-- CC50001.A -- -- Grant of Unlimited Rights -- -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687, -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein. -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government. -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others -- to do so. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- -- ALL MATERIALS OR INFORMATION HEREIN RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE OR -- DISCLOSED ARE AS IS. THE GOVERNMENT MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED -- WARRANTY AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING THE CONDITIONS OF THE -- SOFTWARE, DOCUMENTATION OR OTHER INFORMATION RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE -- OR DISCLOSED, OR THE OWNERSHIP, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF SAID MATERIAL. --* -- -- OBJECTIVE: -- Check that, in an instance, each implicit declaration of a predefined -- operator of a formal tagged private type declares a view of the -- corresponding predefined operator of the actual type (even if the -- operator has been overridden for the actual type). Check that the -- body executed is determined by the type and tag of the operands. -- -- TEST DESCRIPTION: -- The formal tagged private type has an unknown discriminant part, and -- is thus indefinite. This allows both definite and indefinite types -- to be passed as actuals. For tagged types, definite implies -- nondiscriminated, and indefinite implies discriminated (with known -- or unknown discriminants). -- -- Only nonlimited tagged types are tested, since equality operators -- are not predefined for limited types. -- -- A tagged type is passed as an actual to a generic formal tagged -- private type. The tagged type overrides the predefined equality -- operator. A subprogram within the generic calls the equality operator -- of the formal type. In an instance, the equality operator denotes -- a view of the predefined operator of the actual type, but the -- call dispatches to the body of the overriding operator. -- -- -- CHANGE HISTORY: -- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0 -- 21 Nov 95 SAIC ACVC 2.0.1 fixes: Corrected expected result on -- calls to "=" within the instance. Modified -- commentary. -- --! package CC50001_0 is type Count_Type is tagged record -- Nondiscriminated Count : Integer := 0; -- tagged type. end record; function "="(Left, Right : Count_Type) -- User-defined return Boolean; -- equality operator. subtype Str_Len is Natural range 0 .. 100; subtype Stu_ID is String (1 .. 5); subtype Dept_ID is String (1 .. 4); subtype Emp_ID is String (1 .. 9); type Status is (Student, Faculty, Staff); type Person_Type (Stat : Status; -- Discriminated NameLen, AddrLen : Str_Len) is -- tagged type. tagged record Name : String (1 .. NameLen); Address : String (1 .. AddrLen); case Stat is when Student => Student_ID : Stu_ID; when Faculty => Department : Dept_ID; when Staff => Employee_ID : Emp_ID; end case; end record; function "="(Left, Right : Person_Type) -- User-defined return Boolean; -- equality operator. -- Testing entities: ------------------------------------------------ TC_Count_Item : constant Count_Type := (Count => 111); TC_Person_Item : constant Person_Type := (Faculty, 18, 17, "Eccles, John Scott", "Popham House, Lee", "0931"); --------------------------------------------------------------------- end CC50001_0; --===================================================================-- package body CC50001_0 is function "="(Left, Right : Count_Type) return Boolean is begin return False; -- Return FALSE even if Left = Right. end "="; function "="(Left, Right : Person_Type) return Boolean is begin return False; -- Return FALSE even if Left = Right. end "="; end CC50001_0; --===================================================================-- with CC50001_0; -- Tagged (actual) type declarations. generic -- Generic stack abstraction. type Item (<>) is tagged private; -- Formal tagged private type. package CC50001_1 is -- Simulate a generic stack abstraction. In a real application, the -- second operand of Push might be of type Stack, and type Stack -- would have at least one component (pointing to the top stack item). type Stack is private; procedure Push (I : in Item; TC_Check : out Boolean); -- ... Other stack operations. private -- ... Stack and ancillary type declarations. type Stack is record -- Artificial. null; end record; end CC50001_1; --===================================================================-- package body CC50001_1 is -- For the sake of brevity, the implementation of Push is completely -- artificial; the goal is to model a call of the equality operator within -- the generic. -- -- A real application might implement Push such that it does not add new -- items to the stack if they are identical to the top item; in that -- case, the equality operator would be called as part of an "if" -- condition. procedure Push (I : in Item; TC_Check : out Boolean) is begin TC_Check := not (I = I); -- Call user-defined "="; should -- return FALSE. Negation of -- result makes TC_Check TRUE. end Push; end CC50001_1; --==================================================================-- with CC50001_0; -- Tagged (actual) type declarations. with CC50001_1; -- Generic stack abstraction. use CC50001_0; -- Overloaded "=" directly visible. with Report; procedure CC50001 is package Count_Stacks is new CC50001_1 (CC50001_0.Count_Type); package Person_Stacks is new CC50001_1 (CC50001_0.Person_Type); User_Defined_Op_Called : Boolean; begin Report.Test ("CC50001", "Check that, in an instance, each implicit " & "declaration of a primitive subprogram of a formal tagged " & "private type declares a view of the corresponding " & "predefined operator of the actual type (even if the " & "operator has been overridden or hidden for the actual type)"); -- -- Test which "=" is called inside generic: -- User_Defined_Op_Called := False; Count_Stacks.Push (CC50001_0.TC_Count_Item, User_Defined_Op_Called); if not User_Defined_Op_Called then Report.Failed ("User-defined ""="" not called inside generic for Count"); end if; User_Defined_Op_Called := False; Person_Stacks.Push (CC50001_0.TC_Person_Item, User_Defined_Op_Called); if not User_Defined_Op_Called then Report.Failed ("User-defined ""="" not called inside generic " & "for Person"); end if; -- -- Test which "=" is called outside generic: -- User_Defined_Op_Called := False; User_Defined_Op_Called := not (CC50001_0.TC_Count_Item = CC50001_0.TC_Count_Item); if not User_Defined_Op_Called then Report.Failed ("User-defined ""="" not called outside generic "& "for Count"); end if; User_Defined_Op_Called := False; User_Defined_Op_Called := not (CC50001_0.TC_Person_Item = CC50001_0.TC_Person_Item); if not User_Defined_Op_Called then Report.Failed ("User-defined ""="" not called outside generic "& "for Person"); end if; Report.Result; end CC50001;