_attributes.erb   [plain text]

%# -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
%# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei.  All rights reserved.
%# This file is a part of  the programming language Ruby.  Permission is hereby
%# granted, to either  redistribute and/or modify this file,  provided that the
%# conditions mentioned  in the  file COPYING  are met.   Consult the  file for
#ifndef RUBY_VM_EXEC_H
/* can't #include "vm_exec.h" here... */
typedef long OFFSET;
typedef unsigned long lindex_t;
typedef rb_iseq_t *ISEQ;

% attrs = RubyVM::Instructions.map(&:attributes).flatten
% attrs.each do |a|
PUREFUNC(MAYBE_UNUSED(static <%= a.declaration %>));
% end
% attrs.each do |a|

/* <%= a.pretty_name %> */
<%= a.definition %>
% str = render_c_expr a.expr
% case str when /\A#/ then
<%= str -%>
% else
    return <%= str -%>
% end
% end