ossl_x509store.c   [plain text]

 * $Id: ossl_x509store.c 37070 2012-10-02 19:36:26Z drbrain $
 * 'OpenSSL for Ruby' project
 * Copyright (C) 2001-2002  Michal Rokos <m.rokos@sh.cvut.cz>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby.
 * (See the file 'LICENCE'.)
#include "ossl.h"

#define WrapX509Store(klass, obj, st) do { \
    if (!(st)) { \
	ossl_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "STORE wasn't initialized!"); \
    } \
    (obj) = Data_Wrap_Struct((klass), 0, X509_STORE_free, (st)); \
} while (0)
#define GetX509Store(obj, st) do { \
    Data_Get_Struct((obj), X509_STORE, (st)); \
    if (!(st)) { \
	ossl_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "STORE wasn't initialized!"); \
    } \
} while (0)
#define SafeGetX509Store(obj, st) do { \
    OSSL_Check_Kind((obj), cX509Store); \
    GetX509Store((obj), (st)); \
} while (0)

#define WrapX509StCtx(klass, obj, ctx) do { \
    if (!(ctx)) { \
	ossl_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "STORE_CTX wasn't initialized!"); \
    } \
    (obj) = Data_Wrap_Struct((klass), 0, ossl_x509stctx_free, (ctx)); \
} while (0)
#define GetX509StCtx(obj, ctx) do { \
    Data_Get_Struct((obj), X509_STORE_CTX, (ctx)); \
    if (!(ctx)) { \
	ossl_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "STORE_CTX is out of scope!"); \
    } \
} while (0)
#define SafeGetX509StCtx(obj, storep) do { \
    OSSL_Check_Kind((obj), cX509StoreContext); \
    GetX509Store((obj), (ctx)); \
} while (0)

 * Classes
VALUE cX509Store;
VALUE cX509StoreContext;
VALUE eX509StoreError;

 * Public functions
ossl_x509store_new(X509_STORE *store)
    VALUE obj;

    WrapX509Store(cX509Store, obj, store);

    return obj;

X509_STORE *
GetX509StorePtr(VALUE obj)
    X509_STORE *store;

    SafeGetX509Store(obj, store);

    return store;

X509_STORE *
DupX509StorePtr(VALUE obj)
    X509_STORE *store;

    SafeGetX509Store(obj, store);
    CRYPTO_add(&store->references, 1, CRYPTO_LOCK_X509_STORE);

    return store;

 * Private functions
static VALUE
ossl_x509store_alloc(VALUE klass)
    X509_STORE *store;
    VALUE obj;

    if((store = X509_STORE_new()) == NULL){
        ossl_raise(eX509StoreError, NULL);
    WrapX509Store(klass, obj, store);

    return obj;

 * General callback for OpenSSL verify
static VALUE
ossl_x509store_set_vfy_cb(VALUE self, VALUE cb)
    X509_STORE *store;

    GetX509Store(self, store);
    X509_STORE_set_ex_data(store, ossl_verify_cb_idx, (void*)cb);
    rb_iv_set(self, "@verify_callback", cb);

    return cb;

 * call-seq:
 *    X509::Store.new => store
static VALUE
ossl_x509store_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    X509_STORE *store;

/* BUG: This method takes any number of arguments but appears to ignore them. */
    GetX509Store(self, store);
    store->ex_data.sk = NULL;
    X509_STORE_set_verify_cb_func(store, ossl_verify_cb);
    ossl_x509store_set_vfy_cb(self, Qnil);

#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x00907000L)
    rb_iv_set(self, "@flags", INT2NUM(0));
    rb_iv_set(self, "@purpose", INT2NUM(0));
    rb_iv_set(self, "@trust", INT2NUM(0));

