auth-module-open-directory   [plain text]

Index: samba/source/
--- samba/source/
+++ samba/source/
@@ -454,6 +454,7 @@ AUTH_OBJ = auth/auth.o @AUTH_STATIC@ aut
 ODSAM_PDB_OBJ = lib/opendirectory.o passdb/pdb_odsam.o
+ODSAM_AUTH_OBJ = lib/opendirectory.o auth/auth_odsam.o
 MANGLE_OBJ = smbd/mangle.o smbd/mangle_hash.o smbd/mangle_map.o smbd/mangle_hash2.o
@@ -1324,6 +1325,13 @@ bin/sam.@SHLIBEXT@: proto_exists $(AUTH_
 	@echo "Building plugin $@"
+# Note: This module should not be built statically, due to the
+# external dependencies.
+bin/auth_odsam.@SHLIBEXT@: $(ODSAM_AUTH_OBJ)
+	@echo "Building plugin $@"
+		-framework DirectoryService
 bin/ldapsam.@SHLIBEXT@: passdb/pdb_ldap.o passdb/pdb_nds.o
 	@echo "Building plugin $@"
 	@$(SHLD_MODULE) passdb/pdb_ldap.o passdb/pdb_nds.o $(LDAP_LIBS)
Index: samba/source/
--- samba/source/
+++ samba/source/
@@ -6184,6 +6184,7 @@ SMB_MODULE(auth_server, \$(AUTH_SERVER_O
 SMB_MODULE(auth_domain, \$(AUTH_DOMAIN_OBJ), "bin/domain.$SHLIBEXT", AUTH)
 SMB_MODULE(auth_builtin, \$(AUTH_BUILTIN_OBJ), "bin/builtin.$SHLIBEXT", AUTH)
 SMB_MODULE(auth_script, \$(AUTH_SCRIPT_OBJ), "bin/script.$SHLIBEXT", AUTH)
+SMB_MODULE(auth_ods, \$(ODSAM_AUTH_OBJ), "bin/auth_odsam.$SHLIBEXT", AUTH)
 SMB_MODULE(vfs_default, \$(VFS_DEFAULT_OBJ), "bin/default.$SHLIBEXT", VFS)
Index: samba/source/auth/auth_odsam.c
--- /dev/null
+++ samba/source/auth/auth_odsam.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1010 @@
+   Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
+   Password and authentication handling
+   Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell              1992-2000
+   Copyright (C) Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 1996-2000
+   Copyright (C) Andrew Bartlett              2001
+   Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#include "includes.h"
+#undef DBGC_CLASS
+#undef u32
+#include "opendirectory.h"
+#define MODULE_NAME "odsam"
+static enum ds_trace_level ds_trace = DS_TRACE_ERRORS;
+static int module_debug;
+static tDirNodeReference getusernode(struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				    const char *userName)
+    tDirStatus			status			= eDSNoErr;
+    unsigned long		returnCount		= 0;
+    tDataBufferPtr		dataBuffer		= NULL;
+    tDataListPtr		searchNodeName		= NULL;
+    tDirNodeReference		userNodeRef		= 0;
+    tDataListPtr		userNodePath		= NULL;
+    char			userNodePathStr[256]	= {0};
+    char			recUserName[128]	= {0};
+    tDataListPtr		recName			= NULL;
+    tDataListPtr		recType			= NULL;
+    tDataListPtr		attrType		= NULL;
+    tAttributeListRef		attributeListRef	= 0;
+    tRecordEntryPtr		outRecordEntryPtr	= NULL;
+    tAttributeEntryPtr		attributeInfo		= NULL;
+    tAttributeValueListRef	attributeValueListRef	= 0;
+    tAttributeValueEntryPtr	attrValue		= NULL;
+    long			i			= 0;
+    dataBuffer = dsDataBufferAllocate(session->ref, DEFAULT_DS_BUFFER_SIZE);
+    if (dataBuffer == NULL) {
+	goto cleanup;
+    }
+    status = opendirectory_searchnode(session);
+    LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, status, "opendirectory_searchnode");
+    if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+	goto cleanup;
+    }
+    recName = dsBuildListFromStrings(session->ref, userName, NULL);
+    recType = dsBuildListFromStrings(session->ref, kDSStdRecordTypeUsers, NULL);
+    attrType = dsBuildListFromStrings(session->ref, kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation,
+			kDSNAttrRecordName, NULL);
+    status = dsGetRecordList(session->search, dataBuffer, recName, eDSiExact,
+			recType, attrType, 0, &returnCount, NULL);
+    LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, status, "dsGetRecordList");
+    if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+	goto cleanup;
+    }
+    status = dsGetRecordEntry(session->search, dataBuffer, 1,
+			&attributeListRef, &outRecordEntryPtr);
+    LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, status, "dsGetRecordEntry");
+    if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+	goto cleanup;
+    }
+    for (i = 1 ; i <= outRecordEntryPtr->fRecordAttributeCount; i++) {
+	status = dsGetAttributeEntry(session->search, dataBuffer,
+			attributeListRef, i, &attributeValueListRef,
+			&attributeInfo);
+	LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, status, "dsGetAttributeEntry");
