-- CA11016.A -- -- Grant of Unlimited Rights -- -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687, -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein. -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government. -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others -- to do so. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- -- ALL MATERIALS OR INFORMATION HEREIN RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE OR -- DISCLOSED ARE AS IS. THE GOVERNMENT MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED -- WARRANTY AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING THE CONDITIONS OF THE -- SOFTWARE, DOCUMENTATION OR OTHER INFORMATION RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE -- OR DISCLOSED, OR THE OWNERSHIP, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF SAID MATERIAL. --* -- -- OBJECTIVE: -- Check that a child of a non-generic package can be a private generic -- package. Check that the private child instance can use its parent's -- declarations and operations. Check that the body of a public child -- package can instantiate its sibling private generic package. -- -- TEST DESCRIPTION: -- Declare a map abstraction in a package which manages basic physical -- map[s]. Declare a private generic child of this package which can be -- instantiated for any display device which has display locations of -- the physical map that can be characterized by any integer type, i.e., -- the intensity of the display point. -- -- Declare a public child of the physical map which specifies the -- display device. In the body of this child, declare an instance of -- its generic sibling to display the geographic locations. -- -- In the main program, check that the operations in the parent, public -- child and instance of the private child package perform as expected. -- -- -- CHANGE HISTORY: -- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0 -- 17 Apr 96 SAIC ACVC 2.1: Added pragma Elaborate. -- --! -- Simulates map of physical features, i.e., desert, forest, or water. package CA11016_0 is type Map_Type is private; subtype Latitude is integer range 1 .. 9; subtype Longitude is integer range 1 .. 7; type Physical_Features is (Desert, Forest, Water); -- Use geographic database to initialize the basic map. procedure Initialize_Basic_Map (Map : in out Map_Type); function Get_Physical_Feature (Lat : Latitude; Long : Longitude; Map : Map_Type) return Physical_Features; private type Map_Type is array (Latitude, Longitude) of Physical_Features; Basic_Map : Map_Type; end CA11016_0; --==================================================================-- package body CA11016_0 is procedure Initialize_Basic_Map (Map : in out Map_Type) is -- Not a real initialization. Real application can use geographic -- database to create the basic map. begin for I in Latitude'first .. Latitude'last loop for J in 1 .. 2 loop Map (I, J) := Desert; end loop; for J in 3 .. 4 loop Map (I, J) := Forest; end loop; for J in 5 .. 7 loop Map (I, J) := Water; end loop; end loop; end Initialize_Basic_Map; -------------------------------------------------------- function Get_Physical_Feature (Lat : Latitude; Long : Longitude; Map : Map_Type) return Physical_Features is begin return (Map (Lat, Long)); end Get_Physical_Feature; -------------------------------------------------------- begin -- Initialize a basic map. Initialize_Basic_Map (Basic_Map); end CA11016_0; --==================================================================-- -- Private generic child package of physical map. This generic package may -- be instantiated for any display device which has display locations -- (latitude, longitude) that can be characterized by an integer value. -- For example, the intensity of the display point might be so characterized. -- It can be instantiated for any desired range of values (which would -- correspond to the range accepted by the display device). private generic type Display_Value is range <>; -- Any display feature that is -- represented by an integer. package CA11016_0.CA11016_1 is function Get_Display_Value (Lat : Latitude; Long : Longitude; Map : Map_Type) return Display_Value; end CA11016_0.CA11016_1; --==================================================================-- package body CA11016_0.CA11016_1 is function