-- CXAA010.A -- -- Grant of Unlimited Rights -- -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687, -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein. -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government. -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others -- to do so. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- -- ALL MATERIALS OR INFORMATION HEREIN RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE OR -- DISCLOSED ARE AS IS. THE GOVERNMENT MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED -- WARRANTY AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING THE CONDITIONS OF THE -- SOFTWARE, DOCUMENTATION OR OTHER INFORMATION RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE -- OR DISCLOSED, OR THE OWNERSHIP, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF SAID MATERIAL. --* -- -- OBJECTIVE: -- Check that the operations defined in package Ada.Text_IO.Decimal_IO -- are available, and that they function correctly when used for the -- input/output of Decimal types. -- -- TEST DESCRIPTION: -- This test demonstrates the Put and Get procedures found in the -- generic package Ada.Text_IO.Decimal_IO. Both Put and Get are -- overloaded to allow placement or extraction of decimal values -- to/from a text file or a string. This test demonstrates both forms -- of each subprogram. -- The test defines an array of records containing decimal value -- and string component fields. All component values are placed in a -- Text_IO file, with the decimal values being placed there using the -- version of Put defined for files, and using user-specified formatting -- parameters. The data is later extracted from the file, with the -- decimal values being removed using the version of Get defined for -- files. Decimal values are then written to strings, using the -- appropriate Put procedure. Finally, extraction of the decimal data -- from the strings completes the evaluation of the Decimal_IO package -- subprograms. -- The reconstructed data is verified at the end of the test against the -- data originally written to the file. -- -- APPLICABILITY CRITERIA: -- Applicable to all implementations capable of supporting external -- Text_IO files and Decimal Fixed Point Types -- -- All implementations must attempt to compile this test. -- -- For implementations validating against Information Systems Annex (F): -- this test must execute and report PASSED. -- -- For implementations not validating against Annex F: -- this test may report compile time errors at one or more points -- indicated by "-- ANX-F RQMT", in which case it may be graded as inapplicable. -- Otherwise, the test must execute and report PASSED. -- -- -- CHANGE HISTORY: -- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0 -- 20 Feb 95 SAIC Modified test to allow for Use_Error/Name_Error -- generation by an implementation not supporting -- Text_IO operations. -- 14 Nov 95 SAIC Corrected string indexing for ACVC 2.0.1. -- 27 Feb 97 PWB.CTA Allowed for non-support of some IO operations -- 16 FEB 98 EDS Modified documentation. --! with Ada.Text_IO; with Report; procedure CXAA010 is use Ada.Text_IO; Tax_Roll : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; Tax_Roll_Name : constant String := Report.Legal_File_Name ( Nam => "CXAA010" ); Incomplete : exception; begin Report.Test ("CXAA010", "Check that the operations defined in package " & "Ada.Text_IO.Decimal_IO are available, and " & "that they function correctly when used for " & "the input/output of Decimal types"); Test_for_Decimal_IO_Support: begin -- An implementation that does not support Text_IO creation or naming -- of external files in a particular environment will raise Use_Error -- or Name_Error on a call to Text_IO Create. This block statement -- encloses a call to Create, which should produce an exception in a -- non-supportive environment. Either of these exceptions will be -- handled to produce a Not_Applicable result. Ada.Text_IO.Create (Tax_Roll, Ada.Text_IO.Out_File, Tax_Roll_Name); exception when Ada.Text_IO.Use_Error | Ada.Text_IO.Name_Error => Report.Not_Applicable ( "Files not supported - Create as Out_File for Text_IO" ); raise Incomplete; end Test_for_Decimal_IO_Support; Taxation: declare ID_Length : constant := 5; Price_String_Length : constant := 5; Value_String_Length : constant := 6; Total_String_Length : constant := 20; Spacer : constant String := " "; -- Two blanks. type Price_Type is delta 0.1 digits 4; -- ANX-F RQMT type Value_Type is delta 0.01 digits 5; -- ANX-F RQMT type Property_Type is record Parcel_ID : String (1..ID_Length); Purchase_Price : Price_Type; Assessed_Value : Value_Type; end record; type City_Block_Type is array (1..4) of Property_Type; subtype Tax_Bill_Type is string (1..Total_String_Length); type Tax_Bill_Array_Type is array (1..4) of Tax_Bill_Type; Neighborhood : City_Block_Type := (("X9254", 123.0, 135.00), ("X3569", 345.0, 140.50), ("X3434", 234.0, 179.50), ("X8838", 456.0, 158.00)); Neighborhood_Taxes : Tax_Bill_Array_Type; package Price_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Decimal_IO (Price_Type); package Value_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Decimal_IO (Value_Type); begin -- Taxation Assessors_Office: begin for Parcel in City_Block_Type'Range loop -- Note: All data in