+	status = dsGetAttributeValue(session->search, dataBuffer, 1,
+			attributeValueListRef, &attrValue);
+	LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, status, "dsGetAttributeValue");
+	if (status == eDSNoErr) {
+	    if (strncmp(attributeInfo->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData,
+			kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation,
+			strlen(kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation)) == 0) {
+		SMB_ASSERT(attrValue->fAttributeValueData.fBufferSize <
+			    sizeof(userNodePathStr));
+		strncpy(userNodePathStr,
+			attrValue->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData,
+			attrValue->fAttributeValueData.fBufferSize);
+	    } else if (strncmp(attributeInfo->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData,
+			kDSNAttrRecordName, strlen(kDSNAttrRecordName)) == 0) {
+		SMB_ASSERT(attrValue->fAttributeValueData.fBufferSize <
+			    sizeof(recUserName));
+		strncpy(recUserName,
+			attrValue->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData,
+			attrValue->fAttributeValueData.fBufferSize);
+	    }
+	}
+	if (attrValue != NULL) {
+	    dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(session->ref, attrValue);
+	    attrValue = NULL;
+	}
+	if (attributeValueListRef != 0) {
+	    dsCloseAttributeValueList(attributeValueListRef);
+	    attributeValueListRef = 0;
+	}
+	if (attributeInfo != NULL) {
+	    dsDeallocAttributeEntry(session->ref, attributeInfo);
+	    attributeInfo = NULL;
+	}
+    }
+    if (outRecordEntryPtr != NULL) {
+	dsDeallocRecordEntry(session->ref, outRecordEntryPtr);
+	outRecordEntryPtr = NULL;
+    }
+    if (strlen(userNodePathStr) != 0 && strlen(recUserName) != 0) {
+	userNodePath = dsBuildFromPath(session->ref, userNodePathStr, "/");
+	status = dsOpenDirNode(session->ref, userNodePath, &userNodeRef);
+	LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, status, "dsOpenDirNode");
+	opendirectory_free_list(session, userNodePath);
+    }
+    DS_CLOSE_NODE(session->search);
+    opendirectory_free_buffer(session, dataBuffer);
+    opendirectory_free_list(session, searchNodeName);
+    opendirectory_free_list(session, recName);
+    opendirectory_free_list(session, recType);
+    opendirectory_free_list(session, attrType);
+    return userNodeRef;
+/* FIXME: this partial mapping should be completed and hoisted into library
+ * code -- jpeach
+ */
+static NTSTATUS map_dserr_to_nterr(tDirStatus dirStatus)
+	switch (dirStatus) {
+	case (eDSAuthFailed):
+	case (eDSAuthBadPassword):
+	case (eDSAuthAccountInactive):
+	case (eDSAuthNewPasswordRequired):
+	case (eDSAuthPasswordExpired):
+	default:
+	}
+static tDirStatus opendirectory_auth_user(
+			struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			tDirNodeReference userNode,
+			const char* user,
+			u_int8_t *challenge,
+			u_int8_t *password,
+			const char *inAuthMethod)
+	tDirStatus 		status			= eDSAuthServerError;
+	unsigned long		curr			= 0;
+	unsigned long		len			= 0;
+	tDataBufferPtr		authBuff  		= NULL;
+	tDataBufferPtr		stepBuff  		= NULL;
+	tDataNodePtr		authType		= NULL;
+        authBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( session->ref, 2048 );
+        if ( authBuff == NULL ) {
+                DEBUG(module_debug, ("*** dsDataBufferAllocate failed\n" ));
+		return eMemoryAllocError;
+	}
+	stepBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( session->ref, 2048 );
+	if ( stepBuff == NULL ) {
+		dsDataBufferDeAllocate( session->ref, authBuff );
+                DEBUG(module_debug, ("*** dsDataBufferAllocate failed\n" ));
+		return eMemoryAllocError;
+	}
+	authType = dsDataNodeAllocateString( session->ref,  inAuthMethod);
+	if ( authType != NULL ) {
+		// User Name
+		len = strlen( user );
+		memcpy( &(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), &len, 4 );
+		curr += sizeof( long );
+		memcpy( &(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), user, len );
+		curr += len;
+		// C8
+		len = 8;
+		memcpy( &(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), &len, 4 );
+		curr += sizeof (long );
+		memcpy( &(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), challenge, len );
+		curr += len;
+		// P24
+		len = 24;
+		memcpy( &(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), &len, 4 );
