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<H2><A NAME="htoc1">1</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Introduction</H2><UL>
<LI><A HREF="smbldap-tools002.html#toc1"> Software requirements</A>
<LI><A HREF="smbldap-tools002.html#toc2"> Updates of this document</A>
<LI><A HREF="smbldap-tools002.html#toc3"> Availability of this document</A>

<A NAME="sec:intro"></A>
Smbldap-tools is a set of scripts designed to help integrate Samba and a
LDAP directory. They target both users and administrators of Linux systems.<BR>
Users can change their password in a way similar to the standard ``passwd''
Administrators can perform user and group management command line actions
and synchronise Samba account management consistently.<BR>
This document presents:
a detailled view of the smbldap-tools scripts
<LI>a step by step explanation of how to set up a Samba3 domain controller
<A NAME="toc1"></A>
<H3><A NAME="htoc2">1.1</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Software requirements</H3>
The smbldap-tools have been developped and tested with the following configuration :
<FONT COLOR=purple><I>Linux</I></FONT> RedHat 9 (be should work on any <FONT COLOR=purple><I>Linux</I></FONT> distribution)
<LI>	<FONT COLOR=purple>Samba</FONT> release 3.0.2pre1,
<LI><FONT COLOR=purple>OpenLDAP</FONT> release 2.1.22
<LI><FONT COLOR=purple>Microsoft Windows NT</FONT> 4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows XP Workstations and Servers,
This guide applies to <FONT COLOR=purple>smbldap-tools</FONT> <I>Release</I>: 0.8.7 .<BR>
<A NAME="toc2"></A>
<H3><A NAME="htoc3">1.2</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Updates of this document</H3>
The most up to date release of this document may be found on the 
smbldap-tools project page available at <TT></TT>.<BR>
If you find any bugs in this document, or if you want this document to
integrate some additional infos, please drop us a mail with your bug report
and/or change request at <U></U>.<BR>
<A NAME="toc3"></A>
<H3><A NAME="htoc4">1.3</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Availability of this document</H3>
This document is the property of 
<B><I>IDEALX</I></B> (<TT></TT>). <BR>
Permission is granted to distribute this document under the terms of the GNU 
Free Documentation License (See <TT></TT>).
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