sambadoc.cls   [plain text]

%%-- RC Thesis 

%%-- Load the base class and modify current macros.

\newif\if@usecppsyntax \@usecppsyntaxfalse



%%--Set the section number depth.


%%--Create a vertical skip for the distance between the title and
%%--the first line of text on the prolog pages.
\thesisvskip 36pt

%%--Set the margins. %\headheight6pt \headsep12pt

%%--Use typehtml for better specification of tables

%%--Change the marginpar.
	\old@marginpar{\def\baselinestretch{1}\em\small #1}}

    \addtolength{\parskip}{\z@ \@plus .5\baselineskip}}


%%--Parameters that can be set by the user.


%%--Modify behavior of the figure and table environment.
\def\fnum@figure{{\bf \figurename~\thefigure}}
\def\fnum@table{{\bf \tablename~\thetable}}


%%-- Modify the displayed math environments.


%%-- Miscellaneous commands.

%%--Commands to simplify font changing.


%%--The \tableofcontents.
   \renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}

%%--The \listoffigures command.

%%--The \listoftables command.
