[plain text]

# Makefile for man
# [need allow_null_glob_expansion=true]
# The parts behind % are removed when no message catalogs should be installed

all:	Makefile conf_script source manpages %messages
	@echo; echo 'You can now do "make install"'

# On a machine with time before distribution time
# it may be necessary to touch all distributed files

Makefile: configure
	@echo "Please run configure first"
	exit 1

conf_script:	configure
	@echo "Please run configure first"
	exit 1

src/Makefile:	conf_script src/
	cd src; ../conf_script Makefile

man2html/Makefile:	conf_script man2html/
	cd man2html; ../conf_script Makefile			

man/Makefile:	conf_script man/
	cd man; ../conf_script Makefile

msgs/Makefile:	conf_script msgs/
	cd msgs; ../conf_script Makefile

makefiles: src/Makefile man2html/Makefile man/Makefile msgs/Makefile

source:	src/Makefile
	cd src; $(MAKE)

manhtml: man2html/Makefile source
	cd man2html; $(MAKE)

manpages: man/Makefile
	cd man; $(MAKE) subdirs

%messages: gencat/gencat msgs/Makefile source
%	cd msgs; $(MAKE)

%	cd gencat; $(MAKE)

install: src/Makefile man/Makefile %msgs/Makefile
	cd src; $(MAKE) install
	cd man; $(MAKE) installsubdirs
%	cd msgs; $(MAKE) install
	@echo; echo 'Done.'
	@echo 'In case you want to browse man pages using a www browser,'
	@echo '"cd man2html", read README, and perhaps "make install-scripts".'
#	@echo; echo 'Done. In case you want to mount /usr read-only, please'
#	@echo 'install a symlink /usr/man/whatis -> /var/catman/whatis, or so.'

clean: src/Makefile man/Makefile msgs/Makefile man2html/Makefile
	cd src; $(MAKE) clean
	cd man2html; $(MAKE) clean
	cd man; $(MAKE) cleansubdirs
	cd msgs; $(MAKE) clean
	cd gencat; $(MAKE) clean
	rm -f core *~

spotless distclean reallyclean: clean
	cd src; $(MAKE) spotless
	cd man2html; $(MAKE) spotless
	cd man; $(MAKE) spotlesssubdirs
	cd msgs; $(MAKE) spotless
	cd gencat; $(MAKE) clean
	rm -f conf_script Makefile

DISTR = COPYING README README.HP README.RedHat README.GNU-WIN32 INSTALL \ configure src man2html man msgs gencat catopen misc