Makefile.base-vars   [plain text]

# This file -  Makefile.base-vars - together with the file Makefile.base-rules,
# make up a reusable buildsystem for DocBook XML books.
# The split into two files is required because of the nature of Make variables:
# In the case of variables used in commands, expansion occurs when the commands
# are executed, so values can be overridden by defining a new value after the
# rule definition - BUT in the case of variables used to specify targets and
# sources, expansion occurs when Make parses the rule.  Therefore, any override
# must take place BEFORE the rule definition.  Since this Makefile fragment
# wishes to both provide defaults and allow overriding of target and source
# file names, it is necessary to place the default variable definitions in
# one file, and the rules in another, so that overrides may be specified
# after the defaults, but before the rules - like this:
#   include ../tools/Makefile.base-vars
#   NAME = my-book
#   DIR = my-book-dir
#   include ../tools/Makefile.base-rules
# Note that this is a Makefile fragment intended for inclusion.  As a result,
# all relative paths contained within are relative to including Makefile's
# directory, not to this fragment's directory.  The TOOLS_DIR and DIR variables
# should be overridden if necessary to ensure proper paths are used.

# Paths which you may wish to customize:
XSLTPROC = xsltproc
XMLLINT = xmllint
INSTALL_DIR = $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/subversion
INSTALL = install
SVNVERSION = svnversion

# You should not normally need to edit anything below here.
SHELL = /bin/sh

DIR = .
TOOLS_DIR = ../tools

HTML_CHUNK_DIR = $(DIR)/html-chunk
# In the HTML chunk build, index.html is created last, so serves as an 
# acceptable timestamp file for the entire multi-file output.
VERSION_SOURCE = $(DIR)/version.xml
ALL_SOURCE = $(DIR)/*.xml
STYLESHEET = $(DIR)/styles.css

ENSURE_XSL = if ! test -e "$(TOOLS_DIR)/xsl"; \
	     then $(TOOLS_DIR)/bin/; fi
IFIMAGES = if test -n "$(IMAGES)"; then
ENDIF = ; fi

# Customization hooks for xsltproc options
# FO example: --stringparam page.height 9in --stringparam page.width 6.4in

# Uncomment the following line if you'd like to print on A4 paper
# FO_XSLTPROC_OPTS = --stringparam paper.type A4

# Override in locale-specific Makefile to localize the word in the 
# auto-generated version file.
L10N_REVISION = Revision