customrr-nsobject.m   [plain text]

// This file is used in the customrr-nsobject-*.m tests

#include "test.h"
#include <objc/NSObject.h>

#if __has_feature(ptrauth_calls)
typedef IMP __ptrauth_objc_method_list_imp MethodListIMP;
typedef IMP MethodListIMP;

static int Retains;
static int Releases;
static int Autoreleases;
static int PlusInitializes;
static int Allocs;
static int AllocWithZones;
static int Inits;

id (*RealRetain)(id self, SEL _cmd);
void (*RealRelease)(id self, SEL _cmd);
id (*RealAutorelease)(id self, SEL _cmd);
id (*RealAlloc)(id self, SEL _cmd);
id (*RealAllocWithZone)(id self, SEL _cmd, void *zone);

id HackRetain(id self, SEL _cmd) { Retains++; return RealRetain(self, _cmd); }
void HackRelease(id self, SEL _cmd) { Releases++; return RealRelease(self, _cmd); }
id HackAutorelease(id self, SEL _cmd) { Autoreleases++; return RealAutorelease(self, _cmd); }

id HackAlloc(Class self, SEL _cmd) { Allocs++; return RealAlloc(self, _cmd); }
id HackAllocWithZone(Class self, SEL _cmd, void *zone) { AllocWithZones++; return RealAllocWithZone(self, _cmd, zone); }

void HackPlusInitialize(id self __unused, SEL _cmd __unused) { PlusInitializes++; }

id HackInit(id self, SEL _cmd __unused) { Inits++; return self; }

int main(int argc __unused, char **argv)
    Class cls = objc_getClass("NSObject");
    Method meth;

    meth = class_getClassMethod(cls, @selector(initialize));
    method_setImplementation(meth, (IMP)HackPlusInitialize);

    // We either swizzle the method normally (testing that it properly 
    // disables optimizations), or we hack the implementation into place 
    // behind objc's back (so we can see whether it got called with the 
    // optimizations still enabled).

    meth = class_getClassMethod(cls, @selector(allocWithZone:));
    RealAllocWithZone = (typeof(RealAllocWithZone))method_getImplementation(meth);
    method_setImplementation(meth, (IMP)HackAllocWithZone);
    ((MethodListIMP *)meth)[2] = (IMP)HackAllocWithZone;

    meth = class_getInstanceMethod(cls, @selector(release));
    RealRelease = (typeof(RealRelease))method_getImplementation(meth);
    method_setImplementation(meth, (IMP)HackRelease);
    ((MethodListIMP *)meth)[2] = (IMP)HackRelease;

    // These other methods get hacked for counting purposes only

    meth = class_getInstanceMethod(cls, @selector(retain));
    RealRetain = (typeof(RealRetain))method_getImplementation(meth);
    ((MethodListIMP *)meth)[2] = (IMP)HackRetain;

    meth = class_getInstanceMethod(cls, @selector(autorelease));
    RealAutorelease = (typeof(RealAutorelease))method_getImplementation(meth);
    ((MethodListIMP *)meth)[2] = (IMP)HackAutorelease;

    meth = class_getClassMethod(cls, @selector(alloc));
    RealAlloc = (typeof(RealAlloc))method_getImplementation(meth);
    ((MethodListIMP *)meth)[2] = (IMP)HackAlloc;

    meth = class_getInstanceMethod(cls, @selector(init));
    ((MethodListIMP *)meth)[2] = (IMP)HackInit;

    // Verify that the swizzles occurred before +initialize by provoking it now
    testassert(PlusInitializes == 0);
    [NSObject self];
    testassert(PlusInitializes == 1);

    id obj;
    id result;

    Allocs = 0;
    AllocWithZones = 0;
    Inits = 0;
    obj = objc_alloc(cls);
    testprintf("swizzled AWZ should be called\n");
    testassert(Allocs == 1);
    testassert(AllocWithZones == 1);
    testassert(Inits == 0);
    testprintf("unswizzled AWZ should be bypassed\n");
    testassert(Allocs == 0);
    testassert(AllocWithZones == 0);
    testassert(Inits == 0);
    testassert([obj isKindOfClass:[NSObject class]]);

    Allocs = 0;
    AllocWithZones = 0;
    Inits = 0;
    obj = [NSObject alloc];
    testprintf("swizzled AWZ should be called\n");
    testassert(Allocs == 1);
    testassert(AllocWithZones == 1);
    testassert(Inits == 0);
    testprintf("unswizzled AWZ should be bypassed\n");
    testassert(Allocs == 1);
    testassert(AllocWithZones == 0);
    testassert(Inits == 0);
    testassert([obj isKindOfClass:[NSObject class]]);

    Allocs = 0;
    AllocWithZones = 0;
    Inits = 0;
    obj = objc_alloc_init(cls);
    testprintf("swizzled AWZ should be called\n");
    testassert(Allocs == 1);
    testassert(AllocWithZones == 1);
    testassert(Inits == 1);
    testprintf("unswizzled AWZ should be bypassed\n");
    testassert(Allocs == 0);
    testassert(AllocWithZones == 0);
    testassert(Inits == 1);  // swizzled init is still called
    testassert([obj isKindOfClass:[NSObject class]]);

    Retains = 0;
    result = objc_retain(obj);
    testprintf("swizzled release should force retain\n");
    testassert(Retains == 1);
    testprintf("unswizzled release should bypass retain\n");
    testassert(Retains == 0);
    testassert(result == obj);

    Releases = 0;
    Autoreleases = 0;
        result = objc_autorelease(obj);
        testprintf("swizzled release should force autorelease\n");
        testassert(Autoreleases == 1);
        testprintf("unswizzled release should bypass autorelease\n");
        testassert(Autoreleases == 0);
        testassert(result == obj);
    } POP_POOL

    testprintf("swizzled release should be called\n");
    testassert(Releases == 1);
    testprintf("unswizzled release should be bypassed\n");
    testassert(Releases == 0);
