ra.c   [plain text]

 * ra.c :  routines for interacting with the RA layer
 * ====================================================================
 * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 CollabNet.  All rights reserved.
 * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
 * you should have received as part of this distribution.  The terms
 * are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html.
 * If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
 * newer version instead, at your option.
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals.  For exact contribution history, see the revision
 * history and logs, available at http://subversion.tigris.org/.
 * ====================================================================

#include <apr_pools.h>

#include "svn_error.h"
#include "svn_pools.h"
#include "svn_string.h"
#include "svn_sorts.h"
#include "svn_ra.h"
#include "svn_client.h"
#include "svn_path.h"
#include "svn_props.h"
#include "svn_mergeinfo.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "mergeinfo.h"

#include "svn_private_config.h"
#include "private/svn_wc_private.h"

static svn_error_t *
open_tmp_file(apr_file_t **fp,
              void *callback_baton,
              apr_pool_t *pool)
  return svn_io_open_unique_file3(fp, NULL, NULL,
                                  pool, pool);

/* This implements the 'svn_ra_get_wc_prop_func_t' interface. */
static svn_error_t *
get_wc_prop(void *baton,
            const char *relpath,
            const char *name,
            const svn_string_t **value,
            apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_client__callback_baton_t *cb = baton;

  *value = NULL;

  /* If we have a list of commit_items, search through that for a
     match for this relative URL. */
  if (cb->commit_items)
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < cb->commit_items->nelts; i++)
          svn_client_commit_item3_t *item
            = APR_ARRAY_IDX(cb->commit_items, i,
                            svn_client_commit_item3_t *);
          if (! strcmp(relpath,
                       svn_path_uri_decode(item->url, pool)))
            return svn_wc_prop_get(value, name, item->path, cb->base_access,

      return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  /* If we don't have a base directory, then there are no properties. */
  else if (cb->base_dir == NULL)
    return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  return svn_wc_prop_get(value, name,
                         svn_path_join(cb->base_dir, relpath, pool),
                         cb->base_access, pool);

/* This implements the 'svn_ra_push_wc_prop_func_t' interface. */
static svn_error_t *
push_wc_prop(void *baton,
             const char *relpath,
             const char *name,
             const svn_string_t *value,
             apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_client__callback_baton_t *cb = baton;
  int i;

  /* If we're committing, search through the commit_items list for a
     match for this relative URL. */
  if (! cb->commit_items)
    return svn_error_createf
       _("Attempt to set wc property '%s' on '%s' in a non-commit operation"),
       name, svn_path_local_style(relpath, pool));

  for (i = 0; i < cb->commit_items->nelts; i++)
      svn_client_commit_item3_t *item
        = APR_ARRAY_IDX(cb->commit_items, i, svn_client_commit_item3_t *);

      if (strcmp(relpath, svn_path_uri_decode(item->url, pool)) == 0)
          apr_pool_t *cpool = item->incoming_prop_changes->pool;
          svn_prop_t *prop = apr_palloc(cpool, sizeof(*prop));

          prop->name = apr_pstrdup(cpool, name);
          if (value)
                = svn_string_ncreate(value->data, value->len, cpool);
            prop->value = NULL;

          /* Buffer the propchange to take effect during the
             post-commit process. */
          APR_ARRAY_PUSH(item->incoming_prop_changes, svn_prop_t *) = prop;
          return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

/* This implements the 'svn_ra_set_wc_prop_func_t' interface. */
static svn_error_t *
set_wc_prop(void *baton,
            const char *path,
            const char *name,
            const svn_string_t *value,
            apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_client__callback_baton_t *cb = baton;
  svn_wc_adm_access_t *adm_access;
  const svn_wc_entry_t *entry;
  const char *full_path = svn_path_join(cb->base_dir, path, pool);

  SVN_ERR(svn_wc__entry_versioned(&entry, full_path, cb->base_access, FALSE,

  SVN_ERR(svn_wc_adm_retrieve(&adm_access, cb->base_access,
                              (entry->kind == svn_node_dir
                               ? full_path
                               : svn_path_dirname(full_path, pool)),

