forkInitialize.m   [plain text]

objc\[\d+\]: \+\[BlockingSub initialize\] may have been in progress in another thread when fork\(\) was called\.
objc\[\d+\]: \+\[BlockingSub initialize\] may have been in progress in another thread when fork\(\) was called\. We cannot safely call it or ignore it in the fork\(\) child process\. Crashing instead\. Set a breakpoint on objc_initializeAfterForkError to debug\.
objc\[\d+\]: HALTED
OK: forkInitialize\.m

#include "test.h"

static void *retain_fn(void *self, SEL _cmd __unused) { return self; }
static void release_fn(void *self __unused, SEL _cmd __unused) { }

@interface BlockingRootClass @end
@implementation BlockingRootClass
+(id)self { return self; }
+(void)initialize {
    class_addMethod(self, sel_registerName("retain"), (IMP)retain_fn, "");
    class_addMethod(self, sel_registerName("release"), (IMP)release_fn, "");

    if (self == [BlockingRootClass self]) {
        while (1) sleep(1);

@interface BlockingRootSub : BlockingRootClass @end
@implementation BlockingRootSub

@interface BlockingSubRoot @end
@implementation BlockingSubRoot
+(id)self { return self; }
+(void)initialize {
    class_addMethod(self, sel_registerName("retain"), (IMP)retain_fn, "");
    class_addMethod(self, sel_registerName("release"), (IMP)release_fn, "");

@interface BlockingSub : BlockingSubRoot @end
@implementation BlockingSub
+(void)initialize {
    class_addMethod(self, sel_registerName("retain"), (IMP)retain_fn, "");
    class_addMethod(self, sel_registerName("release"), (IMP)release_fn, "");

    while (1) sleep(1);

@interface AnotherRootClass @end

@interface BoringSub : AnotherRootClass @end
@implementation BoringSub
// can't implement +initialize here

@implementation AnotherRootClass

void doFork()

    pid_t child;
    switch((child = fork())) {
      case -1:
        fail("fork failed");
      case 0:
        // child
        // This one succeeds even though we're nested inside it's
        // superclass's +initialize, because ordinary +initialize nesting
        // still works across fork().
        // This falls in the isInitializing() case in _class_initialize.
        [BoringSub self];

        // This one succeeds even though another thread is in its
        // superclass's +initialize, because that superclass is a root class
        // so we assume that +initialize is empty and therefore this one
        // is safe to call.
        // This falls in the reallyInitialize case in _class_initialize.
        [BlockingRootSub self];

        // This one aborts without deadlocking because it was in progress
        // when fork() was called.
        // This falls in the isInitializing() case in _class_initialize.
        [BlockingSub self];
        fail("should have crashed");
      default: {
        // parent
        int result = 0;
        while (waitpid(child, &result, 0) < 0) {
            if (errno != EINTR) {
                fail("waitpid failed (errno %d %s)", 
                     errno, strerror(errno));
        if (!WIFEXITED(result)) {
            fail("child crashed (waitpid result %d)", result);

+(void)initialize {
    class_addMethod(self, sel_registerName("retain"), (IMP)retain_fn, "");
    class_addMethod(self, sel_registerName("release"), (IMP)release_fn, "");

    if (self == [AnotherRootClass self]) {
        static bool called = false;
        if (!called) {
            called = true;
        } else {
            fail("+[AnotherRootClass initialize] called again");

+(id)self {
    return self;

void *blocker(void *arg __unused)
    [BlockingSub self];
    return nil;

void *blocker2(void *arg __unused)
    [BlockingRootClass self];
    return nil;

int main()
    pthread_t th;
    pthread_create(&th, nil, blocker, nil);
    pthread_create(&th, nil, blocker2, nil);
    [AnotherRootClass self];