[plain text]

# This file contains example settings for miscellaneous Postfix
# content filtering parameters.

# The header_checks parameter specifies an optional table with patterns
# that each logical message header is matched against, including
# headers that span multiple physical lines.  Patterns are matched
# in the specified order, and the search stops upon the first match.
# For examples of pattern syntax see the and
# files.
# When a pattern matches, what happens next depends on the associated
# action that is specified in the right-hand side of the table:
# REJECT [optional text...]
#	Reject the entire message. The optional text is sent to the
#	originator and is logged to the maillog file.
# IGNORE Silently discard the header line.
# WARN [optional text...]
#	Log the message header and the optional text. This is useful
#	for testing. When the pattern is OK, change the WARN into a
#	REJECT or into a DISCARD.
# HOLD [optional text...]
#	Place the message on the hold queue. Mail on hold can be
#       inspected with the postcat command, and can be destroyed or
#       taken off hold (i.e. delivered) with the postsuper command.
#       The matched header is logged with the optional text.
# DISCARD [optional text...]
#	Claim successful delivery and silently discard the message.
#       The matched header is logged with the optional text.
# FILTER transport:nexthop
#       after the message is queued, the message is sent through
#       a content filter. This requires different cleanup servers
#       before and after the filter, with header/body checks turned
#       off in the second cleanup server. More info about content
#	filtering is in the Postfix FILTER_README file. This feature
#	overrides the content_filter setting.
# By default, these patterns apply the primary message headers, to
# MIME headers, and to the headers of attached messages. With older
# Postfix versions, MIME and attached message headers were treated
# as body text.
header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks

# The mime_header_checks specifies an optional table with patterns
# that each MIME header is matched against. This applies to MIME
# related headers in message headers, and to the headers that follow
# multipart boundary strings. Headers may span multiple physical lines.
# Patterns are matched in the specified order, and the search stops
# upon the first match.
# For examples of pattern syntax see the and
# sample-pcre-header files.
# When a pattern matches, what happens next depends on the associated
# action that is specified in the right-hand side of the table:
# REJECT [optional text...]
#       Reject the entire message. The optional text is sent to the
#       originator and is logged to the maillog file.
# IGNORE Silently discard the body line
# WARN [optional text...]
#       Log the body line and the optional text. This is useful
#       for testing. When the pattern is OK, change the WARN into a
#       REJECT or into a DISCARD.
# HOLD [optional text...]
#       Place the message on the hold queue. Mail on hold can be
#       inspected with the postcat command, and can be destroyed or
#       taken off hold (i.e. delivered) with the postsuper command.
#       The matched body line is logged with the optional text.
# DISCARD [optional text...]
#       Claim successful delivery and silently discard the message.
#       The matched body line is logged with the optional text.
# FILTER transport:nexthop
#       after the message is queued, the message is sent through
#       a content filter. This requires different cleanup servers
#       before and after the filter, with header/body checks turned
#       off in the second cleanup server. More info about content
#	filtering is in the Postfix FILTER_README file. This feature
#	overrides the content_filter setting.
# By default, the same patterns are applied as for header_checks.
mime_header_checks = $header_checks

# The nested_header_checks specifies an optional table with patterns
# that each attached message header is matched against (except for
# MIME related headers). Headers may span multiple physical lines.
# Patterns are matched in the specified order, and the search stops
# upon the first match.
# For examples of pattern syntax see the and
# files.
# When a pattern matches, what happens next depends on the associated
# action that is specified in the right-hand side of the table:
# REJECT the entire message is rejected.
# REJECT text.... The text is sent to the originator.
# IGNORE the header line is silently discarded.
# WARN   the header is logged (not rejected) with a warning message.
# WARN text... as above, and the text is logged, too.
# FILTER transport:nexthop
#       after the message is queued, the message is sent through
#       a content filter. This requires different cleanup servers
#       before and after the filter, with header/body checks turned
#       off in the second cleanup server. More info about content
#	filtering is in the Postfix FILTER_README file. This feature
#	overrides the content_filter setting.
# By default, the same patterns are applied as for header_checks.
nested_header_checks = $header_checks

# The body_checks parameter specifies an optional table with patterns
# that each physical line in the message body is matched against
# (including MIME headers inside the message body - Postfix does not
# recognize multi-line MIME headers in the message body).
# Lines are matched one at a time.  Long lines are matched in chunks
# of at most $line_length_limit characters. Patterns are matched in
# the specified order, and the search stops upon the first match.
# For examples of pattern syntax see the and
# files.
# When a pattern matches, what happens next depends on the associated
# action that is specified in the right-hand side of the table:
# REJECT the entire message is rejected.
# REJECT text.... The text is sent to the originator.
# IGNORE the body line is silently discarded.
# WARN   the body line is logged (not rejected) with a warning message.
# WARN text... as above, and the text is logged, too.
# FILTER transport:nexthop
#       after the message is queued, the message is sent through
#       a content filter. This requires different cleanup servers
#       before and after the filter, with header/body checks turned
#       off in the second cleanup server. More info about content
#	filtering is in the Postfix FILTER_README file. This feature
#	overrides the content_filter setting.
body_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/body_checks

# The body_checks_max_size parameter controls how much text in a
# message body segment (or attachment, if you prefer to use that
# term) is subjected to body_checks inspection.
# By default, only the first 50 kbytes of a message body segment are
# inspected with body_checks patterns.
body_checks_max_size = 51200