  /* We pass 1 for the 'force' parameter here.  Since the property is
     coming from the repository, we definitely want to accept it.
     Ideally, we'd raise a conflict if, say, the received property is
     svn:eol-style yet the file has a locally added svn:mime-type
     claiming that it's binary.  Probably the repository is still
     right, but the conflict would remind the user to make sure.
     Unfortunately, we don't have a clean mechanism for doing that
     here, so we just set the property and hope for the best. */
  return svn_wc_prop_set3(name, value, full_path, adm_access, TRUE, NULL, NULL,

struct invalidate_wcprop_walk_baton
  /* The wcprop to invalidate. */
  const char *prop_name;

  /* Access baton for the top of the walk. */
  svn_wc_adm_access_t *base_access;

/* This implements the `found_entry' prototype in
   `svn_wc_entry_callbacks_t'. */
static svn_error_t *
invalidate_wcprop_for_entry(const char *path,
                            const svn_wc_entry_t *entry,
                            void *walk_baton,
                            apr_pool_t *pool)
  struct invalidate_wcprop_walk_baton *wb = walk_baton;
  svn_wc_adm_access_t *entry_access;

  SVN_ERR(svn_wc_adm_retrieve(&entry_access, wb->base_access,
                              ((entry->kind == svn_node_dir)
                               ? path
                               : svn_path_dirname(path, pool)),
  /* It doesn't matter if we pass 0 or 1 for force here, since
     property deletion is always permitted. */
  return svn_wc_prop_set3(wb->prop_name, NULL, path, entry_access,
                          FALSE, NULL, NULL, pool);

/* This implements the `svn_ra_invalidate_wc_props_func_t' interface. */
static svn_error_t *
invalidate_wc_props(void *baton,
                    const char *path,
                    const char *prop_name,
                    apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_client__callback_baton_t *cb = baton;
  svn_wc_entry_callbacks2_t walk_callbacks = { invalidate_wcprop_for_entry,
                              svn_client__default_walker_error_handler };
  struct invalidate_wcprop_walk_baton wb;
  svn_wc_adm_access_t *adm_access;

  wb.base_access = cb->base_access;
  wb.prop_name = prop_name;

  path = svn_path_join(cb->base_dir, path, pool);
  SVN_ERR(svn_wc_adm_probe_retrieve(&adm_access, cb->base_access, path,
  return svn_wc_walk_entries3(path, adm_access, &walk_callbacks, &wb,
                              svn_depth_infinity, FALSE,
                              cb->ctx->cancel_func, cb->ctx->cancel_baton,

static svn_error_t *
cancel_callback(void *baton)
  svn_client__callback_baton_t *b = baton;
  return (b->ctx->cancel_func)(b->ctx->cancel_baton);

static svn_error_t *
get_client_string(void *baton,
                  const char **name,
                  apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_client__callback_baton_t *b = baton;
  *name = apr_pstrdup(pool, b->ctx->client_name);
  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

svn_error_t *
svn_client__open_ra_session_internal(svn_ra_session_t **ra_session,
                                     const char *base_url,
                                     const char *base_dir,
                                     svn_wc_adm_access_t *base_access,
                                     apr_array_header_t *commit_items,
                                     svn_boolean_t use_admin,
                                     svn_boolean_t read_only_wc,
                                     svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
                                     apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_ra_callbacks2_t *cbtable = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(*cbtable));
  svn_client__callback_baton_t *cb = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(*cb));
  const char *uuid = NULL;

  cbtable->open_tmp_file = open_tmp_file;
  cbtable->get_wc_prop = use_admin ? get_wc_prop : NULL;
  cbtable->set_wc_prop = read_only_wc ? NULL : set_wc_prop;
  cbtable->push_wc_prop = commit_items ? push_wc_prop : NULL;
  cbtable->invalidate_wc_props = read_only_wc ? NULL : invalidate_wc_props;
  cbtable->auth_baton = ctx->auth_baton; /* new-style */
  cbtable->progress_func = ctx->progress_func;
  cbtable->progress_baton = ctx->progress_baton;
  cbtable->cancel_func = ctx->cancel_func ? cancel_callback : NULL;
  cbtable->get_client_string = get_client_string;

  cb->base_dir = base_dir;
  cb->base_access = base_access;
  cb->read_only_wc = read_only_wc;
  cb->pool = pool;
  cb->commit_items = commit_items;
  cb->ctx = ctx;

  if (base_access)
      const svn_wc_entry_t *entry;