the file will be separated with a -- two-character blank spacer. Ada.Text_IO.Put(Tax_Roll, Neighborhood(Parcel).Parcel_ID); Ada.Text_IO.Put(Tax_Roll, Spacer); -- Use Decimal_IO.Put with non-default format parameters to -- place decimal data into file. Price_IO.Put (Tax_Roll, Neighborhood(Parcel).Purchase_Price, Fore => 3, Aft =>1, Exp => 0); Ada.Text_IO.Put(Tax_Roll, Spacer); Value_IO.Put (Tax_Roll, Neighborhood(Parcel).Assessed_Value, Fore => 3, Aft =>2, Exp => 0); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line(Tax_Roll); end loop; Ada.Text_IO.Close (Tax_Roll); exception when others => Report.Failed ("Exception raised in Assessor's Office"); end Assessors_Office; Twice_A_Year: declare procedure Collect_Tax(Index : in Integer; Tax_Array : in out Tax_Bill_Array_Type) is ID : String (1..ID_Length); Price : Price_Type := 0.0; Value : Value_Type := 0.00; Price_String : String (1..Price_String_Length); Value_String : String (1..Value_String_Length); begin -- Extract information from the Text_IO file; one string, two -- decimal values. -- Note that the Spacers that were put in the file above are -- not individually read here, due to the fact that each call -- to Decimal_IO.Get below uses a zero in the Width field, -- which allows each Get procedure to skip these leading blanks -- prior to extracting the numeric value. Ada.Text_IO.Get (Tax_Roll, ID); -- A zero value of Width is provided, so the following -- two calls to Decimal_IO.Get will skip the leading blanks, -- (from the Spacer variable above), then read the numeric -- literals. Price_IO.Get (Tax_Roll, Price, 0); Value_IO.Get (Tax_Roll, Value, 0); Ada.Text_IO.Skip_Line (Tax_Roll); -- Convert the values read from the file into string format, -- using user-specified format parameters. -- Format of the Price_String should be "nnn.n" -- Format of the Value_String should be "nnn.nn" Price_IO.Put (To => Price_String, Item => Price, Aft => 1); Value_IO.Put (Value_String, Value, 2); -- Construct a string of length 20 that contains the Parcel_ID, -- the Purchase_Price, and the Assessed_Value, separated by -- two-character blank data spacers. Store this string -- into the string array out parameter. -- Format of each Tax_Array element should be -- "Xnnnn nnn.n nnn.nn" (with an 'n' signifying a digit). Tax_Array(Index) := ID & Spacer & Price_String & Spacer & Value_String; exception when Data_Error => Report.Failed("Data Error raised during the extraction " & "of decimal data from the file"); when others => Report.Failed("Exception in Collect_Tax procedure"); end Collect_Tax; begin -- Twice_A_Year Ada.Text_IO.Open (Tax_Roll, Ada.Text_IO.In_File, Tax_Roll_Name); -- Determine property tax bills for the entire neighborhood from -- the information that is stored in the file. Store information -- in the Neighborhood_Taxes string array. for Parcel in City_Block_Type'Range loop Collect_Tax (Parcel, Neighborhood_Taxes); end loop; exception when others => Report.Failed ("Exception in Twice_A_Year Block"); end Twice_A_Year; -- Use Decimal_IO Get procedure to extract information from a string. -- Verify data against original values. Validation_Block: declare TC_ID : String (1..ID_Length); -- 1..5 TC_Price : Price_Type; TC_Value : Value_Type; Length : Positive; Front, Rear : Integer := 0; begin for Parcel in City_Block_Type'Range loop -- Extract values from the strings of the string array. -- Each element of the string array is 20 characters long; the -- first five characters are the Parcel_ID, two blank characters -- separate data, the next five characters contain the Price -- decimal value, two blank characters separate data, the last -- six characters contain the Value decimal value. -- Extract each of these components in turn. Front := 1; -- 1 Rear := ID_Length; -- 5 TC_ID := Neighborhood_Taxes(Parcel)(Front..Rear); -- Extract the decimal value from the next slice of the string. Front := Rear + 3; -- 8 Rear := Front + Price_String_Length - 1; -- 12 Price_IO.Get (Neighborhood_Taxes(Parcel)(Front..Rear), Item => TC_Price, Last => Length); -- Extract next decimal value from slice of string, based on -- length of preceding strings read from string array element. Front := Rear + 3; -- 15 Rear := Total_String_Length; -- 20 Value_IO.Get (Neighborhood_Taxes(Parcel)(Front..Rear), Item => TC_Value, Last => Length); if TC_ID /= Neighborhood(Parcel).Parcel_ID or TC_Price /= Neighborhood(Parcel).Purchase_Price or TC_Value /= Neighborhood(Parcel).Assessed_Value then Report.Failed ("Incorrect data validation"); end if; end loop; exception when others => Report.Failed ("Exception in Validation Block"); end Validation_Block; -- Check that the Text_IO file is open, then delete. if not Ada.Text_IO.Is_Open (Tax_Roll) then Report.Failed ("File not left open after processing"); Ada.Text_IO.Open (Tax_Roll, Ada.Text_IO.Out_File, Tax_Roll_Name); end if; Ada.Text_IO.Delete (Tax_Roll); exception when others => Report.Failed ("Exception in Taxation block"); -- Check that the Text_IO file is open, then delete. if not Ada.Text_IO.Is_Open (Tax_Roll) then Ada.Text_IO.Open (Tax_Roll, Ada.Text_IO.Out_File, Tax_Roll_Name); end if; Ada.Text_IO.Delete (Tax_Roll); end Taxation; Report.Result; exception when Incomplete => Report.Result; when others => Report.Failed ( "Unexpected exception" ); Report.Result; end CXAA010;