#!perl ########################################################################## # FILE mk_svndoc # PURPOSE Making MS HTML-help from the Subversion source documentation # ==================================================================== # Copyright (c) 2000-2005 CollabNet. All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms # are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html. # If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a # newer version instead, at your option. # # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many # individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision # history and logs, available at http://subversion.tigris.org/. # ==================================================================== ########################################################################## # INCLUDED LIBRARY FILES use strict; use File::Basename; use Cwd; use Win32; require 'cmn.pl'; ########################################################################## # FUNCTION DECLARATIONS sub Main; sub CheckForProgs; sub CopyAndEolU2W; sub MkDirP; ########################################################################## # CONSTANTS AND GLOBAL VARIABLES # Sorces and destinations my $g_PathDocRoot=&cmn_ValuePathfile('path_svnbook'); my $g_PathMiscIn=&cmn_ValuePathfile('path_setup_in'); my %g_FilesToCpAndConv= ( 'COPYING', 'subversion\SubversionLicense.txt', 'README', 'subversion\Readme.dist', 'doc\user\lj_article.txt', 'doc\lj_article.txt', 'doc\programmer\WritingChangeLogs.txt', 'doc\WritingChangeLogs.txt', ); # Programs needed for making the documentation my $g_Prog_hhc=''; my %g_ProgsInPath= ( 'libxslt is needed for converting the XML-documentaion.', 'xsltproc.exe', 'iconv is needed by libxslt and libxslt for converting the XML-documentaion.', 'iconv.exe', 'libxml2 is needed by libxslt for converting the XML-documentaion.', 'libxml2.dll' ); ########################################################################## # PROGRAM ENTRANCE Main; ########################################################################## # FUNCTION DEFINITIONS #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FUNCTION Main # DOES This is the program's main function sub Main { my $CntMkHtmBat=''; my %Values; my $RootSvnBook=&cmn_ValuePathfile('path_svnbook'); my $DocOut=&cmn_ValuePathfile('path_setup_in'); my $PathWinIsPack=''; my $Pwd=''; my $CntVerXml=''; # Get absolute path of the current PWD's parent $PathWinIsPack=getcwd; $Pwd=basename($PathWinIsPack); $PathWinIsPack =~ s/\//\\/g; $PathWinIsPack =~ s/\\$Pwd$//; # Make $DocOut to an absolute path if ($DocOut eq 'in') { $DocOut = "$PathWinIsPack\\in\\doc"; } #Make the out dir in "$RootSvnBook\src if needed &MkDirP ("$RootSvnBook\\src\\out") unless (-e "$RootSvnBook\\src\\out"); #Check for needed programs &CheckForProgs; &CopyAndEolU2W; #Create the mk_htmlhelp.bat file from ..\templates\\mk_htmlhelp.bat and #collected data, save it to $RootSvnBook\src\out\mk_htmlhelp.bat %Values = ( tv_path_hhc => $g_Prog_hhc, tv_bookdest => $DocOut ); $CntMkHtmBat=&cmn_Template("$PathWinIsPack\\templates\\mk_htmlhelp.bat", \%Values); open (FH_HHP, ">" . "$RootSvnBook\\src\\out\\mk_htmlhelp.bat"); print FH_HHP $CntMkHtmBat; close (FH_HHP); #Copy style sheet and background image to $RootSvnBook\src\out system ("copy /Y ..\\templates\\svn-doc.css $RootSvnBook\\src\\out"); system ("copy /Y ..\\images\\svn_bck.png $RootSvnBook\\src\\out"); # Set the revision number in $RootSvnBook\src\en\book\version.xml chdir "$RootSvnBook\\src\\en"; $CntVerXml=`svnversion .`; chomp($CntVerXml); open (FH_VERXML, ">" . "$RootSvnBook\\src\\en\\book\\version.xml"); print FH_VERXML ""; close (FH_VERXML); # Make the chm file chdir "$RootSvnBook\\src\\out"; system ("$RootSvnBook\\src\\out\\mk_htmlhelp.bat"); chdir $Pwd; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FUNCTION CheckForProgs # DOES Checking if required programs exists sub CheckForProgs { my @MissingProgs; my @SysPath; my $bMissingProgs=0; my $Prog2CheckDesc=''; my $Prog2Check=''; # Fill the %PATH% in @SysPath @SysPath = split (/;/, $ENV{PATH}); # Check for the needed programs who should be in the %PATH% while (($Prog2CheckDesc, $Prog2Check) = each %g_ProgsInPath) { my $bProg2CheckExists=0; for (@SysPath) { if (-e "$_\\$Prog2Check") { $bProg2CheckExists=1; last; } } if (! $bProg2CheckExists) { $bMissingProgs = 1; push @MissingProgs, $Prog2CheckDesc; } } # Check for MS HTML help compiler $g_Prog_hhc = &cmn_ValuePathfile('path_hhc'); $g_Prog_hhc = "$g_Prog_hhc\\hhc.exe"; if (! -e $g_Prog_hhc) { $bMissingProgs = 1; push @MissingProgs, 'Microsoft HTML Help Workshop is needed for making the HTML-help file'; } $g_Prog_hhc = "\"$g_Prog_hhc\""; if ($bMissingProgs) { my $Msg="One or more required programs needed for making the docs are missing:\n\n"; for (@MissingProgs) { $Msg=$Msg . " - $_\n"; } $Msg=$Msg . "\nPlease, check that everything are installed properly as described in\n"; $Msg=$Msg . "the documentation in packages\\windows-innosetup\\tools\\readme.txt\n"; Win32::MsgBox($Msg, 0+MB_ICONSTOP, 'ERROR: Missing required programs.'); exit 1; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FUNCTION CopyAndEolU2W # DOES Converts Unix eol's to Windows eol's in a file and saves it to # another location. sub CopyAndEolU2W { my $FileSrc=''; my $FileDest=''; my $FileCnt=''; while (($FileSrc, $FileDest) = each %g_FilesToCpAndConv) { $FileSrc = "$g_PathDocRoot\\$FileSrc"; $FileDest = "$g_PathMiscIn\\$FileDest"; print "Copying and converting EOL's from $FileSrc to $FileDest\n"; open (FH_SRC, $FileSrc); while () { chomp($_); $_ = "$_\r\n"; if ($FileCnt) { $FileCnt = $FileCnt . $_; } else { $FileCnt = $_; } } close (FH_SRC); open (FH_DEST, ">" . $FileDest); print FH_DEST $FileCnt; close (FH_DEST); $FileCnt=''; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FUNCTION MkDirP # DOES Making a directory. Similar to unix's mkdir -p sub MkDirP { my $Dir=$_[0]; my @SubPaths; if (! -e $Dir) { @SubPaths = split (/\\/, $Dir); my $Dir2Make=''; for (@SubPaths) { if ($Dir2Make) { $Dir2Make = "$Dir2Make\\$_"; } else { $Dir2Make = $_; } if (! -e $Dir2Make) { system ("mkdir $Dir2Make"); } } } }