[plain text]

# Initialize

verbose 0
cache_type multi

# Destination name space collision test

save_dest 2 a_dest a_prop b_endp
sleep 1
save_dest 2 a_dest a_prop b_endp
sleep 1
save_dest 2 a_dest a_prop b_endp
sleep 2

# Another destination name space collision test

save_dest 2 a_dest a_prop b_endp
sleep 1
save_dest 2 a_dest a_prop2 b_endp
sleep 1
save_dest 2 a_dest a_prop2 b_endp2
sleep 2

# Endpoint name space collision test

save_endp 2 b_endp b_prop 12
save_endp 2 b_endp b_prop 13
sleep 3

# Combined destiation and endpoint collision test with lookup

save_dest 2 a_dest a_prop b_endp
save_dest 2 a_dest a_prop2 b_endp
save_dest 2 a_dest a_prop2 b_endp2
save_endp 2 b_endp b_prop 12
save_endp 2 b_endp b_prop 13
find_dest a_dest
find_dest a_dest
find_dest a_dest

# Another combined destiation and endpoint collision test with lookup

save_endp 2 b_endp2 b_prop 12
save_endp 2 b_endp2 b_prop 13
save_endp 2 b_endp2 b_prop 14
find_dest a_dest
find_dest a_dest
find_dest a_dest
find_dest a_dest

# Let the exit handler clean up the destiation->endpoint bindings.