CurrentSambaServerTest   [plain text]

#! /bin/bash
# Copyright (c) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.

# CurrentSambaServerTest - primary test driver for testing the Samba server.
# This script lives in svn, and is triggered by a stub that lives on the
# BigBrother web interface, .

# Exit on error
set -e

    echo '****' "$@" 1>&2
    exit 2

    # Don't stop on error. We want the cleanup to proceed, irrespective of
    # any slightly wonky state.
    set +e

    echo Restoring Samba configuration
    . ${SAMBA_BUILD}/scripts/
    . ${SAMBA_BUILD}/scripts/

    restore_config_file /etc/smb.conf $(basename $0)
    $ASROOT killall -TERM smbd nmbd winbindd

    unmount_disk_image $SAMBA_TESTSUITE
    $ASROOT ${SAMBA_BUILD}/scripts/ --remove /etc/sudoers

    exit 0

SAMBA_BASE=$(cd $(dirname $0)/../.. && pwd)
SAMBA_TESTSUITE=$(basename $0)



[ -d $SAMBA_BUILD/scripts/bb-scripts ] || \
    error $SAMBA_BUILD test suite not found

# Create a directory for running this test in and set it up the way
# SimonSays expects.


# The directory hierarchy should look like this:
#   samba-xxx
#   CurrentSambaServerTest
#   CurrentSambaServerTest/Bin	    => link to samba-xxx/scripts/tests
#   CurrentSambaServerTest/Logs	    => log directory
#   CurrentSambaServerTest/Scripts

    echo Setting up test suite in ${SAMBA_TESTSUIE}

    export SCRIPTBASE=${SAMBA_BASE}/scripts

    cd ${SAMBA_TESTSUITE} && \
	mkdir Tools && \
	mkdir Logs && \
	ln -s ../${SAMBA_BBTEST} Scripts && \
	ln -s ../${SAMBA_TOOLS} Bin && \
	ln -s ../${SAMBA_BBTEST}/configuration .configuration

    echo Building XILog wrappers in ${SAMBA_TESTSUITE}/Tools

    ./Scripts/ Bin/

    ./Scripts/ \
	Bin/ localhost $PUBLIC $BB_USER $BB_PASS

    ./Scripts/ \
	Bin/ $BB_PASS

    ./Scripts/ Bin/

    ./Scripts/ \
	Bin/ localhost $PUBLIC $BB_USER $BB_PASS

    ./Scripts/ Bin/ 

    ./Scripts/ \
    ./Scripts/ \

    ./Scripts/ \

    ./Scripts/ Bin/
    ./Scripts/ Bin/
    ./Scripts/ Bin/
    ./Scripts/ Bin/

    ./Scripts/ \
	Bin/ localhost $PUBLIC $BB_USER $BB_PASS

    ./Scripts/ \
	Bin/ localhost $PUBLIC $BB_USER $BB_PASS

    ./Scripts/ \
	Bin/ localhost $PUBLIC $BB_USER $BB_PASS

    SMBTORTURE=y ./Scripts/ \
	    Bin/ localhost $PUBLIC $BB_USER $BB_PASS

    NOXILOG=y ./Scripts/ \
	    Bin/ localhost $PUBLIC $BB_USER $BB_PASS


# Set up password-less sudo, since some tests will rely on this. This should
# not result in a password prompt unless $BB_USER is not in a preconfigured
# sudoers group.
echo adding $BB_USER to sudoers file
echo $BB_PASS | sudo -S ${SAMBA_BUILD}/scripts/ \
	 --environment=QUOTA_USER,QUOTA_VOLUME \
	 --environment=EDITOR,BUILDIT_DIR \

trap "cleanup" 0 1 2 3 15

    echo dinking with machine state

    # Turn sleep mode off for long-running tests
    sudo pmset -a sleep 0

    echo enabling SMB access for  $BB_USER
    . ${SAMBA_BUILD}/scripts/
    . ${SAMBA_BUILD}/scripts/
    ds_enable_user_for_smb "$BB_USER" "$BB_PASS" | indent

    echo Configuring Samba
    . ${SAMBA_BUILD}/scripts/
    . ${SAMBA_BUILD}/scripts/

    make_disk_image 10g $SAMBA_TESTSUITE || \
	testerr $0 "unable to create $SAMBA_TESTSUITE disk image"

    TEST_IMAGE_PATH=$(mount_disk_image $SAMBA_TESTSUITE)

    save_config_file /etc/smb.conf $(basename $0)
    sed '-e/max smbd processes/d' \
	'-e/max log size/d' \
	< ${SAMBA_BUILD}/config/smb.conf.template > /etc/smb.conf

    chmod 777 $TEST_IMAGE_PATH
    create_smb_share $PUBLIC $TEST_IMAGE_PATH || \
	testerr $0 "unable to create [public]"

    cat >>/etc/smb.conf <<EOF
# Test settings appended by $0

    max log size = 0 # unlimited

    for plist in smbd.plist nmbd.plist org.samba.winbindd.plist ; do
	$ASROOT launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/$plist


    # Make sure that file and print sharing is enabled in the SMB config.
    $ASROOT defaults write $prefs EnabledServices -array print disk
    $ASROOT defaults write $prefs AllowGuestAccess -bool true
    $ASROOT defaults write $prefs MaxClients -int 0
    $ASROOT plutil -convert xml1 ${prefs}.plist

    $ASROOT /usr/libexec/samba/synchronize-preferences --verbose

) || exit 1

# Clear out any SimonSays reboot state
/usr/local/bin/SimonSays -e

# We need to create an actual script file. If we use -a to just run all the
# tools, then the script entry in BigBrother gets named "ALL-TOOLS", which
# is not so informative.
for t in "$SAMBA_TESTSUITE"/Tools/* ; do
    echo RunTool $(basename "$t" )
done > "$SAMBA_TESTSUITE"/SambaServer

    # Run all the tests in the Tools directory.
    echo Running test suite $SAMBA_TESTSUITE
    cd "$SAMBA_TESTSUITE" && \
	   /usr/local/bin/SimonSays -B "$SAMBA_BUILD" -s SambaServer