 and 2 were pre-1.0.

   Format 3 was current for 1.0 through to 1.3.

   Format 4 was an abortive experiment during the development of the
   locking feature in the lead up to 1.2.

   Format 5 was new in 1.4, and is the first format which may contain
   BDB or FSFS filesystems with a FS format other than 1, since prior
   formats are accepted by some versions of Subversion which do not
   pay attention to the FS format number.
#define SVN_REPOS__FORMAT_NUMBER         5

/*** Repository layout. ***/

/* The top-level repository dir contains a README and various
   subdirectories.  */
#define SVN_REPOS__README      "README.txt" /* Explanation for trespassers. */
#define SVN_REPOS__FORMAT      "format"     /* Stores the current version
                                               of the repository. */
#define SVN_REPOS__DB_DIR      "db"         /* Where Berkeley lives. */
#define SVN_REPOS__DAV_DIR     "dav"        /* DAV sandbox, for pre-1.5 */
#define SVN_REPOS__LOCK_DIR    "locks"      /* Lock files live here. */
#define SVN_REPOS__HOOK_DIR    "hooks"      /* Hook programs. */
#define SVN_REPOS__CONF_DIR    "conf"       /* Configuration files. */

/* Things for which we keep lockfiles. */
#define SVN_REPOS__DB_LOCKFILE "db.lock" /* Our Berkeley lockfile. */
#define SVN_REPOS__DB_LOGS_LOCKFILE "db-logs.lock" /* BDB logs lockfile. */

/* In the repository hooks directory, look for these files. */
#define SVN_REPOS__HOOK_START_COMMIT    "start-commit"
#define SVN_REPOS__HOOK_PRE_COMMIT      "pre-commit"
#define SVN_REPOS__HOOK_POST_COMMIT     "post-commit"
#define SVN_REPOS__HOOK_READ_SENTINEL   "read-sentinels"
#define SVN_REPOS__HOOK_WRITE_SENTINEL  "write-sentinels"
#define SVN_REPOS__HOOK_PRE_REVPROP_CHANGE  "pre-revprop-change"
#define SVN_REPOS__HOOK_POST_REVPROP_CHANGE "post-revprop-change"
#define SVN_REPOS__HOOK_PRE_LOCK        "pre-lock"
#define SVN_REPOS__HOOK_POST_LOCK       "post-lock"
#define SVN_REPOS__HOOK_PRE_UNLOCK      "pre-unlock"
#define SVN_REPOS__HOOK_POST_UNLOCK     "post-unlock"

/* The extension added to the names of example hook scripts. */
#define SVN_REPOS__HOOK_DESC_EXT        ".tmpl"

/* The configuration file for svnserve, in the repository conf directory. */
#define SVN_REPOS__CONF_SVNSERVE_CONF "svnserve.conf"

/* In the svnserve default configuration, these are the suggested
   locations for the passwd and authz files (in the repository conf
   directory), and we put example templates there. */
#define SVN_REPOS__CONF_PASSWD "passwd"
#define SVN_REPOS__CONF_AUTHZ "authz"

/* The Repository object, created by svn_repos_open2() and
   svn_repos_create(). */
struct svn_repos_t
  /* A Subversion filesystem object. */
  svn_fs_t *fs;

  /* The path to the repository's top-level directory. */
  char *path;

  /* The path to the repository's conf directory. */
  char *conf_path;

  /* The path to the repository's hooks directory. */
  char *hook_path;

  /* The path to the repository's locks directory. */
  char *lock_path;

  /* The path to the Berkeley DB filesystem environment. */
  char *db_path;

  /* The format number of this repository. */
  int format;

  /* The FS backend in use within this repository. */
  const char *fs_type;

  /* If non-null, a list of all the capabilities the client (on the
     current connection) has self-reported.  Each element is a
     'const char *', one of SVN_RA_CAPABILITY_*.

     Note: it is somewhat counterintuitive that we store the client's
     capabilities, which are session-specific, on the repository
     object.  You'd think the capabilities here would represent the
     *repository's* capabilities, but no, they represent the
     client's -- we just don't have any other place to persist them. */
  const apr_array_header_t *client_capabilities;

  /* Maps SVN_REPOS_CAPABILITY_foo keys to "yes" or "no" values.
     If a capability is not yet discovered, it is absent from the table.
     Most likely the keys and values are constants anyway (and
     sufficiently well-informed internal code may just compare against
     those constants' addresses, therefore). */
  apr_hash_t *repository_capabilities;

/*** Hook-running Functions ***/

/* Run the start-commit hook for REPOS.  Use POOL for any temporary
   allocations.  If the hook fails, return SVN_ERR_REPOS_HOOK_FAILURE.

   USER is the authenticated name of the user starting the commit.
   CAPABILITIES is a list of 'const char *' capability names (using
   SVN_RA_CAPABILITY_*) that the client has self-reported.  Note that
   there is no guarantee the client is telling the truth: the hook
   should not make security assumptions based on the capabilities. */
svn_error_t *
svn_repos__hooks_start_commit(svn_repos_t *repos,
                              const char *user,
                              const apr_array_header_t *capabilities,
                              apr_pool_t *pool);

/* Run the pre-commit hook for REPOS.  Use POOL for any temporary
   allocations.  If the hook fails, return SVN_ERR_REPOS_HOOK_FAILURE.

   TXN_NAME is the name of the transaction that is being committed.  */
svn_error_t *
svn_repos__hooks_pre_commit(svn_repos_t *repos,
                            const char *txn_name,
                            apr_pool_t *pool);

/* Run the post-commit hook for REPOS.  Use POOL for any temporary
   allocations.  If the hook fails, run SVN_ERR_REPOS_HOOK_FAILURE.