+		curr += sizeof (long );
+		memcpy( &(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), password, len );
+		curr += len;
+		authBuff->fBufferLength = curr;
+		status = dsDoDirNodeAuth( userNode, authType, True,
+				authBuff, stepBuff, NULL );
+		LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, status, "dsDoNodeAuth");
+		DEBUG(module_debug, ("User \"%s\" %s ""with \"%s\"\n", user,
+			    status == eDSNoErr ? "authenticated successfully"
+					    : "failed to authenticate",
+			    inAuthMethod));
+	}
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(session, stepBuff);
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(session, authBuff);
+	opendirectory_free_node(session, authType);
+	return status;
+static tDirStatus opendirectory_ntlmv2_auth_user(
+			    struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			    tDirNodeReference userNode,
+			    const char* user,
+			    const char* domain,
+			    const DATA_BLOB *sec_blob,
+			    const DATA_BLOB *ntv2_response,
+			    DATA_BLOB *user_sess_key)
+	static const char const method[] =
+			"dsAuthMethodStandard:dsAuthNodeNTLMv2";
+	tDirStatus 		status		= eDSAuthServerError;
+	unsigned long		curr		= 0;
+	unsigned long		len		= 0;
+	tDataBufferPtr		authBuff  	= NULL;
+	tDataBufferPtr		stepBuff  	= NULL;
+	tDataNodePtr		authType	= NULL;
+	The auth method constant is: dsAuthMethodStandard:dsAuthNodeNTLMv2
+	The format for data in the step buffer is:
+	4 byte len + directory-services name
+	4 byte len + server challenge
+	4 byte len + client "blob" - 16 bytes of client digest + the blob data
+	4 byte len + user name used in the digest (usually the same as item #1 in the buffer)
+	4 byte len + domain
+        authBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( session->ref, 2048 );
+        if ( authBuff == NULL ) {
+                DEBUG(module_debug, ("*** dsDataBufferAllocate failed\n" ));
+		return eMemoryAllocError;
+	}
+	stepBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( session->ref, 2048 );
+	if ( stepBuff == NULL ) {
+		 dsDataBufferDeAllocate( session->ref, authBuff );
+                DEBUG(module_debug, ("*** dsDataBufferAllocate failed\n" ));
+		return eMemoryAllocError;
+	}
+	authType = dsDataNodeAllocateString( session->ref, method );
+	if ( authType != NULL ) {
+		// directory-services name
+		len = strlen( user );
+		memcpy( &(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), &len, 4 );
+		curr += sizeof( long );
+		memcpy( &(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), user, len );
+		curr += len;
+		// server challenge
+		len = 8;
+		memcpy( &(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), &len, 4 );
+		curr += sizeof (long );
+		memcpy( &(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), sec_blob->data, len );
+		curr += len;
+		// client "blob" - 16 bytes of client digest + the blob_data
+		len = ntv2_response->length;
+		memcpy( &(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), &len, 4 );
+		curr += sizeof (long );
+		memcpy( &(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), ntv2_response->data, len );
+		curr += len;
+		 // user name used in the digest (usually the same as item #1 in the buffer)
+		len = strlen( user );
+		memcpy( &(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), &len, 4 );
+		curr += sizeof( long );
+		memcpy( &(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), user, len );
+		curr += len;
+		// domain
+		len = strlen( domain );
+		memcpy( &(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), &len, 4 );
+		curr += sizeof( long );
+		memcpy( &(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), domain, len );
+		curr += len;
+		authBuff->fBufferLength = curr;
+		status = dsDoDirNodeAuth( userNode, authType, True,
+				authBuff, stepBuff, NULL );
+		LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, status, "dsDoNodeAuth");
+		DEBUG(module_debug, ("User \"%s\" %s ""with \"%s\"\n", user,
+			    status == eDSNoErr ? "authenticated successfully"
+					    : "failed to authenticate",
+			    method));
+	}
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(session, stepBuff);
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(session, authBuff);
+	opendirectory_free_node(session, authType);
+	return status;
+core of smb password checking routine.
