cidr_match.c   [plain text]

/*	cidr_match 3
/*	CIDR-style pattern matching
/*	#include <cidr_match.h>
/*	VSTRING *cidr_match_parse(info, pattern, why)
/*	CIDR_MATCH *info;
/*	char	*pattern;
/*	VSTRING	*why;
/*	int	cidr_match_execute(info, address)
/*	CIDR_MATCH *info;
/*	const char *address;
/*	This module parses address or address/length patterns and
/*	provides simple address matching. The implementation is
/*	such that parsing and execution can be done without dynamic
/*	memory allocation. The purpose is to minimize overhead when
/*	called by functions that parse and execute on the fly, such
/*	as match_hostaddr().
/*	cidr_match_parse() parses an address or address/mask
/*	expression and stores the result into the info argument.
/*	The result is non-zero in case of problems: either the
/*	value of the why argument, or a newly allocated VSTRING
/*	(the caller should give the latter to vstring_free()).
/*	The pattern argument is destroyed.
/*	cidr_match_execute() matches the specified address against
/*	a list of parsed expressions, and returns the matching
/*	expression's data structure.
/*	dict_cidr(3) CIDR-style lookup table
/*	Wietse Venema
/*	IBM T.J. Watson Research
/*	P.O. Box 704
/*	Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA

/* System library. */

#include <sys_defs.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

/* Utility library. */

#include <msg.h>
#include <vstring.h>
#include <stringops.h>
#include <split_at.h>
#include <myaddrinfo.h>
#include <mask_addr.h>
#include <cidr_match.h>

/* Application-specific. */

  * This is how we figure out the address family, address bit count and
  * address byte count for a CIDR_MATCH entry.
#ifdef HAS_IPV6
#define CIDR_MATCH_ADDR_FAMILY(a) (strchr((a), ':') ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET)
    ((f) == AF_INET6 ? MAI_V6ADDR_BITS : \
     (f) == AF_INET ? MAI_V4ADDR_BITS : \
     (msg_panic("%s: bad address family %d", myname, (f)), 0))
    ((f) == AF_INET6 ? MAI_V6ADDR_BYTES : \
     (f) == AF_INET ? MAI_V4ADDR_BYTES : \
     (msg_panic("%s: bad address family %d", myname, (f)), 0))
    ((f) == AF_INET ? MAI_V4ADDR_BITS : \
     (msg_panic("%s: bad address family %d", myname, (f)), 0))
    ((f) == AF_INET ? MAI_V4ADDR_BYTES : \
     (msg_panic("%s: bad address family %d", myname, (f)), 0))

/* cidr_match_execute - match address against compiled CIDR pattern list */

CIDR_MATCH *cidr_match_execute(CIDR_MATCH *list, const char *addr)
    unsigned char addr_bytes[CIDR_MATCH_ABYTES];
    unsigned addr_family;
    unsigned char *mp;
    unsigned char *np;
    unsigned char *ap;
    CIDR_MATCH *entry;

    addr_family = CIDR_MATCH_ADDR_FAMILY(addr);
    if (inet_pton(addr_family, addr, addr_bytes) != 1)
	return (0);

    for (entry = list; entry; entry = entry->next) {
	if (entry->addr_family == addr_family) {
	    /* Unoptimized case: netmask with some or all bits zero. */
	    if (entry->mask_shift < entry->addr_bit_count) {
		for (np = entry->net_bytes, mp = entry->mask_bytes,
		     ap = addr_bytes; /* void */ ; np++, mp++, ap++) {
		    if (ap >= addr_bytes + entry->addr_byte_count)
			return (entry);
		    if ((*ap & *mp) != *np)
	    /* Optimized case: all 1 netmask (i.e. no netmask specified). */
	    else {
		for (np = entry->net_bytes,
		     ap = addr_bytes; /* void */ ; np++, ap++) {
		    if (ap >= addr_bytes + entry->addr_byte_count)
			return (entry);
		    if (*ap != *np)
    return (0);

