; config options go here. ; This is one forever, one jostle. server: num-queries-per-thread: 2 forward-zone: name: "." forward-addr: CONFIG_END SCENARIO_BEGIN Test too many queries asked, last is too recent to be jostled ; fill the forever slot. STEP 1 QUERY ENTRY_BEGIN REPLY RD SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A ENTRY_END STEP 2 CHECK_OUT_QUERY ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH qname qtype opcode SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A ENTRY_END ; NO REPLY (this step is not needed) STEP 3 NOTHING ;something enters the jostle slot. STEP 4 QUERY ENTRY_BEGIN REPLY RD SECTION QUESTION www.example.net. IN A ENTRY_END STEP 5 CHECK_OUT_QUERY ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH qname qtype opcode SECTION QUESTION www.example.net. IN A ENTRY_END ; something else tries to replace the entry in the jostle slot. ; but the entry in the jostle slot is too recent. STEP 6 QUERY ENTRY_BEGIN REPLY RD SECTION QUESTION www.example.org. IN A ENTRY_END ; reply from latest query returns STEP 7 REPLY ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode qtype qname ADJUST copy_id REPLY QR RD RA NOERROR SECTION QUESTION www.example.net. IN A SECTION ANSWER www.example.net. IN A SECTION AUTHORITY www.example.net. IN NS ns.example.net. SECTION ADDITIONAL ns.example.net. IN A ENTRY_END ; answer to last query STEP 8 CHECK_ANSWER ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode qname qtype SECTION QUESTION www.example.net. IN A SECTION ANSWER www.example.net. IN A ENTRY_END ; reply from first query returns STEP 10 REPLY ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode qtype qname ADJUST copy_id REPLY QR RD RA NOERROR SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A SECTION ANSWER www.example.com. IN A SECTION AUTHORITY www.example.com. IN NS ns.example.com. SECTION ADDITIONAL ns.example.com. IN A ENTRY_END ; answer to first query STEP 11 CHECK_ANSWER ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode qname qtype SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A SECTION ANSWER www.example.com. IN A ENTRY_END SCENARIO_END ; testbound checks before exit: ; * no more pending queries outstanding. ; * and no answers that have not been checked.