loopwatch.config.SAMPLE   [plain text]

# sample configuration and control file for ntploowatch
# delay:	sampling interval in seconds
# samples:	use only last # samples
# DO NOT USE srcprefix in shared config files
# srcprefix:	name of file to read samples from
#  		current time suffix (month name) is appended
#		defaults to "./var@$STATHOST/loopstats."
#		The string "$STATHOST"is replaced by the name of the host
#		being monitored
# showoffs:	yes/no control display of offset values
# showfreq:	yes/no control display of frequency values
# showcmpl:	yes/no control display of compliance values
# showoreg:	yes/no control display of linear regression of offset values
# showfreg:	yes/no control display of linear regression of frequency values
# timebase:	dynamic/ISO_DATE_TIME point of zero for linear regression
#		ISO_DATE_TIME:  yyyy-mm-dd_hh:mm:ss.ms
#		values are interpreted using local time zone
#		parts omitted from front default to current date/time
#		parts omitted from end  default to lowest permitted values
#		to get aa:bb being interpreted as minutes:seconds use aa:bb.0
#		for dynamic '00:00:00.0 of current day' is used
# freqbase:	dynamic/<baseval> 
#		if a number is given, subtract this from sampling values for display
#		if dynamic is selected, freqbase is adjusted to fit into the range of
#		offset values
# cmplscale:	dynamic/<scaling>
#		if a number is given, the sampling values are divided by this number
#		if dynamic is selected, cmplscale is adjusted to fit into the range of
#		offset values
# DumbScale:	0/1
#		0 enables dynamic adjust of value ranges for freqbase and cmplscale
#		  timescale is labeled with human readable times
#		1 only uses explicit scaling for numbers
#		  timescale is labeled with hours relative to timebase
# StartTime:	none/ISO_DATE_TIME
#		ignore any samples before the specified date
# EndTime:	none/ISO_DATE_TIME
#		ignore any samples after the specified date
#		if both StartTime and EndTime are specified
#		the value specified for samples is ignored
# MaxOffs:	none/<number>
#		limit display (y-axis) to values not larger than <number>
# MinOffs:	none/<number>
#		limit display (y-axis) to values not smaller than <number>

# verbose:	<number>
# 		specify level for debugging 
#		default is 0 for printing and 1 for monitoring
#		level 1 will just print a timestamp for any display update
#		(this is every delay seconds)
# deltaT:	<seconds>
#		mark `holes' in the sample data grater than <seconds>
#		by a break in the plot
#		default: 512 seconds