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<H2><A NAME="htoc5">2</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Installation</H2><UL>
<LI><A HREF="smbldap-tools003.html#toc4"> Requirements</A>
<LI><A HREF="smbldap-tools003.html#toc5"> Installation</A>

<A NAME="toc4"></A>
<H3><A NAME="htoc6">2.1</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Requirements</H3>
The main requirement for using smbldap-tools are the two perl module:
Net::LDAP and Crypt::SmbHash.
In most cases, you'll also need the IO-Socket-SSL Perl module to use
TLS functionnality.<BR>
If you want samba to call the scripts so that you can use the User
Manager (or any other) under MS-Windows (to add, delete modify users and
groups), <FONT COLOR=purple>Samba</FONT> must be installed on the same computer.
Finally, <FONT COLOR=purple>OpenLDAP</FONT> can be installed on any computer. Please check that it
can be contacted by a standard LDAP client software.<BR>
<FONT COLOR=purple>Samba</FONT> and <FONT COLOR=purple>OpenLDAP</FONT> installations will not be discussed
here. You can consult the howto also available on the
project page (<TT></TT>). Altought is has been
written for Samba2, most of its content still apply to Samba3. The main
difference stands in LDAP schema's definitions.<BR>
<A NAME="toc5"></A>
<H3><A NAME="htoc7">2.2</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Installation</H3>
An archive of the <FONT COLOR=purple>smbldap-tools</FONT> scripts can be downloaded on our project
page <TT></TT>. Archive and RedHat packages are
If you are upgrading, look at the <TT>INSTALL</TT> file or read the link
<A HREF="smbldap-tools007.html#faq::error::add::user">6.13</A>.<BR>

<H4><A NAME="htoc8">2.2.1</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Installing from rpm</H4>
To install the scripts on a RedHat system, download the RPM
package and run the following command:
rpm -Uvh smbldap-tools-0.8.5-1.i386.rpm

<H4><A NAME="htoc9">2.2.2</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Installing from a tarball</H4>
On non RedHat system, download a source archive of the scripts. The current
archive is <TT>smbldap-tools-0.8.5.tar.gz</TT>.
Uncompress it and copy all of the Perl scripts in <TT>/usr/local/sbin</TT>
directory, and the two configuration files in
<TT>/etc/opt/IDEALX/smbldap-tools/</TT> directory:
mkdir /etc/opt/IDEALX/smbldap-tools/
cp *.conf /etc/opt/IDEALX/smbldap-tools/
cp smbldap-* /usr/local/sbin/
The configuration is now based on two differents files:
<TT>smbldap.conf</TT>: define global parameter
<LI><TT>smbldap_bind.conf</TT>: define an administrative account to
 bind to the directory
The second file <B>must</B> be readable only for 'root', as it contains
credentials allowing modifications on all the directory. Make sure the
files are protected by running the following commands:
chmod 644 /etc/opt/IDEALX/smbldap-tools/smbldap.conf
chmod 600 /etc/opt/IDEALX/smbldap-tools/smbldap_bind.conf
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