; This is a comment. ; config options go here. forward-zone: name: "." forward-addr: CONFIG_END SCENARIO_BEGIN Query receives answer from the cache STEP 1 QUERY ENTRY_BEGIN REPLY RD SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A ENTRY_END ; the query is sent to the forwarder - no cache yet. STEP 2 CHECK_OUT_QUERY ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH qname qtype opcode SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A ENTRY_END STEP 3 REPLY ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode qtype qname ADJUST copy_id ; authoritative answer REPLY QR AA RD RA NOERROR SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A SECTION ANSWER www.example.com. IN A SECTION AUTHORITY www.example.com. IN NS ns.example.com. SECTION ADDITIONAL ns.example.com. IN A ENTRY_END STEP 4 CHECK_ANSWER ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH all REPLY QR RD RA SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A SECTION ANSWER www.example.com. IN A SECTION AUTHORITY www.example.com. IN NS ns.example.com. SECTION ADDITIONAL ns.example.com. IN A ENTRY_END ; another query, same, so it must be answered from the cache STEP 5 QUERY ENTRY_BEGIN REPLY RD SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A ENTRY_END ; immediate answer without an OUT_QUERY happening (checked on exit) ; also, the answer does not have AA set STEP 6 CHECK_ANSWER ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH all REPLY QR RD RA SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A SECTION ANSWER www.example.com. IN A SECTION AUTHORITY www.example.com. IN NS ns.example.com. SECTION ADDITIONAL ns.example.com. IN A ENTRY_END SCENARIO_END