      SVN_ERR(svn_wc_entry(&entry, base_dir, base_access, FALSE, pool));

      if (entry && entry->uuid)
        uuid = entry->uuid;

  return svn_ra_open3(ra_session, base_url, uuid, cbtable, cb,
                      ctx->config, pool);

svn_error_t *
svn_client_open_ra_session(svn_ra_session_t **session,
                           const char *url,
                           svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
                           apr_pool_t *pool)
  return svn_client__open_ra_session_internal(session, url, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                                              FALSE, TRUE, ctx, pool);

svn_error_t *
svn_client_uuid_from_url(const char **uuid,
                         const char *url,
                         svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
                         apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_ra_session_t *ra_session;
  apr_pool_t *subpool = svn_pool_create(pool);

  /* use subpool to create a temporary RA session */
  SVN_ERR(svn_client__open_ra_session_internal(&ra_session, url,
                                               NULL, /* no base dir */
                                               NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE,
                                               ctx, subpool));

  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_get_uuid2(ra_session, uuid, pool));

  /* destroy the RA session */

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

svn_error_t *
svn_client_uuid_from_path(const char **uuid,
                          const char *path,
                          svn_wc_adm_access_t *adm_access,
                          svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
                          apr_pool_t *pool)
  const svn_wc_entry_t *entry;
  svn_boolean_t is_root;

  SVN_ERR(svn_wc__entry_versioned(&entry, path, adm_access,
                                  TRUE,  /* show deleted */ pool));

  if (entry->uuid)
      *uuid = entry->uuid;
      return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  /* ## Probably never reached after the 1.6/1.7 WC rewrite */

  SVN_ERR(svn_wc_is_wc_root(&is_root, path, adm_access, pool));

  if (!is_root)
      /* Workingcopies have a single uuid, as all contents is from a single
         repository */

      svn_error_t *err;
      svn_wc_adm_access_t *parent_access;
      const char *parent = svn_path_dirname(path, pool);

      /* Open the parents administrative area to fetch the uuid.
         Subversion 1.0 and later have the uuid in every checkout root */

      SVN_ERR(svn_wc_adm_open3(&parent_access, NULL, parent, FALSE, 0,
                               ctx->cancel_func, ctx->cancel_baton, pool));

      err = svn_client_uuid_from_path(uuid, svn_path_dirname(path, pool),
                                      parent_access, ctx, pool);

      svn_error_clear(svn_wc_adm_close2(parent_access, pool));

      return err;

  /* We may have a workingcopy without uuid */
  if (entry->url)
      /* You can enter this case by copying a new subdirectory with 1.0-1.5
       * # svn mkdir newdir
       * # cp newdir /tmp/new-wc
       * and then check /tmp/new-wc
       * See also:
       * http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=dev&msgNo=101831
       * Message-ID: <877jgjtkus.fsf@debian2.lan> */

      /* fallback to using the network. */
      SVN_ERR(svn_client_uuid_from_url(uuid, entry->url, ctx, pool));
      /* Excluded path will fall into this code branch, since the missed
         fields in the entry for excluded path is not filled. But it is just
         ok. */
      return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_ENTRY_MISSING_URL, NULL,
                               _("'%s' has no URL"),
                               svn_path_local_style(path, pool));

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;


svn_error_t *
svn_client__ra_session_from_path(svn_ra_session_t **ra_session_p,
                                 svn_revnum_t *rev_p,
                                 const char **url_p,
                                 const char *path_or_url,
                                 svn_wc_adm_access_t *base_access,
                                 const svn_opt_revision_t *peg_revision_p,
                                 const svn_opt_revision_t *revision,
                                 svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
                                 apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_ra_session_t *ra_session;
  const char *initial_url, *url, *base_dir = NULL;
  svn_opt_revision_t *good_rev;
  svn_opt_revision_t peg_revision, start_rev;
  svn_opt_revision_t dead_end_rev;
  svn_opt_revision_t *ignored_rev, *new_rev;
  svn_revnum_t rev;
  const char *ignored_url;

