#! /usr/bin/env python """Throw email at Mailman as fast as you can. This is not a unit test, it's a functional test, so you can't run it within the unit test framework (hence its filename doesn't start with `test_'). Here's how I use this one: - set up a dummy list - add an alias to your MTA, say `devnull' that pipes its messages to, you guessed it, /dev/null - make this address a member of your list - add another address to `accept_these_non_members', let's call it ok@dom.ain - change the FROMADDR variable to ok@dom.ain - change the LISTADDR variable to point to your list - run this program like so: python fblast.py N where N is the number of seconds to sleep before sending the next msg - let this run until you're tired of it, then hit ^C """ FROMADDR = 'ok@dom.ain' LISTADDR = 'list@dom.ain' import sys import time import smtplib conn = smtplib.SMTP() conn.connect() snooze = int(sys.argv[1]) try: i = 1 while 1: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() i += 1 if i % 50 == 0: print for j in range(10): conn.sendmail(FROMADDR, [LISTADDR], """\ From: %(FROMADDR)s To: $(LISTADDR)s Subject: test %(num)d X-No-Archive: yes testing %(num)d """ % {'num' : i, 'FROMADDR': FROMADDR, 'LISTADDR': LISTADDR, }) time.sleep(snooze) finally: conn.quit()