-- C761006.A -- -- Grant of Unlimited Rights -- -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687, -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein. -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government. -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others -- to do so. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- -- ALL MATERIALS OR INFORMATION HEREIN RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE OR -- DISCLOSED ARE AS IS. THE GOVERNMENT MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED -- WARRANTY AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING THE CONDITIONS OF THE -- SOFTWARE, DOCUMENTATION OR OTHER INFORMATION RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE -- OR DISCLOSED, OR THE OWNERSHIP, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF SAID MATERIAL. --* -- -- OBJECTIVE: -- Check that Program_Error is raised when: -- * an exception is raised if Finalize invoked as part of an -- assignment operation; or -- * an exception is raised if Adjust invoked as part of an assignment -- operation, after any other adjustment due to be performed are -- performed; or -- * an exception is raised if Finalize invoked as part of a call on -- Unchecked_Deallocation, after any other finalizations to be -- performed are performed. -- -- TEST DESCRIPTION: -- This test defines these four controlled types: -- Good -- Bad_Initialize -- Bad_Adjust -- Bad_Finalize -- The type name conveys the associated failure. The operations in type -- good will "touch" the boolean array indicating correct path -- utilization for the purposes of checking "other are -- performed", where ::= initialization, adjusting, and -- finalization -- -- -- -- CHANGE HISTORY: -- 12 APR 94 SAIC Initial version -- 02 MAY 96 SAIC Visibility fixed for 2.1 -- 13 FEB 97 PWB.CTA Corrected value of Events_Occurring at line 286 -- 01 DEC 97 EDS Made correction wrt RM 7.6(21) -- 16 MAR 01 RLB Corrected Adjust cases to avoid problems with -- RM 7.6.1(16/1) from Technical Corrigendum 1. -- --! ------------------------------------------------------------- C761006_Support package C761006_Support is type Events is ( Good_Initialize, Good_Adjust, Good_Finalize ); type Event_Array is array(Events) of Boolean; Events_Occurring : Event_Array := (others => False); Propagating_Exception : exception; procedure Raise_Propagating_Exception(Do_It: Boolean); function Unique_Value return Natural; end C761006_Support; ------------------------------------------------------------- C761006_Support with Report; package body C761006_Support is procedure Raise_Propagating_Exception(Do_It: Boolean) is begin if Report.Ident_Bool(Do_It) then raise Propagating_Exception; end if; end Raise_Propagating_Exception; Seed : Natural := 0; function Unique_Value return Natural is begin Seed := Seed +1; return Seed; end Unique_Value; end C761006_Support; ------------------------------------------------------------------- C761006_0 with Ada.Finalization; with C761006_Support; package C761006_0 is type Good is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record Initialized : Boolean := False; Adjusted : Boolean := False; Unique : Natural := C761006_Support.Unique_Value; end record; procedure Initialize( It: in out Good ); procedure Adjust ( It: in out Good ); procedure Finalize ( It: in out Good ); type Bad_Initialize is private; type Bad_Adjust is private; type Bad_Finalize is private; Inits_Order : String(1..255); Inits_Called : Natural := 0; private type Bad_Initialize is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with null record; procedure Initialize( It: in out Bad_Initialize ); type Bad_Adjust is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with null record; procedure Adjust ( It: in out Bad_Adjust ); type Bad_Finalize is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with null record; procedure Finalize ( It: in out Bad_Finalize ); end C761006_0; ------------------------------------------------------------------- C761006_1 with Ada.Finalization; with C761006_0; package C761006_1 is type Init_Check_Root is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record Good_Component : C761006_0.Good; Init_Fails : C761006_0.Bad_Initialize; end record; type Adj_Check_Root is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record Good_Component : C761006_0.Good; Adj_Fails : C761006_0.Bad_Adjust; end record; type Fin_Check_Root is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record Good_Component : C761006_0.Good; Fin_Fails : C761006_0.Bad_Finalize; end record; end C761006_1; ------------------------------------------------------------------- C761006_2 with C761006_1; package C761006_2 is type Init_Check is new C761006_1.Init_Check_Root with null record; type Adj_Check is new C761006_1.Adj_Check_Root with null record; type Fin_Check is new C761006_1.Fin_Check_Root with null record; end C761006_2; ------------------------------------------------------------------- C761006_0 with Report; with C761006_Support; package body C761006_0 is package Sup renames C761006_Support; procedure Initialize( It: in out Good ) is begin Sup.Events_Occurring( Sup.Good_Initialize ) := True; It.Initialized := True; end Initialize; procedure Adjust ( It: in out Good ) is begin Sup.Events_Occurring( Sup.Good_Adjust ) := True; It.Adjusted := True; It.Unique := C761006_Support.Unique_Value; end Adjust; procedure Finalize ( It: in out Good ) is begin Sup.Events_Occurring( Sup.Good_Finalize ) := True; end Finalize; procedure Initialize( It: in out Bad_Initialize ) is begin Sup.Raise_Propagating_Exception(Report.Ident_Bool(True)); end Initialize; procedure Adjust( It: in out Bad_Adjust ) is begin Sup.Raise_Propagating_Exception(Report.Ident_Bool(True)); end