  SVN_ERR(svn_client_url_from_path(&initial_url, path_or_url, pool));
  if (! initial_url)
    return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_ENTRY_MISSING_URL, NULL,
                             _("'%s' has no URL"), path_or_url);

  start_rev = *revision;
  peg_revision = *peg_revision_p;
  SVN_ERR(svn_opt_resolve_revisions(&peg_revision, &start_rev,

  if (base_access)
    base_dir = svn_wc_adm_access_path(base_access);

  SVN_ERR(svn_client__open_ra_session_internal(&ra_session, initial_url,
                                               base_dir, base_access, NULL,
                                               base_access != NULL,
                                               FALSE, ctx, pool));

  dead_end_rev.kind = svn_opt_revision_unspecified;

  /* Run the history function to get the object's (possibly
     different) url in REVISION. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_client__repos_locations(&url, &new_rev,
                                      &ignored_url, &ignored_rev,
                                      path_or_url, &peg_revision,
                                      /* search range: */
                                      &start_rev, &dead_end_rev,
                                      ctx, pool));
  good_rev = (svn_opt_revision_t *)new_rev;

  /* Make the session point to the real URL. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_reparent(ra_session, url, pool));

  /* Resolve good_rev into a real revnum. */
  if (good_rev->kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified)
    good_rev->kind = svn_opt_revision_head;
  SVN_ERR(svn_client__get_revision_number(&rev, NULL, ra_session,
                                          good_rev, url, pool));

  *ra_session_p = ra_session;
  *rev_p = rev;
  *url_p = url;

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

svn_error_t *
svn_client__path_relative_to_session(const char **rel_path,
                                     svn_ra_session_t *ra_session,
                                     const char *url,
                                     apr_pool_t *pool)
  const char *session_url;
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_get_session_url(ra_session, &session_url, pool));
  if (strcmp(session_url, url) == 0)
    *rel_path = "";
    *rel_path = svn_path_uri_decode(svn_path_is_child(session_url, url, pool),
  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

svn_error_t *
svn_client__ensure_ra_session_url(const char **old_session_url,
                                  svn_ra_session_t *ra_session,
                                  const char *session_url,
                                  apr_pool_t *pool)
  *old_session_url = NULL;
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_get_session_url(ra_session, old_session_url, pool));
  if (! session_url)
    SVN_ERR(svn_ra_get_repos_root2(ra_session, &session_url, pool));
  if (strcmp(*old_session_url, session_url) != 0)
    SVN_ERR(svn_ra_reparent(ra_session, session_url, pool));
  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

/*** Repository Locations ***/

struct gls_receiver_baton_t
  apr_array_header_t *segments;
  svn_client_ctx_t *ctx;
  apr_pool_t *pool;

static svn_error_t *
gls_receiver(svn_location_segment_t *segment,
             void *baton,
             apr_pool_t *pool)
  struct gls_receiver_baton_t *b = baton;
  APR_ARRAY_PUSH(b->segments, svn_location_segment_t *) =
    svn_location_segment_dup(segment, b->pool);
  if (b->ctx->cancel_func)
  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

/* A qsort-compatible function which sorts svn_location_segment_t's
   based on their revision range covering, resulting in ascending
   (oldest-to-youngest) ordering. */
static int
compare_segments(const void *a, const void *b)
  const svn_location_segment_t *a_seg
    = *((const svn_location_segment_t * const *) a);
  const svn_location_segment_t *b_seg
    = *((const svn_location_segment_t * const *) b);
  if (a_seg->range_start == b_seg->range_start)
    return 0;
  return (a_seg->range_start < b_seg->range_start) ? -1 : 1;

