#!/usr/bin/env python # # autoprop_tests.py: testing automatic properties # # Subversion is a tool for revision control. # See http://subversion.tigris.org for more information. # # ==================================================================== # Copyright (c) 2000-2004, 2008-2009 CollabNet. All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms # are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html. # If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a # newer version instead, at your option. # ###################################################################### # General modules import os # Our testing module import svntest # (abbreviation) Skip = svntest.testcase.Skip XFail = svntest.testcase.XFail Item = svntest.wc.StateItem # Helper function def check_proplist(path, exp_out): """Verify that property list on PATH has a value of EXP_OUT""" props = svntest.tree.get_props([path]).get(path, {}) if props != exp_out: print("Expected properties: %s" % exp_out) print("Actual properties: %s" % props) raise svntest.Failure ###################################################################### # Tests #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_config(config_dir, enable_flag): "create config directories and files" # contents of the file 'config' config_contents = '''\ [auth] password-stores = [miscellany] enable-auto-props = %s [auto-props] *.c = cfile=yes *.jpg = jpgfile=ja fubar* = tarfile=si foobar.lha = lhafile=da;lzhfile=niet spacetest = abc = def ; ghi = ; = j * = auto=oui ''' % (enable_flag and 'yes' or 'no') svntest.main.create_config_dir(config_dir, config_contents) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def autoprops_test(sbox, cmd, cfgenable, clienable, subdir): """configurable autoprops test. CMD is the subcommand to test: 'import' or 'add' if CFGENABLE is true, enable autoprops in the config file, else disable if CLIENABLE == 1: --auto-props is added to the command line 0: nothing is added -1: --no-auto-props is added to command line if string SUBDIR is not empty files are created in that subdir and the directory is added/imported""" # Bootstrap sbox.build() # some directories wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir tmp_dir = os.path.abspath(svntest.main.temp_dir) config_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'autoprops_config_' + sbox.name) repos_url = sbox.repo_url # initialize parameters if cmd == 'import': parameters = ['import', '-m', 'bla'] files_dir = tmp_dir else: parameters = ['add'] files_dir = wc_dir parameters = parameters + ['--config-dir', config_dir] create_config(config_dir, cfgenable) # add comandline flags if clienable == 1: parameters = parameters + ['--auto-props'] enable_flag = 1 elif clienable == -1: parameters = parameters + ['--no-auto-props'] enable_flag = 0 else: enable_flag = cfgenable # setup subdirectory if needed if len(subdir) > 0: files_dir = os.path.join(files_dir, subdir) files_wc_dir = os.path.join(wc_dir, subdir) os.makedirs(files_dir) else: files_wc_dir = wc_dir # create test files filenames = ['foo.h', 'foo.c', 'foo.jpg', 'fubar.tar', 'foobar.lha', 'spacetest'] for filename in filenames: svntest.main.file_write(os.path.join(files_dir, filename), 'foo\nbar\nbaz\n') if len(subdir) == 0: # add/import the files for filename in filenames: path = os.path.join(files_dir, filename) if cmd == 'import': tmp_params = parameters + [path, repos_url + '/' + filename] else: tmp_params = parameters + [path] svntest.main.run_svn(None, *tmp_params) else: # add/import subdirectory if cmd == 'import': parameters = parameters + [files_dir, repos_url] else: parameters = parameters + [files_wc_dir] svntest.main.run_svn(None, *parameters) # do an svn co if needed if cmd == 'import': svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'checkout', repos_url, files_wc_dir, '--config-dir', config_dir) # check the properties if enable_flag: filename = os.path.join(files_wc_dir, 'foo.h') check_proplist(filename, {'auto':'oui'}) filename = os.path.join(files_wc_dir, 'foo.c') check_proplist(filename, {'auto':'oui', 'cfile':'yes'}) filename = os.path.join(files_wc_dir, 'foo.jpg') check_proplist(filename, {'auto':'oui', 'jpgfile':'ja'}) filename = os.path.join(files_wc_dir, 'fubar.tar') check_proplist(filename, {'auto':'oui', 'tarfile':'si'}) filename = os.path.join(files_wc_dir, 'foobar.lha') check_proplist(filename, {'auto':'oui', 'lhafile':'da', 'lzhfile':'niet'}) filename = os.path.join(files_wc_dir, 'spacetest') check_proplist(filename, {'auto':'oui', 'abc':'def', 'ghi':''}) else: for filename in filenames: check_proplist(os.path.join(files_wc_dir, filename), {}) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def autoprops_add_no_none(sbox): "add: config=no, commandline=none" autoprops_test(sbox, 'add', 0, 0, '') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def autoprops_add_yes_none(sbox): "add: config=yes, commandline=none" autoprops_test(sbox, 'add', 1, 0, '') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def autoprops_add_no_yes(sbox): "add: config=no, commandline=yes" autoprops_test(sbox, 'add', 0, 1, '') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def autoprops_add_yes_yes(sbox): "add: config=yes, commandline=yes" autoprops_test(sbox, 'add', 1, 1, '') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def autoprops_add_no_no(sbox): "add: config=no, commandline=no" autoprops_test(sbox, 'add', 0, -1, '') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def autoprops_add_yes_no(sbox): "add: config=yes, commandline=no" autoprops_test(sbox, 'add', 1, -1, '') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def autoprops_imp_no_none(sbox): "import: config=no, commandline=none" autoprops_test(sbox, 'import', 0, 0, '') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def autoprops_imp_yes_none(sbox): "import: config=yes, commandline=none" autoprops_test(sbox, 'import', 1, 0, '') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def autoprops_imp_no_yes(sbox): "import: config=no, commandline=yes" autoprops_test(sbox, 'import', 0, 1, '') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def autoprops_imp_yes_yes(sbox): "import: config=yes, commandline=yes" autoprops_test(sbox, 'import', 1, 1, '') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def autoprops_imp_no_no(sbox): "import: config=no, commandline=no" autoprops_test(sbox, 'import', 0, -1, '') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def autoprops_imp_yes_no(sbox): "import: config=yes, commandline=no" autoprops_test(sbox, 'import', 1, -1, '') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def autoprops_add_dir(sbox): "add directory" autoprops_test(sbox, 'add', 1, 0, 'autodir') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def autoprops_imp_dir(sbox): "import directory" autoprops_test(sbox, 'import', 1, 0, 'autodir') ######################################################################## # Run the tests # list all tests here, starting with None: test_list = [ None, autoprops_add_no_none, autoprops_add_yes_none, autoprops_add_no_yes, autoprops_add_yes_yes, autoprops_add_no_no, autoprops_add_yes_no, autoprops_imp_no_none, autoprops_imp_yes_none, autoprops_imp_no_yes, autoprops_imp_yes_yes, autoprops_imp_no_no, autoprops_imp_yes_no, autoprops_add_dir, autoprops_imp_dir, ] if __name__ == '__main__': svntest.main.run_tests(test_list) # NOTREACHED ### End of file.