    /* last verification status */
    rb_iv_set(self, "@error", Qnil);
    rb_iv_set(self, "@error_string", Qnil);
    rb_iv_set(self, "@chain", Qnil);
    rb_iv_set(self, "@time", Qnil);

    return self;

static VALUE
ossl_x509store_set_flags(VALUE self, VALUE flags)
#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x00907000L)
    X509_STORE *store;
    long f = NUM2LONG(flags);

    GetX509Store(self, store);
    X509_STORE_set_flags(store, f);
    rb_iv_set(self, "@flags", flags);

    return flags;

static VALUE
ossl_x509store_set_purpose(VALUE self, VALUE purpose)
#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x00907000L)
    X509_STORE *store;
    int p = NUM2INT(purpose);

    GetX509Store(self, store);
    X509_STORE_set_purpose(store, p);
    rb_iv_set(self, "@purpose", purpose);

    return purpose;

static VALUE
ossl_x509store_set_trust(VALUE self, VALUE trust)
#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x00907000L)
    X509_STORE *store;
    int t = NUM2INT(trust);

    GetX509Store(self, store);
    X509_STORE_set_trust(store, t);
    rb_iv_set(self, "@trust", trust);

    return trust;

static VALUE
ossl_x509store_set_time(VALUE self, VALUE time)
    rb_iv_set(self, "@time", time);
    return time;

 * call-seq:
 *   store.add_file(file) -> store
 * Adds the certificates in +file+ to the certificate store.  The +file+ can
 * contain multiple PEM-encoded certificates.

static VALUE
ossl_x509store_add_file(VALUE self, VALUE file)
    X509_STORE *store;
    X509_LOOKUP *lookup;
    char *path = NULL;

    if(file != Qnil){
	path = RSTRING_PTR(file);
    GetX509Store(self, store);
    lookup = X509_STORE_add_lookup(store, X509_LOOKUP_file());
    if(lookup == NULL) ossl_raise(eX509StoreError, NULL);
    if(X509_LOOKUP_load_file(lookup, path, X509_FILETYPE_PEM) != 1){
        ossl_raise(eX509StoreError, NULL);

    return self;

static VALUE
ossl_x509store_add_path(VALUE self, VALUE dir)
    X509_STORE *store;
    X509_LOOKUP *lookup;
    char *path = NULL;

    if(dir != Qnil){
	path = RSTRING_PTR(dir);
    GetX509Store(self, store);
    lookup = X509_STORE_add_lookup(store, X509_LOOKUP_hash_dir());
    if(lookup == NULL) ossl_raise(eX509StoreError, NULL);
    if(X509_LOOKUP_add_dir(lookup, path, X509_FILETYPE_PEM) != 1){
        ossl_raise(eX509StoreError, NULL);

    return self;

 * call-seq:
 *   store.set_default_path
 * Adds the default certificates to the certificate store.  These certificates
 * are loaded from the default configuration directory which can usually be
 * determined by:
 *   File.dirname OpenSSL::Config::DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE
static VALUE
ossl_x509store_set_default_paths(VALUE self)
    X509_STORE *store;

    GetX509Store(self, store);
    if (X509_STORE_set_default_paths(store) != 1){
        ossl_raise(eX509StoreError, NULL);

    return Qnil;

 * call-seq:
 *   store.add_cert(cert)
 * Adds the OpenSSL::X509::Certificate +cert+ to the certificate store.

static VALUE
ossl_x509store_add_cert(VALUE self, VALUE arg)
    X509_STORE *store;
    X509 *cert;

    cert = GetX509CertPtr(arg); /* NO NEED TO DUP */
    GetX509Store(self, store);
    if (X509_STORE_add_cert(store, cert) != 1){
        ossl_raise(eX509StoreError, NULL);

    return self;

static VALUE
ossl_x509store_add_crl(VALUE self, VALUE arg)
    X509_STORE *store;
    X509_CRL *crl;

    crl = GetX509CRLPtr(arg); /* NO NEED TO DUP */
    GetX509Store(self, store);
    if (X509_STORE_add_crl(store, crl) != 1){
        ossl_raise(eX509StoreError, NULL);