svn_error_t *
svn_client__repos_location_segments(apr_array_header_t **segments,
                                    svn_ra_session_t *ra_session,
                                    const char *path,
                                    svn_revnum_t peg_revision,
                                    svn_revnum_t start_revision,
                                    svn_revnum_t end_revision,
                                    svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
                                    apr_pool_t *pool)
  struct gls_receiver_baton_t gls_receiver_baton;
  *segments = apr_array_make(pool, 8, sizeof(svn_location_segment_t *));
  gls_receiver_baton.segments = *segments;
  gls_receiver_baton.ctx = ctx;
  gls_receiver_baton.pool = pool;
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_get_location_segments(ra_session, path, peg_revision,
                                       start_revision, end_revision,
                                       gls_receiver, &gls_receiver_baton,
  qsort((*segments)->elts, (*segments)->nelts,
        (*segments)->elt_size, compare_segments);
  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

svn_error_t *
svn_client__repos_locations(const char **start_url,
                            svn_opt_revision_t **start_revision,
                            const char **end_url,
                            svn_opt_revision_t **end_revision,
                            svn_ra_session_t *ra_session,
                            const char *path,
                            const svn_opt_revision_t *revision,
                            const svn_opt_revision_t *start,
                            const svn_opt_revision_t *end,
                            svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
                            apr_pool_t *pool)
  const char *repos_url;
  const char *url;
  const char *start_path = NULL;
  const char *end_path = NULL;
  svn_revnum_t peg_revnum = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;
  svn_revnum_t start_revnum, end_revnum;
  svn_revnum_t youngest_rev = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;
  apr_array_header_t *revs;
  apr_hash_t *rev_locs;
  apr_pool_t *subpool = svn_pool_create(pool);

  /* Ensure that we are given some real revision data to work with.
     (It's okay if the END is unspecified -- in that case, we'll just
     set it to the same thing as START.)  */
  if (revision->kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified
      || start->kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified)
    return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_CLIENT_BAD_REVISION, NULL, NULL);

  /* Check to see if this is schedule add with history working copy
     path.  If it is, then we need to use the URL and peg revision of
     the copyfrom information. */
  if (! svn_path_is_url(path))
      svn_wc_adm_access_t *adm_access;
      const svn_wc_entry_t *entry;
      SVN_ERR(svn_wc_adm_probe_open3(&adm_access, NULL, path,
                                     FALSE, 0, ctx->cancel_func,
                                     ctx->cancel_baton, pool));
      SVN_ERR(svn_wc_entry(&entry, path, adm_access, FALSE, pool));
      SVN_ERR(svn_wc_adm_close2(adm_access, pool));
      if (entry->copyfrom_url && revision->kind == svn_opt_revision_working)
          url = entry->copyfrom_url;
          peg_revnum = entry->copyfrom_rev;
          if (!entry->url || strcmp(entry->url, entry->copyfrom_url) != 0)
              /* We can't use the caller provided RA session in this case */
              ra_session = NULL;
      else if (entry->url)
          url = entry->url;
          return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_ENTRY_MISSING_URL, NULL,
                                   _("'%s' has no URL"),
                                   svn_path_local_style(path, pool));
      url = path;

  /* ### We should be smarter here.  If the callers just asks for BASE and
     WORKING revisions, we should already have the correct URLs, so we
     don't need to do anything more here in that case. */

  /* Open a RA session to this URL if we don't have one already. */
  if (! ra_session)
    SVN_ERR(svn_client__open_ra_session_internal(&ra_session, url, NULL,
                                                 NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE,
                                                 ctx, subpool));

  /* Resolve the opt_revision_ts. */
  if (peg_revnum == SVN_INVALID_REVNUM)
    SVN_ERR(svn_client__get_revision_number(&peg_revnum, &youngest_rev,
                                            ra_session, revision, path,

  SVN_ERR(svn_client__get_revision_number(&start_revnum, &youngest_rev,
                                          ra_session, start, path, pool));
  if (end->kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified)
    end_revnum = start_revnum;
    SVN_ERR(svn_client__get_revision_number(&end_revnum, &youngest_rev,
                                            ra_session, end, path, pool));