   REV is the revision that was created as a result of the commit.  */
svn_error_t *
svn_repos__hooks_post_commit(svn_repos_t *repos,
                             svn_revnum_t rev,
                             apr_pool_t *pool);

/* Run the pre-revprop-change hook for REPOS.  Use POOL for any
   temporary allocations.  If the hook fails, return

   REV is the revision whose property is being changed.
   AUTHOR is the authenticated name of the user changing the prop.
   NAME is the name of the property being changed.
   NEW_VALUE is the new value of the property.
   ACTION is indicates if the property is being 'A'dded, 'M'odified,
   or 'D'eleted.

   The pre-revprop-change hook will have the new property value
   written to its stdin.  If the property is being deleted, no data
   will be written. */
svn_error_t *
svn_repos__hooks_pre_revprop_change(svn_repos_t *repos,
                                    svn_revnum_t rev,
                                    const char *author,
                                    const char *name,
                                    const svn_string_t *new_value,
                                    char action,
                                    apr_pool_t *pool);

/* Run the pre-revprop-change hook for REPOS.  Use POOL for any
   temporary allocations.  If the hook fails, return

   REV is the revision whose property was changed.
   AUTHOR is the authenticated name of the user who changed the prop.
   NAME is the name of the property that was changed, and OLD_VALUE is
   that property's value immediately before the change, or null if
   none.  ACTION indicates if the property was 'A'dded, 'M'odified,
   or 'D'eleted.

   The old value will be passed to the post-revprop hook on stdin.  If
   the property is being created, no data will be written. */
svn_error_t *
svn_repos__hooks_post_revprop_change(svn_repos_t *repos,
                                     svn_revnum_t rev,
                                     const char *author,
                                     const char *name,
                                     const svn_string_t *old_value,
                                     char action,
                                     apr_pool_t *pool);

/* Run the pre-lock hook for REPOS.  Use POOL for any temporary
   allocations.  If the hook fails, return SVN_ERR_REPOS_HOOK_FAILURE.

   PATH is the path being locked, USERNAME is the person doing it,
   COMMENT is the comment of the lock, and is treated as an empty
   string when NULL is given.  STEAL-LOCK is a flag if the user is
   stealing the lock.

   If TOKEN is non-null, set *TOKEN to a new lock token generated by
   the pre-lock hook, if any (see the pre-lock hook template for more
   information).  If TOKEN is non-null but the hook does not return
   any token, then set *TOKEN to empty string. */

svn_error_t *
svn_repos__hooks_pre_lock(svn_repos_t *repos,
                          const char **token,
                          const char *path,
                          const char *username,
                          const char *comment,
                          svn_boolean_t steal_lock,
                          apr_pool_t *pool);

/* Run the post-lock hook for REPOS.  Use POOL for any temporary
   allocations.  If the hook fails, return SVN_ERR_REPOS_HOOK_FAILURE.

   PATHS is an array of paths being locked, USERNAME is the person
   who did it.  */
svn_error_t *
svn_repos__hooks_post_lock(svn_repos_t *repos,
                           const apr_array_header_t *paths,
                           const char *username,
                           apr_pool_t *pool);

/* Run the pre-unlock hook for REPOS.  Use POOL for any temporary
   allocations.  If the hook fails, return SVN_ERR_REPOS_HOOK_FAILURE.

   PATH is the path being unlocked, USERNAME is the person doing it,
   TOKEN is the lock token to be unlocked which should not be NULL,
   and BREAK-LOCK is a flag if the user is breaking the lock.  */
svn_error_t *
svn_repos__hooks_pre_unlock(svn_repos_t *repos,
                            const char *path,
                            const char *username,
                            const char *token,
                            svn_boolean_t break_lock,
                            apr_pool_t *pool);

/* Run the post-unlock hook for REPOS.  Use POOL for any temporary
   allocations.  If the hook fails, return SVN_ERR_REPOS_HOOK_FAILURE.

   PATHS is an array of paths being unlocked, USERNAME is the person
   who did it.  */
svn_error_t *
svn_repos__hooks_post_unlock(svn_repos_t *repos,
                             const apr_array_header_t *paths,
                             const char *username,
                             apr_pool_t *pool);

/*** Utility Functions ***/

/* Set *CHANGED_P to TRUE if ROOT1/PATH1 and ROOT2/PATH2 have
   different contents, FALSE if they have the same contents.
   Use POOL for temporary allocation. */
svn_error_t *
svn_repos__compare_files(svn_boolean_t *changed_p,
                         svn_fs_root_t *root1,
                         const char *path1,
                         svn_fs_root_t *root2,
                         const char *path2,
                         apr_pool_t *pool);

/* Set *PREV_PATH and *PREV_REV to the path and revision which
   represent the location at which PATH in FS was located immediately
   prior to REVISION iff there was a copy operation (to PATH or one of
   its parent directories) between that previous location and
   PATH@REVISION, and set *APPEARED_REV to the first revision in which
   PATH@REVISION appeared at PATH as a result of that copy operation.

   If there was no such copy operation in that portion
   of PATH's history, set *PREV_PATH to NULL, and set *PREV_REV and

   if that information is of no interest to the caller.  */
svn_error_t *
svn_repos__prev_location(svn_revnum_t *appeared_rev,
                         const char **prev_path,
                         svn_revnum_t *prev_rev,
                         svn_fs_t *fs,
                         svn_revnum_t revision,
                         const char *path,
                         apr_pool_t *pool);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* SVN_LIBSVN_REPOS_H */