-- CXA4031.A -- -- Grant of Unlimited Rights -- -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687, -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein. -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government. -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others -- to do so. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- -- ALL MATERIALS OR INFORMATION HEREIN RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE OR -- DISCLOSED ARE AS IS. THE GOVERNMENT MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED -- WARRANTY AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING THE CONDITIONS OF THE -- SOFTWARE, DOCUMENTATION OR OTHER INFORMATION RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE -- OR DISCLOSED, OR THE OWNERSHIP, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF SAID MATERIAL. --* -- -- OBJECTIVE: -- Check that the subprograms defined in package Ada.Strings.Unbounded -- are available, and that they produce correct results. Specifically, -- check the functions To_Unbounded_String (version with Length -- parameter), "=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=" (all with String-Unbounded -- String parameter mix), as well as three versions of Procedure Append. -- -- TEST DESCRIPTION: -- This test demonstrates the uses of many of the subprograms defined -- in package Ada.Strings.Unbounded for use with unbounded strings. -- The test simulates how unbounded strings could be processed in a -- user environment, using the subprograms provided in this package. -- -- This test, when taken in conjunction with tests CXA4010, CXA4011, -- CXA4030, and CXA4032 will constitute a test of all the functionality -- contained in package Ada.Strings.Unbounded. This test uses a variety -- of the subprograms defined in the unbounded string package in ways -- typical of common usage. -- -- -- CHANGE HISTORY: -- 27 Feb 95 SAIC Initial prerelease version. -- 18 Apr 96 SAIC Incorporated reviewer comments for ACVC 2.1. -- --! with Report; with Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Strings.Maps; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; procedure CXA4031 is begin Report.Test ("CXA4031", "Check that the subprograms defined in " & "package Ada.Strings.Unbounded are available, " & "and that they produce correct results"); Test_Block: declare package Unb renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Unb; use Ada.Exceptions; subtype LC_Characters is Character range 'a'..'z'; Null_String : constant String := ""; TC_String : constant String := "A Standard String"; TC_Unb_String, TC_New_Unb_String : Unb.Unbounded_String := Unb.Null_Unbounded_String; begin -- Function To_Unbounded_String (version with Length parameter) -- returns an unbounded string that represents an uninitialized String -- whose length is Length. -- Note: Unbounded_String length can vary conceptually between 0 and -- Natural'Last. if Unb.Length(Unb.To_Unbounded_String(Length => 10)) /= 10 or Unb.Length(Unb.To_Unbounded_String(1)) /= 1 or Unb.Length(Unb.To_Unbounded_String(0)) /= 0 or Unb.Length(Unb."&"(Unb.To_Unbounded_String(Length => 10), Unb."&"(Unb.To_Unbounded_String(1), Unb.To_Unbounded_String(0) ))) /= 10+1+0 then Report.Failed ("Incorrect results from Function To_Unbounded_String with " & "Length parameter"); end if; -- Procedure Append (Unbounded - Unbounded) -- Note: For each of the Append procedures, the resulting string -- represented by the Source parameter is given by the -- concatenation of the original value of Source and the value -- of New_Item. TC_Unb_String := Unb.To_Unbounded_String("Sample string of length L"); TC_New_Unb_String := Unb.To_Unbounded_String(" and then some"); Unb.Append(Source => TC_Unb_String, New_Item => TC_New_Unb_String); if TC_Unb_String /= Unb.To_Unbounded_String("Sample string of length L and then some") then Report.Failed("Incorrect results from Procedure Append with " & "unbounded string parameters - 1"); end if; TC_Unb_String := Unb.To_Unbounded_String("Sample string of length L"); TC_New_Unb_String := Unb.Null_Unbounded_String; Unb.Append(TC_Unb_String, TC_New_Unb_String); if TC_Unb_String /= Unb.To_Unbounded_String("Sample string of length L") then Report.Failed("Incorrect results from Procedure Append with " & "unbounded string parameters - 2"); end if; TC_Unb_String := Unb.Null_Unbounded_String; Unb.Append(TC_Unb_String, Unb.To_Unbounded_String("New Unbounded String")); if TC_Unb_String /= Unb.To_Unbounded_String("New Unbounded String") then Report.Failed("Incorrect results from Procedure Append with " & "unbounded string parameters - 3"); end if; -- Procedure Append (Unbounded - String) TC_Unb_String := Unb.To_Unbounded_String("An Unbounded String and "); Unb.Append(Source => TC_Unb_String, New_Item => TC_String); if TC_Unb_String /= Unb.To_Unbounded_String("An Unbounded String and A Standard String") then Report.Failed("Incorrect results from Procedure Append with " & "an unbounded string parameter and a string " & "parameter - 1"); end if; TC_Unb_String := Unb.To_Unbounded_String("An Unbounded String"); Unb.Append(TC_Unb_String, New_Item => Null_String); if TC_Unb_String /= Unb.To_Unbounded_String("An Unbounded String") then Report.Failed("Incorrect results from Procedure Append with " & "an unbounded string parameter and a string " & "parameter - 2"); end if; TC_Unb_String := Unb.Null_Unbounded_String; Unb.Append(TC_Unb_String, TC_String); if TC_Unb_String /= Unb.To_Unbounded_String("A Standard String") then Report.Failed("Incorrect results from Procedure Append with " & "an unbounded string parameter and a string " & "parameter - 3"); end if; -- Procedure Append (Unbounded - Character) TC_Unb_String := Unb.To_Unbounded_String("Lower Case = "); for i in LC_Characters'Range loop Unb.Append(Source => TC_Unb_String, New_Item => LC_Characters(i)); end loop; if TC_Unb_String /= Unb.To_Unbounded_String("Lower Case = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") then Report.Failed("Incorrect results from Procedure Append with " & "an unbounded string parameter and a character " & "parameter - 1"); end if; TC_Unb_String := Unb.Null_Unbounded_String; Unb.Append(TC_Unb_String, New_Item => 'a'); if TC_Unb_String /= Unb.To_Unbounded_String("a") then Report.Failed("Incorrect results from Procedure Append with " & "an unbounded string parameter and a character " & "parameter - 2"); end if; -- Function "=" TC_Unb_String := Unb.To_Unbounded_String(TC_String); if not (TC_Unb_String = TC_String) or -- (Unb_Str, Str) not Unb."="("A Standard String", TC_Unb_String) or -- (Str, Unb_Str) not ((Unb.Null_Unbounded_String = "") and -- (Unb_Str, Str) ("Test String" = -- (Str, Unb_Str) Unb.To_Unbounded_String("Test String"))) then Report.Failed("Incorrect results from function ""="" with " & "string - unbounded string parameter combinations"); end if; -- Function "<" if not ("Extra Space" < Unb.To_Unbounded_String("Extra Space ") and Unb.To_Unbounded_String("tess") < "test" and Unb.To_Unbounded_String("best") < "test") or Unb.Null_Unbounded_String < Null_String or " leading blank" < Unb.To_Unbounded_String(" leading blank") or "ending blank " < Unb.To_Unbounded_String("ending blank ") then Report.Failed("Incorrect results from function ""<"" with " & "string - unbounded string parameter combinations"); end if; -- Function "<=" TC_Unb_String := Unb.To_Unbounded_String("Sample string"); if TC_Unb_String <= "Sample strin" or -- (Unb_Str, Str) "sample string" <= TC_Unb_String or -- (Str, Unb_Str) not(Unb.Null_Unbounded_String <= "") or -- (Unb_Str, Str) not("Sample string" <= TC_Unb_String) -- (Str, Unb_Str) then Report.Failed("Incorrect results from function ""<="" with " & "string - unbounded string parameter combinations"); end if; -- Function ">" TC_Unb_String := Unb.To_Unbounded_String("A MUCH LONGER STRING"); if not ("A much longer string" > TC_Unb_String and Unb.To_Unbounded_String(TC_String) > "A Standard Strin" and "abcdefgh" > Unb.To_Unbounded_String("ABCDEFGH")) or Unb.Null_Unbounded_String > Null_String then Report.Failed("Incorrect results from function "">"" with " & "string - unbounded string parameter combinations"); end if; -- Function ">=" TC_Unb_String := Unb.To_Unbounded_String(TC_String); if not (TC_Unb_String >= TC_String and Null_String >= Unb.Null_Unbounded_String and "test" >= Unb.To_Unbounded_String("tess") and Unb.To_Unbounded_String("Programming") >= "PROGRAMMING") then Report.Failed("Incorrect results from function "">="" with " & "string - unbounded string parameter combinations"); end if; exception when The_Error : others => Report.Failed ("The following exception was raised in the " & "Test_Block: " & Exception_Name(The_Error)); end Test_Block; Report.Result; end CXA4031;