    return self;

static VALUE ossl_x509stctx_get_err(VALUE);
static VALUE ossl_x509stctx_get_err_string(VALUE);
static VALUE ossl_x509stctx_get_chain(VALUE);

static VALUE
ossl_x509store_verify(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE cert, chain;
    VALUE ctx, proc, result;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &cert, &chain);
    ctx = rb_funcall(cX509StoreContext, rb_intern("new"), 3, self, cert, chain);
    proc = rb_block_given_p() ?  rb_block_proc() :
	   rb_iv_get(self, "@verify_callback");
    rb_iv_set(ctx, "@verify_callback", proc);
    result = rb_funcall(ctx, rb_intern("verify"), 0);

    rb_iv_set(self, "@error", ossl_x509stctx_get_err(ctx));
    rb_iv_set(self, "@error_string", ossl_x509stctx_get_err_string(ctx));
    rb_iv_set(self, "@chain", ossl_x509stctx_get_chain(ctx));

    return result;

 * Public Functions
static void ossl_x509stctx_free(X509_STORE_CTX*);

ossl_x509stctx_new(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
    VALUE obj;

    WrapX509StCtx(cX509StoreContext, obj, ctx);

    return obj;

ossl_x509stctx_clear_ptr(VALUE obj)
    OSSL_Check_Kind(obj, cX509StoreContext);
    RDATA(obj)->data = NULL;

    return obj;

 * Private functions
static void
ossl_x509stctx_free(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
	sk_X509_pop_free(ctx->untrusted, X509_free);

static VALUE
ossl_x509stctx_alloc(VALUE klass)
    X509_STORE_CTX *ctx;
    VALUE obj;

    if((ctx = X509_STORE_CTX_new()) == NULL){
        ossl_raise(eX509StoreError, NULL);
    WrapX509StCtx(klass, obj, ctx);

    return obj;

static VALUE ossl_x509stctx_set_flags(VALUE, VALUE);
static VALUE ossl_x509stctx_set_purpose(VALUE, VALUE);
static VALUE ossl_x509stctx_set_trust(VALUE, VALUE);
static VALUE ossl_x509stctx_set_time(VALUE, VALUE);

static VALUE
ossl_x509stctx_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE store, cert, chain, t;
    X509_STORE_CTX *ctx;
    X509_STORE *x509st;
    X509 *x509 = NULL;
    STACK_OF(X509) *x509s = NULL;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "12", &store, &cert, &chain);
    GetX509StCtx(self, ctx);
    SafeGetX509Store(store, x509st);
    if(!NIL_P(cert)) x509 = DupX509CertPtr(cert); /* NEED TO DUP */
    if(!NIL_P(chain)) x509s = ossl_x509_ary2sk(chain);
#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x00907000L)
    if(X509_STORE_CTX_init(ctx, x509st, x509, x509s) != 1){
        sk_X509_pop_free(x509s, X509_free);
        ossl_raise(eX509StoreError, NULL);
    X509_STORE_CTX_init(ctx, x509st, x509, x509s);
    ossl_x509stctx_set_flags(self, rb_iv_get(store, "@flags"));
    ossl_x509stctx_set_purpose(self, rb_iv_get(store, "@purpose"));
    ossl_x509stctx_set_trust(self, rb_iv_get(store, "@trust"));
    if (!NIL_P(t = rb_iv_get(store, "@time")))
	ossl_x509stctx_set_time(self, t);
    rb_iv_set(self, "@verify_callback", rb_iv_get(store, "@verify_callback"));
    rb_iv_set(self, "@cert", cert);

    return self;

static VALUE
ossl_x509stctx_verify(VALUE self)
    X509_STORE_CTX *ctx;
    int result;

