use-cases.txt   [plain text]

                               -*- text -*-


Issue reference:

(These use cases are based on a scenario paper "SVN move/rename
problems & suggested improvements" submitted by a corporate Subversion
user, which may be found attached to issue #2282.)




   During an update, a file modification is merged onto a file move.

Current Behavior

   Developer A modifies Foo.c and commits it to the repository.

   Developer B has simultaneously moved Foo.c to Bar.c in his working
   B cannot commit because the working copy is out of date, so B runs 'svn
   update'. The update will apply A's modifications to Foo.c in the
   repository to Foo.c in B's working copy.

Problems With Current Behavior

   First problem:
   A's modification of Foo.c will effectively be reverted by B's new
   revision. Foo.c will be deleted in the new revision, and Bar.c will be
   added with the content of the original Foo.c before A's modifications.
   Hence A will likely get angry with B.
   Second problem:
   B is not explicitly warned about reverting A's modification of Foo.c.
   The only visible warning is that Foo.c is left behind unversioned in
   B's working copy because it has "local" modifications (which were in
   fact made by A). This will likely escape B's attention.

Diagram of current behavior

    wcA          -- Foo.c' ------->
                /         |
               /          |commit
    repos     /           v
    -- Foo.c -------------- Foo.c' --------------- Bar.c --->
              \                     |          ^
               \                    |update    |commit
                \                   v          |
    wcB          -- +Bar.c ---------- +Bar.c ----  Bar.c --->
             (move) -Foo.c            -Foo.c'     ?Foo.c' (unversioned)

Desired behavior

   When user B updates, A's modifications to Foo.c should be merged into
   Bar.c. Signal a text conflict if necessary.
   Foo.c should be deleted from B's working copy.
   A tree conflict should be signalled to inform B of the new changes
   to Bar.c, so that B can review the modified Bar.c before committing it.

Diagram of desired behaviour

    wcA          -- Foo.c' ------->
                /          |
               /           |commit
    repos     /            v
    -- Foo.c --------------- Foo.c' ------------------------ Bar.c' --->
              \                      |           ^        ^
               \                     |update     |commit  |commit
                \                    v           |(fails) |
    wcB          -- +Bar.c ------------ +Bar.c' -------------->
             (move) -Foo.c              -Foo.c          ^



   During an update, a file move is merged onto a file modification.
   This is essentially the same as Use Case 1, with the difference that
   this time, B does the edit and A does the move.

Current Behavior

   Developer B modifies Foo.c in his working copy.
   Developer A has simultaneously moved Foo.c to Bar.c and commits
   the move to the repository.
   B cannot commit because his working copy is out of date, so B runs 
   'svn update'. The next update will add Bar.c (with the same content
   as the original Foo.c) to B's working copy, and delete Foo.c from
   B's working copy. Since B made local modifications to Foo.c,
   it will not be deleted from disk but left behind unversioned.

Problems with Current Behavior

   Developer B may not notice that Foo.c fell out of version control.
   B's source tree in the working copy likely builds fine because Foo.c
   is still present on disk.  So B may commit an incomplete change set,
   possibly breaking the tree.  Everybody will get angry with B if this

Diagram of Current Behaviour

    wcA          -- +Bar.c ------->
                /   -Foo.c |
               /           |commit
    repos     /            v
    -- Foo.c --------------- Bar.c ----------------------->
              \                      |            ^
               \                     |update      |commit
                \                    v            |(no-op)
    wcB          -- Foo.c' ------------  Bar.c  ------->
             (edit)                     ?Foo.c' (unversioned)

Desired Behavior

   In B's working copy, the update should add Bar.c and merge the local
   modifications to Foo.c into Bar.c. Signal a text conflict if necessary.
   Foo.c should be deleted from B's working copy.
   A tree conflict should be signaled to inform B that Foo.c has been
   renamed to Bar.c

Diagram of Desired Behaviour

    wcA          -- +Bar.c ------->
                /   -Foo.c |
               /           |commit
    repos     /            v
    -- Foo.c --------------- Bar.c -------------------------- Bar.c'--->
              \                      |          ^          ^
               \                     |update    |commit    |commit
                \                    v          |(fails)   |
    wcB          -- Foo.c' ------------+Bar.c' ------------------------>
             (edit)                    -Foo.c'           ^



   During an update, a file move is merged onto a conflicting file move.

Current Behavior

   Developer A moves Foo.c to Bar.c and commits the move to the repository.
   Developer B has moved Foo.c to Bix.c in his working copy.
   B cannot commit because his working copy is out of date, so B runs 
   'svn update'. The update will add Bar.c to B's working copy and
   delete Foo.c from B's working copy (the latter is a no-op).

Problems with Current Behavior

   After B's next commit, the content of the original Foo.c
   will exist twice in the source tree under two different paths,
   namely Bar.c and Bix.c, respectively.
   This may not have been intended.

Diagram of Current Behavior

    wcA          -- +Bar.c ------>
                /   -Foo.c |
               /           |commit
    archive   /            v
    -- Foo.c --------------- Bar.c ------------------ Bar.c --->
              \                    |         ^        Bix.c
               \                   |update   |commit
                \                  v         |
    wcB          -- +Bix.c ---------- +Bix.c ------->
             (move) -Foo.c             Bar.c

Desired Behavior

   A tree conflict should be signaled to inform B of the conflicting rename
   operation. B can now decide on deleting either file or committing both.