+static tDirStatus opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv1(
+		    struct opendirectory_session *session,
+		    tDirNodeReference userNode,
+		    const char *user,
+		    const char *inAuthMethod,
+		    const DATA_BLOB *nt_response,
+		    const DATA_BLOB *sec_blob,
+		    DATA_BLOB *user_sess_key)
+	tDirStatus	status	    = eDSAuthFailed;
+	tDirStatus	keyStatus   = eDSAuthFailed;
+	u_int32_t key_length = 0;
+	if (sec_blob->length != 8) {
+		DEBUG(module_debug, ("incorrect challenge size (%ld)\n",
+			    sec_blob->length));
+		return eDSAuthFailed;
+	}
+	if (nt_response->length != 24) {
+		DEBUG(module_debug, ("incorrect password length (%ld)\n",
+			    nt_response->length));
+		return eDSAuthFailed;
+	}
+ 	if ((user_sess_key != NULL) &&
+	    (strcmp(inAuthMethod,kDSStdAuthSMB_NT_Key) == 0) ) {
+		*user_sess_key = data_blob(NULL, 16);
+		become_root();
+		status = opendirectory_user_auth_and_session_key(session,
+				    userNode, user, sec_blob->data,
+				    nt_response->data, user_sess_key->data,
+				    &key_length);
+		unbecome_root();
+		LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, status,
+			"opendirectory_user_auth_and_session_key");
+	}
+	if (eDSAuthMethodNotSupported == status ||
+	    eNotHandledByThisNode == status ||
+	    (strcmp(inAuthMethod,kDSStdAuthSMB_LM_Key) == 0)) {
+   		status = opendirectory_auth_user(session, userNode, user,
+			sec_blob->data, nt_response->data, inAuthMethod);
+		LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, status,
+			"opendirectory_auth_user");
+		if (user_sess_key != NULL) {
+			*user_sess_key = data_blob(NULL, 16);
+			become_root();
+			keyStatus = opendirectory_user_session_key(session,
+				userNode, user, user_sess_key->data);
+			unbecome_root();
+			LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, status,
+				"opendirectory_user_session_key");
+		}
+	}
+	return status;
+ Core of smb password checking routine. (NTLMv2, LMv2)
+ Note:  The same code works with both NTLMv2 and LMv2.
+static tDirStatus opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv2(
+			struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			tDirNodeReference userNode,
+			const DATA_BLOB *ntv2_response,
+			const DATA_BLOB *sec_blob,
+			const char *user, const char *domain,
+			/* should the domain be transformed into upper case? */
+			BOOL upper_case_domain,
+			DATA_BLOB *user_sess_key)
+	tDirStatus	status	= eDSAuthFailed;
+	tDirStatus	keyStatus = eDSNoErr;
+	u_int32_t session_key_len = 0;
+	if (sec_blob->length != 8) {
+		DEBUG(module_debug, ("incorrect challenge size (%lu)\n",
+			  (unsigned long)sec_blob->length));
+		return False;
+	}
+	if (ntv2_response->length < 24) {
+		/* We MUST have more than 16 bytes, or the stuff below will go
+		   crazy.  No known implementation sends less than the 24 bytes
+		   for LMv2, let alone NTLMv2. */
+		DEBUG(module_debug, ("incorrect password length (%lu)\n",
+			  (unsigned long)ntv2_response->length));
+		return False;
+	}
+	status = opendirectory_ntlmv2_auth_user(session, userNode, user,
+		    domain, sec_blob, ntv2_response, user_sess_key );
+	LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, status, "opendirectory_ntlmv2_auth_user");
+	if (eDSNoErr != status) {
+		return status;
+	}
+	if (user_sess_key != NULL) {
+		*user_sess_key = data_blob(NULL, 16);
+		become_root();
+		keyStatus = opendirectory_ntlmv2user_session_key(user,
+			ntv2_response->length, ntv2_response->data,
+			domain, &session_key_len, user_sess_key->data);
+		unbecome_root();
+		LOG_DS_ERROR_MSG(ds_trace, status,
+			"opendirectory_ntlmv2user_session_key",
+			("%u byte session key (%s)\n",
+			 session_key_len,
+			 ntv2_response->length == 24 ? "LMv2" : "NTLMv2"));
+	}
+	 return (status);
+ * Check a challenge-response password against the value of the NT or
+ * LM password hash.