    GetX509StCtx(self, ctx);
    X509_STORE_CTX_set_ex_data(ctx, ossl_verify_cb_idx,
                               (void*)rb_iv_get(self, "@verify_callback"));
    result = X509_verify_cert(ctx);

    return result ? Qtrue : Qfalse;

static VALUE
ossl_x509stctx_get_chain(VALUE self)
    X509_STORE_CTX *ctx;
    STACK_OF(X509) *chain;
    X509 *x509;
    int i, num;
    VALUE ary;

    GetX509StCtx(self, ctx);
    if((chain = X509_STORE_CTX_get_chain(ctx)) == NULL){
        return Qnil;
    if((num = sk_X509_num(chain)) < 0){
	OSSL_Debug("certs in chain < 0???");
	return rb_ary_new();
    ary = rb_ary_new2(num);
    for(i = 0; i < num; i++) {
	x509 = sk_X509_value(chain, i);
	rb_ary_push(ary, ossl_x509_new(x509));

    return ary;

static VALUE
ossl_x509stctx_get_err(VALUE self)
    X509_STORE_CTX *ctx;

    GetX509StCtx(self, ctx);

    return INT2FIX(X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(ctx));

static VALUE
ossl_x509stctx_set_error(VALUE self, VALUE err)
    X509_STORE_CTX *ctx;

    GetX509StCtx(self, ctx);
    X509_STORE_CTX_set_error(ctx, NUM2INT(err));

    return err;

static VALUE
ossl_x509stctx_get_err_string(VALUE self)
    X509_STORE_CTX *ctx;
    long err;

    GetX509StCtx(self, ctx);
    err = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(ctx);

    return rb_str_new2(X509_verify_cert_error_string(err));

static VALUE
ossl_x509stctx_get_err_depth(VALUE self)
    X509_STORE_CTX *ctx;

    GetX509StCtx(self, ctx);

    return INT2FIX(X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth(ctx));

static VALUE
ossl_x509stctx_get_curr_cert(VALUE self)
    X509_STORE_CTX *ctx;

    GetX509StCtx(self, ctx);

    return ossl_x509_new(X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(ctx));

static VALUE
ossl_x509stctx_get_curr_crl(VALUE self)
#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x00907000L)
    X509_STORE_CTX *ctx;

    GetX509StCtx(self, ctx);
    if(!ctx->current_crl) return Qnil;

    return ossl_x509crl_new(ctx->current_crl);
    return Qnil;

static VALUE
ossl_x509stctx_set_flags(VALUE self, VALUE flags)
    X509_STORE_CTX *store;
    long f = NUM2LONG(flags);

    GetX509StCtx(self, store);
    X509_STORE_CTX_set_flags(store, f);

    return flags;

static VALUE
ossl_x509stctx_set_purpose(VALUE self, VALUE purpose)
    X509_STORE_CTX *store;
    int p = NUM2INT(purpose);

    GetX509StCtx(self, store);
    X509_STORE_CTX_set_purpose(store, p);

    return purpose;

static VALUE
ossl_x509stctx_set_trust(VALUE self, VALUE trust)
    X509_STORE_CTX *store;
    int t = NUM2INT(trust);

    GetX509StCtx(self, store);
    X509_STORE_CTX_set_trust(store, t);

    return trust;

 * call-seq:
 *    storectx.time = time => time
static VALUE
ossl_x509stctx_set_time(VALUE self, VALUE time)
    X509_STORE_CTX *store;
    long t;

    t = NUM2LONG(rb_Integer(time));
    GetX509StCtx(self, store);
    X509_STORE_CTX_set_time(store, 0, t);

    return time;

    VALUE x509stctx;

#if 0
    mOSSL = rb_define_module("OpenSSL"); /* let rdoc know about mOSSL */
    mX509 = rb_define_module_under(mOSSL, "X509");

    eX509StoreError = rb_define_class_under(mX509, "StoreError", eOSSLError);