  /* Set the output revision variables. */
  *start_revision = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(**start_revision));
  (*start_revision)->kind = svn_opt_revision_number;
  (*start_revision)->value.number = start_revnum;
  if (end->kind != svn_opt_revision_unspecified)
      *end_revision = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(**end_revision));
      (*end_revision)->kind = svn_opt_revision_number;
      (*end_revision)->value.number = end_revnum;

  if (start_revnum == peg_revnum && end_revnum == peg_revnum)
      /* Avoid a network request in the common easy case. */
      *start_url = url;
      if (end->kind != svn_opt_revision_unspecified)
        *end_url = url;
      return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_get_repos_root2(ra_session, &repos_url, subpool));

  revs = apr_array_make(subpool, 2, sizeof(svn_revnum_t));
  APR_ARRAY_PUSH(revs, svn_revnum_t) = start_revnum;
  if (end_revnum != start_revnum)
    APR_ARRAY_PUSH(revs, svn_revnum_t) = end_revnum;

  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_get_locations(ra_session, &rev_locs, "", peg_revnum,
                               revs, subpool));

  /* We'd better have all the paths we were looking for! */
  start_path = apr_hash_get(rev_locs, &start_revnum, sizeof(svn_revnum_t));
  if (! start_path)
    return svn_error_createf
       _("Unable to find repository location for '%s' in revision %ld"),
       path, start_revnum);

  end_path = apr_hash_get(rev_locs, &end_revnum, sizeof(svn_revnum_t));
  if (! end_path)
    return svn_error_createf
       _("The location for '%s' for revision %ld does not exist in the "
         "repository or refers to an unrelated object"),
       path, end_revnum);

  /* Repository paths might be absolute, but we want to treat them as
     ### Aren't they always absolute? */
  if (start_path[0] == '/')
    start_path = start_path + 1;
  if (end_path[0] == '/')
    end_path = end_path + 1;

  /* Set our return variables */
  *start_url = svn_path_join(repos_url, svn_path_uri_encode(start_path,
                                                            pool), pool);
  if (end->kind != svn_opt_revision_unspecified)
    *end_url = svn_path_join(repos_url, svn_path_uri_encode(end_path,
                                                            pool), pool);

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

svn_error_t *
svn_client__get_youngest_common_ancestor(const char **ancestor_path,
                                         svn_revnum_t *ancestor_revision,
                                         const char *path_or_url1,
                                         svn_revnum_t rev1,
                                         const char *path_or_url2,
                                         svn_revnum_t rev2,
                                         svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
                                         apr_pool_t *pool)
  apr_hash_t *history1, *history2;
  apr_hash_index_t *hi;
  svn_revnum_t yc_revision = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;
  const char *yc_path = NULL;
  svn_opt_revision_t revision1, revision2;

  revision1.kind = revision2.kind = svn_opt_revision_number;
  revision1.value.number = rev1;
  revision2.value.number = rev2;

  /* We're going to cheat and use history-as-mergeinfo because it
     saves us a bunch of annoying custom data comparisons and such. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_client__get_history_as_mergeinfo(&history1, path_or_url1,
                                               NULL, NULL, ctx, pool));
  SVN_ERR(svn_client__get_history_as_mergeinfo(&history2, path_or_url2,
                                               NULL, NULL, ctx, pool));

  /* Loop through the first location's history, check for overlapping
     paths and ranges in the second location's history, and
     remembering the youngest matching location. */
  for (hi = apr_hash_first(NULL, history1); hi; hi = apr_hash_next(hi))
      const void *key;
      apr_ssize_t klen;
      void *val;
      const char *path;
      apr_array_header_t *ranges1, *ranges2, *common;

      apr_hash_this(hi, &key, &klen, &val);
      path = key;
      ranges1 = val;

      ranges2 = apr_hash_get(history2, key, klen);
      if (ranges2)
          /* We have a path match.  Now, did our two histories share
             any revisions at that path? */
          SVN_ERR(svn_rangelist_intersect(&common, ranges1, ranges2,
                                          TRUE, pool));
          if (common->nelts)
              svn_merge_range_t *yc_range =
                APR_ARRAY_IDX(common, common->nelts - 1, svn_merge_range_t *);
              if ((! SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(yc_revision))
                  || (yc_range->end > yc_revision))
                  yc_revision = yc_range->end;
                  yc_path = path + 1;

  *ancestor_path = yc_path;
  *ancestor_revision = yc_revision;
  return SVN_NO_ERROR;