+ *
+ * @param mem_ctx talloc context
+ * @param challenge 8-byte challenge.  If all zero, forces plaintext comparison
+ * @param nt_response 'unicode' NT response to the challenge, or unicode password
+ * @param lm_response ASCII or LANMAN response to the challenge, or password in DOS code page
+ * @param username internal Samba username, for log messages
+ * @param client_username username the client used
+ * @param client_domain domain name the client used (may be mapped)
+ * @param nt_pw MD4 unicode password from our passdb or similar
+ * @param lm_pw LANMAN ASCII password from our passdb or similar
+ * @param user_sess_key User session key
+ * @param lm_sess_key LM session key (first 8 bytes of the LM hash)
+ */
+static NTSTATUS
+			    struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			    tDirNodeReference userNode,
+			    TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+			    const DATA_BLOB *challenge,
+			    const DATA_BLOB *lm_response,
+			    const DATA_BLOB *nt_response,
+			    const DATA_BLOB *lm_interactive_pwd,
+			    const DATA_BLOB *nt_interactive_pwd,
+			    const char *username,
+			    const char *client_username,
+			    const char *client_domain,
+			    DATA_BLOB *user_sess_key,
+			    DATA_BLOB *lm_sess_key)
+	tDirStatus dirStatus = eDSAuthFailed;
+	if (nt_response->length > 24) {
+		/* We have the NT MD4 hash challenge available - see if we can
+		   use it
+		*/
+		DEBUG(module_debug,("Checking NTLMv2 password with domain [%s]\n",
+			    client_domain));
+		dirStatus = opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv2(session,
+					  userNode, nt_response,
+					  challenge,
+					  client_username,
+					  client_domain,
+					  False,
+					  user_sess_key);
+		LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, dirStatus,
+			"opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv2");
+		if (dirStatus == eDSNoErr) {
+#if DEBUG_LMv2
+			DEBUG(module_debug,("Checking LMv2 password with domain [%s]\n",
+				    client_domain));
+			dirStatus = opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv2(session,
+						  userNode, lm_response,
+						  challenge,
+						  client_username,
+						  client_domain,
+						  False,
+						  user_sess_key);
+			LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, dirStatus,
+				"opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv2");
+			return NT_STATUS_OK;
+		}
+		DEBUG(module_debug,("Checking NTLMv2 password with uppercase domain [%s]\n",
+			    client_domain));
+		dirStatus = opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv2(session,
+					  userNode, nt_response,
+					  challenge,
+					  client_username,
+					  client_domain,
+					  True,
+					  user_sess_key);
+		LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, dirStatus,
+			"opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv2");
+		if (dirStatus == eDSNoErr) {
+			return NT_STATUS_OK;
+		}
+		DEBUG(module_debug,("Checking NTLMv2 password without a domain\n"));
+		dirStatus = opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv2(session,
+					  userNode, nt_response,
+					  challenge,
+					  client_username,
+					  "",
+					  False,
+					  user_sess_key);
+		LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, dirStatus,
+			"opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv2");
+		if (dirStatus == eDSNoErr) {
+			return NT_STATUS_OK;
+		}
+		return map_dserr_to_nterr(dirStatus);
+	}
+	if (nt_response->length == 24) {
+		/* Why are we checking nt_interactive_pwd but not actually
+		 * using it? -- jpeach
+		 */
+		if (lp_ntlm_auth() ||
+		    (nt_interactive_pwd && nt_interactive_pwd->length)) {
+			/* We have the NT MD4 hash challenge available - see
+			 * if we can use it (ie. does it exist in the smbpasswd
+			 * file).