Adjust; procedure Finalize( It: in out Bad_Finalize ) is begin Sup.Raise_Propagating_Exception(Report.Ident_Bool(True)); end Finalize; end C761006_0; --------------------------------------------------------------------- C761006 with Report; with C761006_0; with C761006_2; with C761006_Support; with Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Finalization; with Unchecked_Deallocation; procedure C761006 is package Sup renames C761006_Support; use type Sup.Event_Array; type Procedure_Handle is access procedure; type Test_ID is ( Simple, Initialize, Adjust, Finalize ); Sub_Tests : array(Test_ID) of Procedure_Handle; procedure Simple_Test is A_Good_Object : C761006_0.Good; -- should call Initialize begin if not A_Good_Object.Initialized then Report.Failed("Good object not initialized"); end if; -- should call Adjust A_Good_Object := ( Ada.Finalization.Controlled with Unique => 0, others => False ); if not A_Good_Object.Adjusted then Report.Failed("Good object not adjusted"); end if; -- should call Finalize before end of scope end Simple_Test; procedure Initialize_Test is begin declare This_Object_Fails_In_Initialize : C761006_2.Init_Check; begin Report.Failed("Exception in Initialize did not occur"); exception when others => Report.Failed("Initialize caused exception at wrong lex"); end; Report.Failed("Error in execution sequence"); exception when Sup.Propagating_Exception => -- this is correct if not Sup.Events_Occurring(Sup.Good_Initialize) then Report.Failed("Initialization of Good Component did not occur"); end if; end Initialize_Test; procedure Adjust_Test is This_Object_OK : C761006_2.Adj_Check; This_Object_Target : C761006_2.Adj_Check; begin Check_Adjust_Due_To_Assignment: begin This_Object_Target := This_Object_OK; Report.Failed("Adjust did not propagate any exception"); exception when Program_Error => -- expected case if not This_Object_Target.Good_Component.Adjusted then Report.Failed("other adjustment not performed"); end if; when others => Report.Failed("Adjust propagated wrong exception"); end Check_Adjust_Due_To_Assignment; C761006_Support.Events_Occurring := (True, False, False); Check_Adjust_Due_To_Initial_Assignment: declare Another_Target : C761006_2.Adj_Check := This_Object_OK; begin Report.Failed("Adjust did not propagate any exception"); exception when others => Report.Failed("Adjust caused exception at wrong lex"); end Check_Adjust_Due_To_Initial_Assignment; exception when Program_Error => -- expected case if Sup.Events_Occurring(Sup.Good_Finalize) /= Sup.Events_Occurring(Sup.Good_Adjust) then -- RM 7.6.1(16/1) says that the good Adjust may or may not -- be performed; but if it is, then the Finalize must be -- performed; and if it is not, then the Finalize must not -- performed. if Sup.Events_Occurring(Sup.Good_Finalize) then Report.Failed("Good adjust not performed with bad adjust, " & "but good finalize was"); else Report.Failed("Good adjust performed with bad adjust, " & "but good finalize was not"); end if; end if; when others => Report.Failed("Adjust propagated wrong exception"); end Adjust_Test; procedure Finalize_Test is Fin_Not_Perf : constant String := "other finalizations not performed"; procedure Finalize_15 is Item : C761006_2.Fin_Check; Target : C761006_2.Fin_Check; begin Item := Target; -- finalization of Item should cause PE -- ARM7.6:21 allows the implementation to omit the assignment of the -- value into an anonymous object, which is the point at which Adjust -- is normally called. However, this would result in Program_Error's -- being raised before the call to Adjust, with the consequence that -- Adjust is never called. exception when Program_Error => -- expected case if not Sup.Events_Occurring(Sup.Good_Finalize) then Report.Failed("Assignment: " & Fin_Not_Perf); end if; when others => Report.Failed("Other exception in Finalize_15"); -- finalization of Item/Target should cause PE end Finalize_15; -- check failure in finalize due to Unchecked_Deallocation type Shark is access C761006_2.Fin_Check; procedure Catch is new Unchecked_Deallocation( C761006_2.Fin_Check, Shark ); procedure Finalize_17 is White : Shark := new C761006_2.Fin_Check; begin Catch( White ); exception when Program_Error => if not Sup.Events_Occurring(Sup.Good_Finalize) then Report.Failed("Unchecked_Deallocation: " & Fin_Not_Perf); end if; end Finalize_17; begin Exception_In_Finalization: begin Finalize_15; exception when Program_Error => null; -- anticipated end Exception_In_Finalization; Use_Of_Unchecked_Deallocation: begin Finalize_17; exception when others => Report.Failed("Unchecked_Deallocation check, unwanted exception"); end Use_Of_Unchecked_Deallocation; end Finalize_Test; begin -- Main test procedure. Report.Test ("C761006", "Check that exceptions raised in Initialize, " & "Adjust and Finalize are processed correctly" ); Sub_Tests := (Simple_Test'Access, Initialize_Test'Access, Adjust_Test'Access, Finalize_Test'Access); for Test in Sub_Tests'Range loop begin Sup.Events_Occurring := (others => False); Sub_Tests(Test).all; case Test is when Simple | Adjust => if Sup.Events_Occurring /= Sup.Event_Array ' ( others => True ) then Report.Failed ( "Other operation missing in " & Test_ID'Image ( Test ) ); end if; when Initialize => null; when Finalize => -- Note that for Good_Adjust, we may get either True or False if Sup.Events_Occurring ( Sup.Good_Initialize ) = False or Sup.Events_Occurring ( Sup.Good_Finalize ) = False then Report.Failed ( "Other operation missing in " & Test_ID'Image ( Test ) ); end if; end case; exception when How: others => Report.Failed( Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Name( How ) & " from " & Test_ID'Image( Test ) ); end; end loop; Report.Result; end C761006;