-- CXA4017.A -- -- Grant of Unlimited Rights -- -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687, -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein. -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government. -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others -- to do so. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- -- ALL MATERIALS OR INFORMATION HEREIN RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE OR -- DISCLOSED ARE AS IS. THE GOVERNMENT MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED -- WARRANTY AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING THE CONDITIONS OF THE -- SOFTWARE, DOCUMENTATION OR OTHER INFORMATION RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE -- OR DISCLOSED, OR THE OWNERSHIP, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF SAID MATERIAL. --* -- -- OBJECTIVE: -- Check that the subprograms defined in package Ada.Strings.Wide_Bounded -- are available, and that they produce correct results. Specifically, -- check the subprograms Append, Delete, Index, Insert , Length, -- Overwrite, Replace_Slice, Slice, "&", To_Bounded_Wide_String, -- To_Wide_String, Translate, and Trim. -- -- TEST DESCRIPTION: -- This test demonstrates the uses of a variety of the Wide_String -- functions found in the package Ada.Strings.Wide_Bounded, simulating -- the operations found in a text processing environment. -- With bounded wide strings, the length of each "line" of text can vary -- up to the instantiated maximum, allowing one to view a page of text as -- a series of expandable lines. This provides flexibility in text -- formatting of individual lines (wide strings). -- Several subprograms are defined, all of which attempt to take -- advantage of as many different bounded wide string utilities as -- possible. Often, an operation that is being performed in a subprogram -- using a certain bounded wide string utility could more efficiently be -- performed using a different utility. However, in the interest of -- including as broad coverage as possible, a mixture of utilities is -- invoked in this test. -- A simulated page of text is provided as a parameter to the test -- defined subprograms, and the appropriate processing performed. The -- processed page of text is then compared to a predefined "finished" -- page, and test passage/failure is based on the results of this -- comparison. -- -- -- CHANGE HISTORY: -- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0 -- 06 Nov 95 SAIC Corrected initialization error for ACVC 2.0.1. -- --! with Ada.Strings; with Ada.Strings.Wide_Bounded; with Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps; with Report; procedure CXA4017 is begin Report.Test ("CXA4017", "Check that the subprograms defined in package " & "Ada.Strings.Wide_Bounded are available, and " & "that they produce correct results"); Test_Block: declare Characters_Per_Line : constant Positive := 40; Lines_Per_Page : constant Natural := 4; package BS_40 is new Ada.Strings.Wide_Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length(Characters_Per_Line); use type BS_40.Bounded_Wide_String; type Page_Type is array (1..Lines_Per_Page) of BS_40.Bounded_Wide_String; -- Note: Misspellings below are intentional. Line1 : BS_40.Bounded_Wide_String := BS_40.To_Bounded_Wide_String ("ada is a progrraming language designed"); Line2 : BS_40.Bounded_Wide_String := BS_40.To_Bounded_Wide_String("to support the construction of long-"); Line3 : BS_40.Bounded_Wide_String := BS_40.To_Bounded_Wide_String("lived, highly reliabel software "); Line4 : BS_40.Bounded_Wide_String := BS_40.To_Bounded_Wide_String("systems"); Page : Page_Type := (1 => Line1, 2 => Line2, 3 => Line3, 4 => Line4); Finished_Page : Page_Type := (BS_40.To_Bounded_Wide_String ("Ada is a programming language designed"), BS_40.To_Bounded_Wide_String("to support the construction of long-"), BS_40.To_Bounded_Wide_String ("lived, HIGHLY RELIABLE software systems."), BS_40.To_Bounded_Wide_String("")); --- procedure Compress (Page : in out Page_Type) is Clear_Line : Natural := Lines_Per_Page; begin -- If two consecutive lines on the page are together less than the -- maximum line length, then append those two lines, move up all -- lower lines on the page, and blank out the last line. -- This algorithm works one time through the page, does not perform -- repetitive compression, and is designed for use with this test -- program only. for i in 1..Lines_Per_Page - 1 loop if BS_40.Length(Page(i)) + BS_40.Length(Page(i+1)) <= BS_40.Max_Length then Page(i) := BS_40."&"(Page(i), Page(i+1)); -- "&" (wd bnd, wd bnd) for j in i+1..Lines_Per_Page - 1 loop Page(j) := BS_40.To_Bounded_Wide_String (BS_40.Slice(Page(j+1), 1, BS_40.Length(Page(j+1)))); Clear_Line := j + 1; end loop; Page(Clear_Line) := BS_40.Null_Bounded_Wide_String; end if; end loop; end Compress; --- procedure Format (Page : in out Page_Type) is Sm_Ada : BS_40.Bounded_Wide_String := BS_40.To_Bounded_Wide_String("ada"); Cap_Ada : constant Wide_String := "Ada"; Char_Pos : Natural := 0; Finished : Boolean := False; Line : Natural := Page_Type'Last; begin -- Add a period to the end of the last line. while Line >= Page_Type'First and not Finished loop if Page(Line) /= BS_40.Null_Bounded_Wide_String and BS_40.Length(Page(Line)) <= BS_40.Max_Length then Page(Line) := BS_40.Append(Page(Line), '.'); Finished := True; end if; Line := Line - 1; end loop; -- Replace all occurrences of "ada" with "Ada". for Line in Page_Type'First .. Page_Type'Last loop Finished := False; while not Finished loop Char_Pos := BS_40.Index (Source => Page(Line), Pattern => BS_40.To_Wide_String(Sm_Ada), Going => Ada.Strings.Backward); -- A zero is returned by function Index if no occurrences of -- the pattern wide string are found. Finished := (Char_Pos = 0); if not Finished then BS_40.Replace_Slice (Source => Page(Line), Low => Char_Pos, High => Char_Pos + BS_40.Length(Sm_Ada) - 1, By => Cap_Ada); end if; end loop; -- while loop end loop; -- for loop end Format; --- procedure Spell_Check (Page : in out Page_Type) is type Spelling_Type is (Incorrect, Correct); type Word_Array_Type is array (Spelling_Type) of BS_40.Bounded_Wide_String; type Dictionary_Type is array (1..2) of Word_Array_Type; -- Note that the "words" in the dictionary will require various -- amounts of Trimming prior to their use in the bounded wide string -- functions. Dictionary : Dictionary_Type := (1 => (BS_40.To_Bounded_Wide_String(" reliabel "), BS_40.To_Bounded_Wide_String(" reliable ")), 2 => (BS_40.To_Bounded_Wide_String(" progrraming "), BS_40.To_Bounded_Wide_String(" programming "))); Pos : Natural := Natural'First; Finished : Boolean := False; begin for Line in Page_Type'Range loop -- Search for the first incorrectly spelled word in the -- Dictionary, if it is found, replace it with the correctly -- spelled word, using the Overwrite function. while not Finished loop Pos := BS_40.Index(Page(Line), BS_40.To_Wide_String (BS_40.Trim(Dictionary(1)(Incorrect), Ada.Strings.Both)), Ada.Strings.Forward); Finished := (Pos = 0); if not Finished then Page(Line) := BS_40.Overwrite(Page(Line), Pos, BS_40.To_Wide_String (BS_40.Trim(Dictionary(1)(Correct), Ada.Strings.Both))); end if; end loop; Finished := False; -- Search for the second incorrectly spelled word in the -- Dictionary, if it is found, replace it with the correctly -- spelled word, using the Delete procedure and Insert function. while not Finished loop Pos := BS_40.Index(Page(Line), BS_40.To_Wide_String( BS_40.Trim(Dictionary(2)(Incorrect), Ada.Strings.Both)), Ada.Strings.Forward); Finished := (Pos = 0); if not Finished then BS_40.Delete (Page(Line), Pos, Pos + BS_40.To_Wide_String (BS_40.Trim(Dictionary(2)(Incorrect), Ada.Strings.Both))'Length-1); Page(Line) := BS_40.Insert(Page(Line), Pos, BS_40.To_Wide_String (BS_40.Trim(Dictionary(2)(Correct), Ada.Strings.Both))); end if; end loop; Finished := False; end loop; end Spell_Check; --- procedure Bold (Page : in out Page_Type) is Key_Word : constant Wide_String := "highly reliable"; Bold_Mapping : constant Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Mapping := Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps.To_Mapping (From => " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", To => " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); Pos : Natural := Natural'First; Finished : Boolean := False; begin -- This procedure is designed to change the case of the phrase -- "highly reliable" into upper case (a type of "Bolding"). -- All instances of the phrase on all lines of the page will be -- modified. for Line in Page_Type'First .. Page_Type'Last loop while not Finished loop Pos := BS_40.Index(Page(Line), Key_Word); Finished := (Pos = 0); if not Finished then BS_40.Overwrite (Page(Line), Pos, BS_40.To_Wide_String (BS_40.Translate (BS_40.To_Bounded_Wide_String (BS_40.Slice(Page(Line), Pos, Pos + Key_Word'Length - 1)), Bold_Mapping))); end if; end loop; Finished := False; end loop; end Bold; begin Compress(Page); Format(Page); Spell_Check(Page); Bold(Page); for i in 1..Lines_Per_Page loop if BS_40.To_Wide_String(Page(i)) /= BS_40.To_Wide_String(Finished_Page(i)) or BS_40.Length(Page(i)) /= BS_40.Length(Finished_Page(i)) then Report.Failed("Incorrect modification of Page, Line " & Integer'Image(i)); end if; end loop; exception when others => Report.Failed ("Exception raised in Test_Block"); end Test_Block; Report.Result; end CXA4017;