+			 */
+			DEBUG(module_debug,("Checking NT MD4 password\n"));
+			dirStatus =
+			    opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv1(session,
+						userNode, username,
+						kDSStdAuthSMB_NT_Key,
+						nt_response,
+						challenge,
+						user_sess_key);
+			LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, dirStatus,
+				"opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv1");
+			if (dirStatus == eDSNoErr) {
+				return NT_STATUS_OK;
+			}
+			DEBUG(module_debug,("NT MD4 password check failed for user %s\n",
+				 username));
+			return map_dserr_to_nterr(dirStatus);
+		}
+		/* No return, because we might pick up LMv2 in the LM field. */
+		DEBUG(module_debug,("NTLMv1 passwords NOT PERMITTED for user %s\n",
+				 username));
+	}
+	if (lm_response->length == 0) {
+		DEBUG(module_debug,("NEITHER LanMan nor NT password supplied for user %s\n",
+			 username));
+	}
+	if (lm_response->length < 24) {
+		DEBUG(module_debug,("invalid LanMan password length (%lu) for user %s\n",
+			 (unsigned long)nt_response->length, username));
+	}
+	if (lp_lanman_auth()) {
+		DEBUG(module_debug,("Checking LM password\n"));
+		dirStatus =  opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv1(session,
+					userNode, username,
+					kDSStdAuthSMB_LM_Key,
+					lm_response,
+					 challenge,
+					 NULL);
+		LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, dirStatus,
+			"opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv1");
+		if (dirStatus == eDSNoErr) {
+			return NT_STATUS_OK;
+		}
+		DEBUG(module_debug,("LM password check failed for user %s\n",username));
+	}
+	/* This is for 'LMv2' authentication.  almost NTLMv2 but limited to
+	 * 24 bytes - related to Win9X, legacy NAS pass-though authentication
+	 */
+	DEBUG(module_debug,("Checking LMv2 password with domain %s\n", client_domain));
+	dirStatus = opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv2(session, userNode,
+				  lm_response,
+				  challenge,
+				  client_username,
+				  client_domain,
+				  False,
+				  user_sess_key);
+	LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, dirStatus,
+		"opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv2");
+	if (dirStatus== eDSNoErr) {
+		return NT_STATUS_OK;
+	}
+	DEBUG(module_debug,("Checking LMv2 password with upper-cased domain %s\n",
+		    client_domain));
+	dirStatus = opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv2(session, userNode,
+				  lm_response,
+				  challenge,
+				  client_username,
+				  client_domain,
+				  True,
+				  user_sess_key);
+	LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, dirStatus,
+		"opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv2");
+	if (dirStatus== eDSNoErr) {
+		return NT_STATUS_OK;
+	}
+	DEBUG(module_debug,("Checking LMv2 password without a domain\n"));
+	dirStatus = opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv2(session, userNode,
+			          lm_response,
+				  challenge,
+				  client_username,
+				  "",
+				  False,
+				  user_sess_key);
+	LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, dirStatus,
+		"opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv2");
+	if (dirStatus== eDSNoErr) {
+		return NT_STATUS_OK;
+	}
+	/* Apparently NT accepts NT responses in the LM field
+	   - I think this is related to Win9X pass-though authentication
+	*/
+	DEBUG(module_debug,("Checking NT MD4 password in LM field\n"));
+	if (lp_ntlm_auth()) {
+		dirStatus =  opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv1(session,
+					userNode, username,
+					kDSStdAuthSMB_NT_Key,
+					lm_response,
+					 challenge,
+					 user_sess_key);
+		LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, dirStatus,
+			"opendirectory_smb_pwd_check_ntlmv1");
+		if (dirStatus== eDSNoErr) {
+			return NT_STATUS_OK;
+		}
+		DEBUG(module_debug,("LM password, NT MD4 password in LM field "
+			    "and LMv2 failed for user %s\n",username));
+	}
+	DEBUG(module_debug,("LM password and LMv2 failed for user %s, "
+		    "and NT MD4 password in LM field not permitted\n",username));
+ Do a specific test for an smb password being correct, given a smb_password and
+ the lanman and NT responses.
