trivial-rewrite.8   [plain text]

Postfix address rewriting and resolving daemon
\fBtrivial-rewrite\fR [generic Postfix daemon options]
The \fBtrivial-rewrite\fR daemon processes two types of client
service requests:
.IP \fBrewrite\fR
Rewrite an address to standard form. The \fBtrivial-rewrite\fR
daemon by default appends local domain information to unqualified
addresses, swaps bang paths to domain form, and strips source
routing information. This process is under control of several
configuration parameters (see below).
.IP \fBresolve\fR
Resolve an address to a (\fItransport\fR, \fInexthop\fR,
\fIrecipient\fR) triple. The meaning of the results is as follows:
.IP \fItransport\fR
The delivery agent to use. This is the first field of an entry
in the \\fR file.
.IP \fInexthop\fR
The host to send to and optional delivery method information.
.IP \fIrecipient\fR
The envelope recipient address that is passed on to \fInexthop\fR.
By default, Postfix uses one of the following delivery methods.
This may be overruled with the optional transport(5) table.
The default delivery method is selected by matching the
recipient address domain against one of the following:
.IP \fB$mydestination\fR
.IP \fB$inet_interfaces\fR
The transport and optional nexthop
are specified with \fB$local_transport\fR.
The default nexthop is the recipient domain.
.IP \fB$virtual_alias_domains\fR
The recipient address is undeliverable (user unknown).
By definition, all known addresses in a virtual alias domain
are aliased to other addresses.
.IP \fB$virtual_mailbox_domains\fR
The transport and optional nexthop are specified with
The default nexthop is the recipient domain.
.IP \fB$relay_domains\fR
The transport and optional nexthop are specified with
\fB$relay_transport\fR. This overrides the optional nexthop
information that is specified with \fB$relayhost\fR.
The default nexthop is the recipient domain.
.IP "none of the above"
The transport and optional nexthop are specified with
This overrides the optional nexthop information that is specified
with \fB$relayhost\fR.
The default nexthop is the recipient domain.
The trivial-rewrite servers run under control by the Postfix master
server.  Each server can handle multiple simultaneous connections.
When all servers are busy while a client connects, the master
creates a new server process, provided that the trivial-rewrite
server process limit is not exceeded.
Each trivial-rewrite server terminates after
serving at least \fB$max_use\fR clients of after \fB$max_idle\fR
seconds of idle time.
None. The command does not interact with the outside world.
The \fBtrivial-rewrite\fR daemon is not security sensitive.
By default, this daemon does not talk to remote or local users.
It can run at a fixed low privilege in a chrooted environment.
Problems and transactions are logged to \fBsyslogd\fR(8).
The following \\fR parameters are especially relevant to
this program. See the Postfix \\fR file for syntax details
and for default values. Use the \fBpostfix reload\fR command after
a configuration change.
.SH Miscellaneous
.IP \fBempty_address_recipient\fR
The recipient that is substituted for the null address.
.IP \fBinet_interfaces\fR
The network interfaces that this mail system receives mail on.
This information is used to determine if
\fIuser\fR@[\\fR] is local or remote.
Mail for local users is given to the \fB$local_transport\fR.
.IP \fBmydestination\fR
List of domains that are given to the \fB$local_transport\fR.
.IP \fBvirtual_alias_domains\fR
List of simulated virtual domains (domains with all recipients
aliased to some other local or remote domain).
.IP \fBvirtual_mailbox_domains\fR
List of domains that are given to the \fB$virtual_transport\fR.
.IP \fBrelay_domains\fR
List of domains that are given to the \fB$relay_transport\fR.
.IP \fBresolve_unquoted_address\fR
When resolving an address, do not quote the address localpart as
per RFC 822, so that additional \fB@\fR, \fB%\fR or \fB!\fR
characters remain visible. This is technically incorrect, but
allows us to stop relay attacks when forwarding mail to a Sendmail
primary MX host.
.IP \fBrelocated_maps\fR
Tables with contact information for users, hosts or domains
that no longer exist. See \fBrelocated\fR(5).
.SH Rewriting
.IP \fBmyorigin\fR
The domain that locally-posted mail appears to come from.
.IP \fBallow_percent_hack\fR
Rewrite \fIuser\fR%\fIdomain\fR to \fIuser\fR@\fIdomain\fR.
.IP \fBappend_at_myorigin\fR
Rewrite \fIuser\fR to \fIuser\fR@\fB$myorigin\fR.
.IP \fBappend_dot_mydomain\fR
Rewrite \fIuser\fR@\fIhost\fR to \fIuser\fR@\fIhost\fR.\fB$mydomain\fR.
.IP \fBswap_bangpath\fR
Rewrite \fIsite\fR!\fIuser\fR to \fIuser\fR@\fIsite\fR.
.SH Routing
.IP \fBlocal_transport\fR
Where to deliver mail for destinations that match \fB$mydestination\fR
or \fB$inet_interfaces\fR.
The default transport is \fBlocal:$myhostname\fR.
Syntax is \fItransport\fR:\fInexthop\fR; see \fBtransport\fR(5)
for details. The :\fInexthop\fR part is optional.
.IP \fBvirtual_transport\fR
Where to deliver mail for non-local domains that match
The default transport is \fBvirtual\fR.
Syntax is \fItransport\fR:\fInexthop\fR; see \fBtransport\fR(5)
for details. The :\fInexthop\fR part is optional.
.IP \fBrelay_transport\fR
Where to deliver mail for non-local domains that match
The default transport is \fBrelay\fR (which normally is a clone
of the \fBsmtp\fR transport).
Syntax is \fItransport\fR:\fInexthop\fR; see \fBtransport\fR(5)
for details. The :\fInexthop\fR part is optional.
.IP \fBdefault_transport\fR
Where to deliver all other non-local mail.
The default transport is \fBsmtp\fR.
Syntax is \fItransport\fR:\fInexthop\fR; see \fBtransport\fR(5)
for details. The :\fInexthop\fR part is optional.
.IP \fBparent_domain_matches_subdomains\fR
List of Postfix features that use \fIdomain.tld\fR patterns
to match \fIsub.domain.tld\fR (as opposed to
requiring \fI.domain.tld\fR patterns).
.IP \fBrelayhost\fR
The default host to send non-local mail to when no host is
specified with \fB$relay_transport\fR or \fB$default_transport\fR,
and when the recipient address does not match the optional the
\fBtransport\fR(5) table.
.IP \fBtransport_maps\fR
List of tables with \fIrecipient\fR or \fIdomain\fR to
(\fItransport, nexthop\fR) mappings.
master(8) process manager
syslogd(8) system logging
transport(5) transport table format
relocated(5) format of the "user has moved" table
The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software.
Wietse Venema
IBM T.J. Watson Research
P.O. Box 704
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA