-- CXA4010.A -- -- Grant of Unlimited Rights -- -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687, -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein. -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government. -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others -- to do so. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- -- ALL MATERIALS OR INFORMATION HEREIN RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE OR -- DISCLOSED ARE AS IS. THE GOVERNMENT MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED -- WARRANTY AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING THE CONDITIONS OF THE -- SOFTWARE, DOCUMENTATION OR OTHER INFORMATION RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE -- OR DISCLOSED, OR THE OWNERSHIP, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF SAID MATERIAL. --* -- -- OBJECTIVE: -- Check that the subprograms defined in package Ada.Strings.Unbounded -- are available, and that they produce correct results. Specifically, -- check the subprograms To_String, To_Unbounded_String, Insert, "&", -- "*", Length, Slice, Replace_Slice, Overwrite, Index, Index_Non_Blank, -- Head, Tail, and "=", "<=", ">=". -- -- TEST DESCRIPTION: -- This test demonstrates the uses of many of the subprograms defined -- in package Ada.Strings.Unbounded for use with unbounded strings. -- The test simulates how unbounded strings could be used -- to simulate paragraphs of text. Modifications could be easily be -- performed using the provided subprograms (although in this test, the -- main modification performed was the addition of more text to the -- string). One would not have to worry about the formatting of the -- paragraph until it was finished and correct in content. Then, once -- all required editing is complete, the unbounded strings can be divided -- up into the appropriate lengths based on particular formatting -- requirements. The test then compares the formatted text product -- with a predefined "finished product". -- -- This test uses a large number of the subprograms provided -- by package Ada.Strings.Unbounded. Often, the processing involved -- could have been performed more efficiently using a minimum number -- of the subprograms, in conjunction with loops, etc. However, for -- testing purposes, and in the interest of minimizing the number of -- tests developed, subprogram variety and feature mixing was stressed. -- -- -- CHANGE HISTORY: -- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0 -- --! with Report; with Ada.Strings.Maps; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; procedure CXA4010 is begin Report.Test ("CXA4010", "Check that the subprograms defined in " & "package Ada.Strings.Unbounded are available, " & "and that they produce correct results"); Test_Block: declare package ASUnb renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use type ASUnb.Unbounded_String; use Ada.Strings; Pamphlet_Paragraph_Count : constant := 2; Lines : constant := 4; Line_Length : constant := 40; type Document_Type is array (Positive range <>) of ASUnb.Unbounded_String; type Camera_Ready_Copy_Type is array (1..Lines) of String (1..Line_Length); Pamphlet : Document_Type (1..Pamphlet_Paragraph_Count); Camera_Ready_Copy : Camera_Ready_Copy_Type := (others => (others => Ada.Strings.Space)); TC_Finished_Product : Camera_Ready_Copy_Type := ( 1 => "Ada is a programming language designed ", 2 => "to support long-lived, reliable software", 3 => " systems. ", 4 => "Go with Ada! "); ----- procedure Enter_Text_Into_Document (Document : in out Document_Type) is begin -- Fill in both "paragraphs" of the document. Each unbounded string -- functions as an individual paragraph, containing an unspecified -- number of characters. -- Use a variety of different unbounded string subprograms to load -- the data. Document(1) := ASUnb.To_Unbounded_String("Ada is a language"); -- Insert the word "programming" prior to "language". Document(1) := ASUnb.Insert(Document(1), ASUnb.Index(Document(1), "language"), ASUnb.To_String("progra" & -- Str & ASUnb."*"(2,'m') & -- Unbd & "ing ")); -- Str -- Overwrite the word "language" with "language" + additional text. Document(1) := ASUnb.Overwrite(Document(1), ASUnb.Index(Document(1), ASUnb.To_String( ASUnb.Tail(Document(1), 8, ' ')), Ada.Strings.Backward), "language designed to support long-lifed"); -- Replace the word "lifed" with "lived". Document(1) := ASUnb.Replace_Slice(Document(1), ASUnb.Index(Document(1), "lifed"), ASUnb.Length(Document(1)), "lived"); -- Overwrite the word "lived" with "lived" + additional text. Document(1) := ASUnb.Overwrite(Document(1), ASUnb.Index(Document(1), ASUnb.To_String( ASUnb.Tail(Document(1), 5, ' ')), Ada.Strings.Backward), "lived, reliable software systems."); -- Use several of the overloaded versions of "&" to form this -- unbounded string. Document(2) := 'G' & ASUnb.To_Unbounded_String("o ") & ASUnb.To_Unbounded_String("with") & ' ' & "Ada!"; end Enter_Text_Into_Document; ----- procedure Create_Camera_Ready_Copy (Document : in Document_Type; Camera_Copy : out Camera_Ready_Copy_Type) is begin -- Break the unbounded strings into fixed lengths. -- Search the first unbounded string for portions of text that -- are less than or equal to the length of a string in the -- Camera_Ready_Copy_Type object. Camera_Copy(1) := -- Take characters 1-39, ASUnb.Slice(Document(1), -- and append a blank space. 1, ASUnb.Index(ASUnb.To_Unbounded_String( ASUnb.Slice(Document(1), 1, Line_Length)), Ada.Strings.Maps.To_Set(' '), Ada.Strings.Inside, Ada.Strings.Backward)) & ' '; Camera_Copy(2) := -- Take characters 40-79. ASUnb.Slice(Document(1), 40, (ASUnb.Index_Non_Blank -- Should return 79 (ASUnb.To_Unbounded_String (ASUnb.Slice(Document(1), -- Slice (40..79) 40, 79)), Ada.Strings.Backward) + 39)); -- Increment since -- this slice starts -- at 40. Camera_Copy(3)(1..9) := ASUnb.Slice(Document(1), -- Characters 80-88 80, ASUnb.Length(Document(1))); -- Break the second unbounded string into the appropriate length. -- It is only twelve characters in length, so the entire unbounded -- string will be placed on one string of the output object. Camera_Copy(4)(1..ASUnb.Length(Document(2))) := ASUnb.To_String(ASUnb.Head(Document(2), ASUnb.Length(Document(2)))); end Create_Camera_Ready_Copy; ----- function Valid_Proofread (Draft, Master : Camera_Ready_Copy_Type) return Boolean is begin -- Evaluate strings for equality, using the operators defined in -- package Ada.Strings.Unbounded. The less than/greater than or -- equal comparisons should evaluate to "equals => True". if ASUnb.To_Unbounded_String(Draft(1)) = -- "="(Unb,Unb) ASUnb.To_Unbounded_String(Master(1)) and ASUnb.To_Unbounded_String(Draft(2)) <= -- "<="(Unb,Unb) ASUnb.To_Unbounded_String(Master(2)) and ASUnb.To_Unbounded_String(Draft(3)) >= -- ">="(Unb,Unb) ASUnb.To_Unbounded_String(Master(3)) and ASUnb.To_Unbounded_String(Draft(4)) = -- "="(Unb,Unb) ASUnb.To_Unbounded_String(Master(4)) then return True; else return False; end if; end Valid_Proofread; ----- begin -- Enter text into the unbounded string paragraphs of the document. Enter_Text_Into_Document (Pamphlet); -- Reformat the unbounded strings into fixed string format. Create_Camera_Ready_Copy (Document => Pamphlet, Camera_Copy => Camera_Ready_Copy); -- Verify the conversion process. if not Valid_Proofread (Draft => Camera_Ready_Copy, Master => TC_Finished_Product) then Report.Failed ("Incorrect string processing result"); end if; exception when others => Report.Failed ("Exception raised in Test_Block"); end Test_Block; Report.Result; end CXA4010;