-- CC54003.A -- -- Grant of Unlimited Rights -- -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687, -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein. -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government. -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others -- to do so. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- -- ALL MATERIALS OR INFORMATION HEREIN RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE OR -- DISCLOSED ARE AS IS. THE GOVERNMENT MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED -- WARRANTY AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING THE CONDITIONS OF THE -- SOFTWARE, DOCUMENTATION OR OTHER INFORMATION RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE -- OR DISCLOSED, OR THE OWNERSHIP, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF SAID MATERIAL. --* -- -- OBJECTIVE: -- Check that a general access-to-subprogram type may be passed as an -- actual to a generic formal access-to-subprogram type. Check that -- designated subprograms may be called by dereferencing the access -- values. -- -- TEST DESCRIPTION: -- The generic implements a stack of access-to-subprogram objects as an -- array. The profile of the access-to-subprogram formal corresponds to -- a function which accepts a parameter of some type and returns an -- object of the same type. -- -- For this test, the functions for which access values will be pushed -- onto the stack accept a parameter of type access-to-string, lengthen -- the pointed-to string, then return an access object pointing to this -- lengthened string. -- -- The instance declares a function Execute_Stack which executes each -- subprogram on the stack in sequence. This function accepts some initial -- access-to-string, then returns an access object pointing to the -- lengthened string resulting from the execution of the stacked -- subprograms. Access-to-string objects are used rather than strings -- themselves because the initial string "grows" during each iteration. -- -- -- CHANGE HISTORY: -- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0 -- 10 Apr 96 SAIC ACVC 2.1: Added pragma Elaborate to context clause -- preceding CC54003_2. -- --! generic Size : in Positive; type Item_Type (<>) is private; type Item_Ptr is access Item_Type; type Function_Ptr is access function (Item : Item_Ptr) return Item_Ptr; package CC54003_0 is -- Generic stack of pointers. type Stack_Type is private; procedure Push (Stack : in out Stack_Type; Func_Ptr : in Function_Ptr); function Execute_Stack (Stack : Stack_Type; Initial_Input : Item_Ptr) return Item_Ptr; -- ... Other operations. private subtype Index is Positive range 1 .. (Size + 1); type Stack_Type is array (Index) of Function_Ptr; -- Last slot unused. Top : Index := 1; -- Top refers to the next available slot. end CC54003_0; --===================================================================-- package body CC54003_0 is procedure Push (Stack : in out Stack_Type; Func_Ptr : in Function_Ptr) is begin Stack(Top) := Func_Ptr; Top := Top + 1; -- Artificial: no Constraint_Error protection. end Push; -- Call each subprogram on the stack in sequence. For the first call, pass -- Initial_Input. For succeeding calls, pass the result of the previous -- call. function Execute_Stack (Stack : Stack_Type; Initial_Input : Item_Ptr) return Item_Ptr is Result : Item_Ptr := Initial_Input; begin for I in reverse Index'First .. (Top - 1) loop -- Artificial: no C_E Result := Stack(I)(Result); -- protection. end loop; return Result; end Execute_Stack; end CC54003_0; --===================================================================-- package CC54003_1 is subtype Message is String; type Message_Ptr is access Message; function Add_Prefix (Msg_Ptr : Message_Ptr) return Message_Ptr; function Add_Suffix (Msg_Ptr : Message_Ptr) return Message_Ptr; -- ...Other operations. end CC54003_1; --===================================================================-- package body CC54003_1 is function Add_Prefix (Msg_Ptr : Message_Ptr) return Message_Ptr is Sender : constant String := "Dummy: "; -- Artificial; in a real -- application Sender might New_Msg : Message := Sender & Msg_Ptr.all; -- be a call to a function. begin return new Message'(New_Msg); end Add_Prefix; function Add_Suffix (Msg_Ptr : Message_Ptr) return Message_Ptr is Time : constant String := " (12:03pm)"; -- Artificial; in a real -- application Time might be a New_Msg : Message := Msg_Ptr.all & Time; -- be a call to a function. begin return new Message'(New_Msg); end Add_Suffix; end CC54003_1; --===================================================================-- with CC54003_0; -- Generic stack of pointers. pragma Elaborate (CC54003_0); with CC54003_1; -- Message abstraction. package CC54003_2 is type Operation_Ptr is access function (Msg_Ptr : CC54003_1.Message_Ptr) return CC54003_1.Message_Ptr; Maximum_Ops : constant := 4; -- Arbitrary. package Stack_of_Ops is new CC54003_0 (Item_Type => CC54003_1.Message, Item_Ptr => CC54003_1.Message_Ptr, Function_Ptr => Operation_Ptr, Size => Maximum_Ops); Operation_Stack : Stack_Of_Ops.Stack_Type; procedure Create_Operation_Stack; end CC54003_2; --===================================================================-- package body CC54003_2 is procedure Create_Operation_Stack is begin Stack_Of_Ops.Push (Operation_Stack, CC54003_1.Add_Prefix'Access); Stack_Of_Ops.Push (Operation_Stack, CC54003_1.Add_Suffix'Access); end Create_Operation_Stack; end CC54003_2; --===================================================================-- with CC54003_1; -- Message abstraction. with CC54003_2; -- Message-operation stack. with Report; procedure CC54003 is package Msg_Ops renames CC54003_2.Stack_Of_Ops; Msg : CC54003_1.Message_Ptr := new CC54003_1.Message'("Hello there"); Expected : CC54003_1.Message := "Dummy: Hello there (12:03pm)"; begin Report.Test ("CC54003", "Check that a general access-to-subprogram type " & "may be passed as an actual to a generic formal " & "access-to-subprogram type"); CC54003_2.Create_Operation_Stack; declare Actual : CC54003_1.Message_Ptr := Msg_Ops.Execute_Stack (CC54003_2.Operation_Stack, Msg); begin if Actual.all /= Expected then Report.Failed ("Wrong result from dereferenced subprogram execution"); end if; end; Report.Result; end CC54003;