+static NTSTATUS opendirectory_password_ok(
+			    struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			    tDirNodeReference userNode,
+			    const struct auth_context *auth_context,
+			    TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+			    struct samu *sampass,
+			    const auth_usersupplied_info *user_info,
+			    DATA_BLOB *user_sess_key,
+			    DATA_BLOB *lm_sess_key)
+	uint16 acct_ctrl;
+	const char *username = pdb_get_username(sampass);
+	acct_ctrl = pdb_get_acct_ctrl(sampass);
+	if (acct_ctrl & ACB_PWNOTREQ) {
+		DEBUG(module_debug,("Account for user '%s' has no password "
+			    "and null passwords %s allowed.\n",
+			    lp_null_passwords() ? "are" : "are NOT",
+			    username));
+		return lp_null_passwords() ? NT_STATUS_OK
+	}
+	return opendirectory_opendirectory_ntlm_password_check(session,
+			    userNode, mem_ctx, &auth_context->challenge,
+			    &user_info->lm_resp, &user_info->nt_resp,
+			    &user_info->lm_interactive_pwd,
+			    &user_info->nt_interactive_pwd,
+			    username,
+			    user_info->smb_name,
+			    user_info->client_domain,
+			    user_sess_key, lm_sess_key);
+ Do a specific test for a struct samu being vaild for this connection
+ (ie not disabled, expired and the like).
+static NTSTATUS opendirectory_account_ok(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+			       struct samu *sampass,
+			       const auth_usersupplied_info *user_info)
+	uint16	acct_ctrl = pdb_get_acct_ctrl(sampass);
+	char *workstation_list;
+	time_t kickoff_time;
+	DEBUG(module_debug,("Checking SMB password for user %s\n",
+		    pdb_get_username(sampass)));
+	/* Quit if the account was disabled. */
+	if (acct_ctrl & ACB_DISABLED) {
+		DEBUG(module_debug,("Account for user '%s' was disabled.\n",
+			    pdb_get_username(sampass)));
+	}
+	/* Test account expire time */
+	kickoff_time = pdb_get_kickoff_time(sampass);
+	if (kickoff_time != 0 && time(NULL) > kickoff_time) {
+		DEBUG(module_debug,("Account for user '%s' has expired.\n",
+			    pdb_get_username(sampass)));
+		DEBUG(module_debug,("Account expired at '%ld' unix time.\n",
+			    (long)kickoff_time));
+	}
+	if (!(pdb_get_acct_ctrl(sampass) & ACB_PWNOEXP)) {
+		time_t must_change_time = pdb_get_pass_must_change_time(sampass);
+		time_t last_set_time = pdb_get_pass_last_set_time(sampass);
+		/* check for immediate expiry "must change at next logon" */
+		if (must_change_time == 0 && last_set_time != 0) {
+			DEBUG(module_debug,("Password for user '%s' must change!\n",
+				    pdb_get_username(sampass)));
+		}
+		/* check for expired password */
+		if (must_change_time < time(NULL) && must_change_time != 0) {
+			DEBUG(module_debug,("Password for user '%s' has expired!\n",
+				    pdb_get_username(sampass)));
+			DEBUG(module_debug,("Password expired at '%s' (%ld) unix time.\n",
+				    http_timestring(must_change_time),
+				    (long)must_change_time));
+		}
+	}
+	/* Test workstation. Workstation list is comma separated. */
+	workstation_list = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, pdb_get_workstations(sampass));
+	if (!workstation_list) return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+	if (*workstation_list) {
+		BOOL invalid_ws = True;
+		const char *s = workstation_list;
+		fstring tok;
+		while (next_token(&s, tok, ",", sizeof(tok))) {
+			DEBUG(module_debug,("checking for workstation match %s and %s\n",
+				  tok, user_info->wksta_name));
+			if(strequal(tok, user_info->wksta_name)) {
+				invalid_ws = False;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (invalid_ws)
+	}
+	if (acct_ctrl & ACB_DOMTRUST) {
+		DEBUG(module_debug,("Domain trust account %s denied by server\n",
+			    pdb_get_username(sampass)));
+	}
+	if (acct_ctrl & ACB_SVRTRUST) {
+		DEBUG(module_debug,("Server trust account %s denied by server\n",
+			    pdb_get_username(sampass)));
+	}
+	if (acct_ctrl & ACB_WSTRUST) {
+		DEBUG(module_debug,("Wksta trust account %s denied by server\n",
+			    pdb_get_username(sampass)));
+	}
+	return NT_STATUS_OK;
+check if a username/password is OK assuming the password is a 24 byte
+SMB hash supplied in the user_info structure
+return an NT_STATUS constant.