Get_Display_Value (Lat : Latitude; Long : Longitude; Map : Map_Type) return Display_Value is begin case Get_Physical_Feature (Lat, Long, Map) is -- Parent's operation, when Forest => return (Display_Value'first); -- Parent's type. when Desert => return (Display_Value'last); -- Parent's type. when others => return ( (Display_Value'last - Display_Value'first) / 2 ); -- NOTE: Results are truncated. end case; end Get_Display_Value; end CA11016_0.CA11016_1; --==================================================================-- -- Map display operation, public child of physical map. package CA11016_0.CA11016_2 is -- Super-duper Ultra Geographic Display Device (SDUGD) can display -- geographic locations with light intensity values ranging from 1 to 7. type Display_Val is range 1 .. 7; type Device_Color is (Brown, Blue, Green); type IO_Packet is record Lat : Latitude; -- Parent's type. Long : Longitude; -- Parent's type. Color : Device_Color; Intensity : Display_Val; end record; procedure Data_For_SDUGD (Lat : in Latitude; Long : in Longitude; Output_Packet : in out IO_Packet); end CA11016_0.CA11016_2; --==================================================================-- with CA11016_0.CA11016_1; -- Private generic sibling. pragma Elaborate (CA11016_0.CA11016_1); package body CA11016_0.CA11016_2 is -- Declare instance of the private generic sibling for -- an integer type that represents color intensity. package SDUGD is new CA11016_0.CA11016_1 (Display_Val); procedure Data_For_SDUGD (Lat : in Latitude; Long : in Longitude; Output_Packet : in out IO_Packet) is -- Simulates sending control information to a display device. -- Control information consists of latitude, longitude, a -- color, and an intensity. begin case Get_Physical_Feature (Lat, Long, Basic_Map) is -- Parent's operation. when Water => Output_Packet.Color := Blue; Output_Packet.Intensity := SDUGD.Get_Display_Value (Lat, Long, Basic_Map); -- Sibling's operation. when Forest => Output_Packet.Color := Green; Output_Packet.Intensity := SDUGD.Get_Display_Value (Lat, Long, Basic_Map); -- Sibling's operation. when others => Output_Packet.Color := Brown; Output_Packet.Intensity := SDUGD.Get_Display_Value (Lat, Long, Basic_Map); -- Sibling's operation. end case; end Data_For_SDUGD; end CA11016_0.CA11016_2; --==================================================================-- with CA11016_0.CA11016_2; -- Map display device operation, -- implicitly withs parent, physical map -- application. use CA11016_0.CA11016_2; -- Allows direct visibility to the simple -- name of CA11016_0.CA11016_2. with Report; procedure CA11016 is TC_Packet : IO_Packet; begin Report.Test ("CA11016", "Check that body of a public child package can " & "use its sibling private generic package " & "declarations and operations"); -- Simulate control information at coordinates 3 and 7 of the -- basic map for the SDUGD. Water_Display_Subtest: begin TC_Packet.Lat := 3; TC_Packet.Long := 7; -- Build color and light intensity of the basic map at -- latitude 3 and longitude 7. Data_For_SDUGD (TC_Packet.Lat, TC_Packet.Long, TC_Packet); if ( (TC_Packet.Color /= Blue) or (TC_Packet.Intensity /= 3) ) then Report.Failed ("Map display device contains " & "incorrect values for water subtest"); end if; end Water_Display_Subtest; -- Simulate control information at coordinates 2 and 1 of the -- basic map for the SDUGD. Desert_Display_Subtest: begin TC_Packet.Lat := 9; TC_Packet.Long := 2; -- Build color and light intensity of the basic map at -- latitude 9 and longitude 2. Data_For_SDUGD (TC_Packet.Lat, TC_Packet.Long, TC_Packet); if ( (TC_Packet.Color /= Brown) or (TC_Packet.Intensity /= 7) ) then Report.Failed ("Map display device contains " & "incorrect values for desert subtest"); end if; end Desert_Display_Subtest; -- Simulate control information at coordinates 8 and 4 of the -- basic map for the SDUGD. Forest_Display_Subtest: begin TC_Packet.Lat := 8; TC_Packet.Long := 4; -- Build color and light intensity of the basic map at -- latitude 8 and longitude 4. Data_For_SDUGD (TC_Packet.Lat, TC_Packet.Long, TC_Packet); if ( (TC_Packet.Color /= Green) or (TC_Packet.Intensity /= 1) ) then Report.Failed ("Map display device contains " & "incorrect values for forest subtest"); end if; end Forest_Display_Subtest; Report.Result; end CA11016;