    /* Document-class: OpenSSL::X509::Store
     * The X509 certificate store holds trusted CA certificates used to verify
     * peer certificates.
     * The easiest way to create a useful certificate store is:
     *   cert_store = OpenSSL::X509::Store.new
     *   cert_store.set_default_paths
     * This will use your system's built-in certificates.
     * If your system does not have a default set of certificates you can
     * obtain a set from Mozilla here: http://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html
     * (Note that this set does not have an HTTPS download option so you may
     * wish to use the firefox-db2pem.sh script to extract the certificates
     * from a local install to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks.)
     * After downloading or generating a cacert.pem from the above link you
     * can create a certificate store from the pem file like this:
     *   cert_store = OpenSSL::X509::Store.new
     *   cert_store.add_file 'cacert.pem'
     * The certificate store can be used with an SSLSocket like this:
     *   ssl_context = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new
     *   ssl_context.cert_store = cert_store
     *   tcp_socket = TCPSocket.open 'example.com', 443
     *   ssl_socket = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new tcp_socket, ssl_context

    cX509Store = rb_define_class_under(mX509, "Store", rb_cObject);
    rb_attr(cX509Store, rb_intern("verify_callback"), 1, 0, Qfalse);
    rb_attr(cX509Store, rb_intern("error"), 1, 0, Qfalse);
    rb_attr(cX509Store, rb_intern("error_string"), 1, 0, Qfalse);
    rb_attr(cX509Store, rb_intern("chain"), 1, 0, Qfalse);
    rb_define_alloc_func(cX509Store, ossl_x509store_alloc);
    rb_define_method(cX509Store, "initialize",   ossl_x509store_initialize, -1);
    rb_define_method(cX509Store, "verify_callback=", ossl_x509store_set_vfy_cb, 1);
    rb_define_method(cX509Store, "flags=",       ossl_x509store_set_flags, 1);
    rb_define_method(cX509Store, "purpose=",     ossl_x509store_set_purpose, 1);
    rb_define_method(cX509Store, "trust=",       ossl_x509store_set_trust, 1);
    rb_define_method(cX509Store, "time=",        ossl_x509store_set_time, 1);
    rb_define_method(cX509Store, "add_path",     ossl_x509store_add_path, 1);
    rb_define_method(cX509Store, "add_file",     ossl_x509store_add_file, 1);
    rb_define_method(cX509Store, "set_default_paths", ossl_x509store_set_default_paths, 0);
    rb_define_method(cX509Store, "add_cert",     ossl_x509store_add_cert, 1);
    rb_define_method(cX509Store, "add_crl",      ossl_x509store_add_crl, 1);
    rb_define_method(cX509Store, "verify",       ossl_x509store_verify, -1);

    cX509StoreContext = rb_define_class_under(mX509,"StoreContext",rb_cObject);
    x509stctx = cX509StoreContext;
    rb_define_alloc_func(cX509StoreContext, ossl_x509stctx_alloc);
    rb_define_method(x509stctx,"initialize",  ossl_x509stctx_initialize, -1);
    rb_define_method(x509stctx,"verify",      ossl_x509stctx_verify, 0);
    rb_define_method(x509stctx,"chain",       ossl_x509stctx_get_chain,0);
    rb_define_method(x509stctx,"error",       ossl_x509stctx_get_err, 0);
    rb_define_method(x509stctx,"error=",      ossl_x509stctx_set_error, 1);
    rb_define_method(x509stctx,"error_depth", ossl_x509stctx_get_err_depth, 0);
    rb_define_method(x509stctx,"current_cert",ossl_x509stctx_get_curr_cert, 0);
    rb_define_method(x509stctx,"current_crl", ossl_x509stctx_get_curr_crl, 0);
    rb_define_method(x509stctx,"flags=",      ossl_x509stctx_set_flags, 1);
    rb_define_method(x509stctx,"purpose=",    ossl_x509stctx_set_purpose, 1);
    rb_define_method(x509stctx,"trust=",      ossl_x509stctx_set_trust, 1);
    rb_define_method(x509stctx,"time=",       ossl_x509stctx_set_time, 1);