/* cidr_match_parse - parse CIDR pattern */

VSTRING *cidr_match_parse(CIDR_MATCH *ip, char *pattern, VSTRING *why)
    const char *myname = "cidr_match_parse";
    char   *mask_search;
    char   *mask;
    MAI_HOSTADDR_STR hostaddr;
    unsigned char *np;
    unsigned char *mp;

     * Strip [] from [addr/len] or [addr]/len, destroying the pattern. CIDR
     * maps don't need [] to eliminate syntax ambiguity, but matchlists need
     * it. While stripping [], figure out where we should start looking for
     * /mask information.
    if (*pattern == '[') {
	if ((mask_search = split_at(pattern, ']')) == 0) {
	    vstring_sprintf(why ? why : (why = vstring_alloc(20)),
			    "missing ']' character after \"[%s\"", pattern);
	    return (why);
	} else if (*mask_search != '/') {
	    if (*mask_search != 0) {
		vstring_sprintf(why ? why : (why = vstring_alloc(20)),
				"garbage after \"[%s]\"", pattern);
		return (why);
	    mask_search = pattern;
    } else
	mask_search = pattern;

     * Parse the pattern into network and mask, destroying the pattern.
    if ((mask = split_at(mask_search, '/')) != 0) {
	ip->addr_family = CIDR_MATCH_ADDR_FAMILY(pattern);
	ip->addr_bit_count = CIDR_MATCH_ADDR_BIT_COUNT(ip->addr_family);
	ip->addr_byte_count = CIDR_MATCH_ADDR_BYTE_COUNT(ip->addr_family);
	if (!alldig(mask)
	    || (ip->mask_shift = atoi(mask)) > ip->addr_bit_count
	    || inet_pton(ip->addr_family, pattern, ip->net_bytes) != 1) {
	    vstring_sprintf(why ? why : (why = vstring_alloc(20)),
			  "bad net/mask pattern: \"%s/%s\"", pattern, mask);
	    return (why);
	if (ip->mask_shift > 0) {
	    /* Allow for bytes > 8. */
	    memset(ip->mask_bytes, (unsigned char) -1, ip->addr_byte_count);
	    mask_addr(ip->mask_bytes, ip->addr_byte_count, ip->mask_shift);
	} else
	    memset(ip->mask_bytes, 0, ip->addr_byte_count);

	 * Sanity check: all host address bits must be zero.
	for (np = ip->net_bytes, mp = ip->mask_bytes;
	     np < ip->net_bytes + ip->addr_byte_count; np++, mp++) {
	    if (*np & ~(*mp)) {
		mask_addr(ip->net_bytes, ip->addr_byte_count, ip->mask_shift);
		if (inet_ntop(ip->addr_family, ip->net_bytes, hostaddr.buf,
			      sizeof(hostaddr.buf)) == 0)
		    msg_fatal("inet_ntop: %m");
		vstring_sprintf(why ? why : (why = vstring_alloc(20)),
				"non-null host address bits in \"%s/%s\", "
				"perhaps you should use \"%s/%d\" instead",
				pattern, mask, hostaddr.buf, ip->mask_shift);
		return (why);

     * No /mask specified. Treat a bare network address as /allbits.
    else {
	ip->addr_family = CIDR_MATCH_ADDR_FAMILY(pattern);
	ip->addr_bit_count = CIDR_MATCH_ADDR_BIT_COUNT(ip->addr_family);
	ip->addr_byte_count = CIDR_MATCH_ADDR_BYTE_COUNT(ip->addr_family);
	if (inet_pton(ip->addr_family, pattern, ip->net_bytes) != 1) {
	    vstring_sprintf(why ? why : (why = vstring_alloc(20)),
			    "bad address pattern: \"%s\"", pattern);
	    return (why);
	ip->mask_shift = ip->addr_bit_count;
	/* Allow for bytes > 8. */
	memset(ip->mask_bytes, (unsigned char) -1, ip->addr_byte_count);

     * Wrap up the result.
    ip->next = 0;

    return (0);