Diagram of Desired Behavior

    wcA          -- +Bar.c ------>
                /   -Foo.c |
               /           |commit
    archive   /            v
    -- Foo.c --------------- Bar.c -------------------------- Bar.c -->
              \                    |         ^        ^       (or Bix.c,
               \                   |update   |commit  |commit  or both)
                \                  v         |(fails) |
    wcB          -- +Bix.c ---------- +Bix.c -------------->
             (move) -Foo.c             Bar.c        ^



   A file modification is merged onto the source of a file move.

Current Behavior

   Developer A modifies Foo.c and commits it to the repository.

   Developer B moves Foo.c to Bar.c and commits it to the repository.
   Developer merges A's new revision into his working copy. The merge
   will apply A's modification to Foo.c to the Foo.c in B's working

Problems With Current Behavior

   First problem:
   A's modification of Foo.c will not be merged to B's line of
   development because the merge skips the absent file.
   Second problem:
   B is not explicitly warned about reverting A's modification of Foo.c,
   except for a "skipped" warning in the output of the merge command,
   which might not be noticed.

Diagram of current behavior

    urlA        -- Foo.c' ------------------>
               /   (r50)              |
              /                       |
    -- Foo.c -                        |merge -c50
              \                       |(Foo.c skipped)
               \                      |
    urlB        -- +Bar.c ------------|----------------->
            (move) -Foo.c \           |         ^
                           \          |         |commit
                            \         v         |(no-op)
    wcB                      -- Bar.c -- Bar.c ------ -->

Desired behavior

   When user B merges, A's modifications to Foo.c should be merged into
   Bar.c. Signal a text conflict if necessary.
   A tree conflict should be signalled to inform B of the new changes
   to Bar.c, so that B can review the modified Bar.c before committing it.

Diagram of desired behaviour

    urlA        -- Foo.c' ------------------>
               /   (r50)               |
              /                        |
    -- Foo.c -                         |merge -c50
              \                        |(tree conflict)
               \                       |
    urlB        -- +Bar.c -------------|-------------------- Bar.c' -->
            (move) -Foo.c  \           |          ^        ^
                            \          |          |commit  |commit
                             \         v          |(fails) |
    wcB                       -- Bar.c -- Bar.c' --------------->



   A file move is merged onto a modification of the move-source.

   This is essentially the same as Use Case 4, with the difference that
   this time, B does the edit and A does the move.

Current Behavior

   Developer A  moves Foo.c to Bar.c and commits it to the repository.

   Developer B modifies Foo.cand commits it to the repository.
   Developer merges A's new revision into his working copy.  The merge
   will add Bar.c (with the same content as the original Foo.c) and
   will delete B's Foo.c.

Problems With Current Behavior

   First problem:
   B's has modified Foo.c in the past.  This modification will be lost
   unless B reviews the history of Foo.c and Bar.c at both URLs and
   corrects the problem (e.g., via 'svn copy').

Diagram of current behavior

    urlA        -- +Bar.c ------------------->
               /   -Foo.c              |
              /    (r50)               |
    -- Foo.c -                         |merge -c50
              \                        |
               \                       |
    urlB        -- Foo.c' -------------|------------ Bar.c --->
            (edit)        \            |          ^
                           \           |          |commit
                            \          v          |
    wcB                      -- Foo.c' -- +Bar.c ------>

Desired behavior

   In B's working copy, the update should add Bar.c and merge the local
   modifications to Foo.c into Bar.c. Signal a text conflict if necessary.
   Foo.c should be deleted from B's working copy.
   A tree conflict should be signaled to inform B that Foo.c has been
   renamed to Bar.c

Diagram of desired behaviour

    urlA        -- +Bar.c ------------------->
               /   -Foo.c              |
              /    (r50)               |
    -- Foo.c -                         |merge -c50
              \                        |(tree conflict)
               \                       |
    urlB        -- Foo.c' -------------|-------------------- Bar.c'-->
            (edit)        \            |          ^        ^
                           \           |          |commit  |commit
                            \          v          |(fails) |
    wcB                      -- Foo.c' -- Bar.c' --------------->
                                         -Foo.c'         ^



   A file move is merged onto a conflicting file move.

Current Behavior

   Developer A moves Foo.c to Bar.c and commits it to the repository.

   Developer B moves Foo.c to Bix.c and commits it to the repository.
   Developer merges A's new revision into his working copy.  The merge
   will add Bar.c with history in B's working copy.

Problems With Current Behavior

   After B's next commit, the content of the original Foo.c will exist
   twice in the source tree under two different paths (Bar.c and
   Bix.c).  This may not have been intended.

Diagram of current behavior

    urlA        -- +Bar.c ------------------>
               /   -Foo.c             |
              /    (r50)              |
    -- Foo.c -                        |merge -c50
              \                       |
               \                      |
    urlB        -- +Bix.c ------------|---------------- Bix.c --->
            (move) -Foo.c \           |         ^       Bar.c
                           \          |         |commit
                            \         v         |
    wcB                      -- Bix.c -- Bix.c ---------->

Desired behavior

   A tree conflict should be signaled to inform B of the conflicting
   rename operation.  B can delete either file or commit both.

Diagram of desired behaviour

    urlA        -- +Bar.c ----------------->
               /   -Foo.c             |
              /    (r50)              |
    -- Foo.c -                        |merge -c50
              \                       |(tree conflict)
               \                      |
    urlB        -- +Bix.c ------------|------------------------- Bar.c -->
            (move) -Foo.c \           |         ^        ^       (or Bix.c,
                           \          |         |commit  |commit  or both)
                            \         v         |(fails) |
    wcB                      -- Bix.c -- Bix.c -------------->
                                        +Bar.c          ^