+static NTSTATUS check_opendirectory_security(
+			const struct auth_context *auth_context,
+		        void *my_private_data,
+		        TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+		        const auth_usersupplied_info *user_info,
+		        auth_serversupplied_info **server_info)
+	struct samu *sampass=NULL;
+	BOOL ret = False;
+	NTSTATUS nt_status = NT_STATUS_OK;
+	DATA_BLOB user_sess_key = data_blob(NULL, 0);
+	DATA_BLOB lm_sess_key = data_blob(NULL, 0);
+	tDirStatus		dirStatus	= eDSNoErr;
+	tDirNodeReference	userNodeRef	= 0;
+	struct opendirectory_session session;
+	if (!user_info || !auth_context) {
+	}
+	sampass = samu_new(NULL);
+	if (!sampass) {
+	}
+	/* get the account information */
+	if (user_info->internal_username &&
+	    strlen(user_info->internal_username)) {
+		become_root();
+		ret = pdb_getsampwnam(sampass, user_info->internal_username);
+		unbecome_root();
+	}
+	if (ret == False) {
+		DEBUG(module_debug, ("user '%s' is not in the password database\n",
+			    user_info->internal_username));
+		TALLOC_FREE(sampass);
+	}
+	/* FIXME: this would be a good place to check the SMB service ACL.
+	 * Unfortunately, we don't ever get here if the client authenticated
+	 * with Kerberos.
+	 */
+	nt_status = opendirectory_account_ok(mem_ctx, sampass, user_info);
+	if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) {
+		TALLOC_FREE(sampass);
+		return nt_status;
+	}
+	dirStatus = opendirectory_connect(&session);
+	LOG_DS_ERROR(ds_trace, dirStatus, "dsOpenDirService");
+	if (dirStatus != eDSNoErr) {
+		TALLOC_FREE(sampass);
+	}
+	userNodeRef = getusernode(&session, pdb_get_username(sampass));
+	if (userNodeRef == 0) {
+		opendirectory_disconnect(&session);
+		TALLOC_FREE(sampass);
+	}
+	nt_status = opendirectory_password_ok(&session, userNodeRef,
+			auth_context, mem_ctx, sampass, user_info,
+			&user_sess_key, &lm_sess_key);
+	DS_CLOSE_NODE( userNodeRef );
+	opendirectory_disconnect(&session);
+	if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) {
+		TALLOC_FREE(sampass);
+		return nt_status;
+	}
+	nt_status = make_server_info_sam(server_info, sampass);
+	if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) {
+		TALLOC_FREE(sampass);
+		DEBUG(module_debug, ("make_server_info_sam() failed with '%s'\n",
+			    nt_errstr(nt_status)));
+		return nt_status;
+	}
+	/* NOTE: There is no need to deal specially with
+	 * (*server_info)->sam_account since server_info_dtor() cleans it
+	 * up on a talloc_free().
+	 */
+	(*server_info)->user_session_key = user_sess_key;
+	(*server_info)->lm_session_key = lm_sess_key;
+	return nt_status;
+/* module initialisation */
+static NTSTATUS auth_init_opendirectory(struct auth_context *auth_context,
+	const char *param, auth_methods **auth_method)
+	if (!make_auth_methods(auth_context, auth_method)) {
+	}
+	(*auth_method)->auth = check_opendirectory_security;
+	(*auth_method)->name = MODULE_NAME;
+	return NT_STATUS_OK;
+/* module initialisation */
+static NTSTATUS auth_init_od_historic(struct auth_context *auth_context,
+	const char *param, auth_methods **auth_method)
+	if (!make_auth_methods(auth_context, auth_method)) {
+	}
+	(*auth_method)->auth = check_opendirectory_security;
+	(*auth_method)->name = "opendirectory";
+	return NT_STATUS_OK;
+NTSTATUS auth_ods_init(void)
+	/* Use "odsam:traceall = yes" to turn on OD query tracing. */
+	if (lp_parm_bool(GLOBAL_SECTION_SNUM,
+		    MODULE_NAME, "traceall", False)) {
+		ds_trace = DS_TRACE_ALL;
+	}
+	module_debug = lp_parm_int(GLOBAL_SECTION_SNUM,
+					MODULE_NAME, "msglevel", 100);
+	/* Register with the current module name. */
+			auth_init_opendirectory);
+	/* Register the historic name for compatibility with 10.4 configs. */
+	smb_register_auth(AUTH_INTERFACE_VERSION, "opendirectory",
+			auth_init_od_historic);
+	return NT_STATUS_OK;