-- C391002.A -- -- Grant of Unlimited Rights -- -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687, -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein. -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government. -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others -- to do so. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- -- ALL MATERIALS OR INFORMATION HEREIN RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE OR -- DISCLOSED ARE AS IS. THE GOVERNMENT MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED -- WARRANTY AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING THE CONDITIONS OF THE -- SOFTWARE, DOCUMENTATION OR OTHER INFORMATION RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE -- OR DISCLOSED, OR THE OWNERSHIP, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF SAID MATERIAL. --* -- -- OBJECTIVE: -- Check that structures nesting discriminated records as -- components in record extension are correctly supported. -- Check that record extensions inherit all the visible components -- of their ancestor types. -- Check that discriminants are correctly inherited. -- -- TEST DESCRIPTION: -- This test defines a simple class hierarchy, where the final -- derivations exercise the different possible "permissions" available -- to a designer. Extension aggregates for discriminated types are used -- to set values of these final types. The key difference between -- this test and C391001 is that the types are visible, and allow the -- creation of complex discriminated extension aggregates. Another -- layer of derivation is present to more robustly check that the -- inheritance is correctly supported. -- -- -- CHANGE HISTORY: -- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0 -- 16 Dec 94 SAIC Removed offending parenthesis in aggregate -- extensions, corrected typo: TC_MC SB TC_PC, -- corrected visibility errors for literals, -- added qualification for aggregate expressions -- used in extension aggregates, corrected parameter -- order in call to Communications.Creator -- 01 MAY 95 SAIC Removed "limited" from the definition of Mil_Comm -- 14 OCT 95 SAIC Fixed some value bugs for ACVC 2.0.1 -- 04 MAR 96 SAIC Altered 3 overambitious extension aggregates -- 11 APR 96 SAIC Updated documentation for 2.1 -- 27 FEB 97 PWB.CTA Deleted extra (illegal) component association --! ----------------------------------------------------------------- C391002_1 package C391002_1 is type Object is tagged private; -- Constructor operation procedure Create( The_Plaque : in out Object ); -- Selector operations function TC_Match( Left_Plaque : Object; Right_Natural : Natural ) return Boolean; function Serial_Number( A_Plaque : Object ) return Natural; Unserialized : exception; -- Serial_Number called before Create Reserialized : exception; -- Create called twice private type Object is tagged record Serial_Number : Natural := 0; end record; end C391002_1; -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- package body C391002_1 is Counter : Natural := 0; procedure Create( The_Plaque : in out Object ) is begin if The_Plaque.Serial_Number = 0 then Counter := Counter +1; The_Plaque.Serial_Number := Counter; else raise Reserialized; end if; end Create; function TC_Match( Left_Plaque : Object; Right_Natural : Natural ) return Boolean is begin return (Left_Plaque.Serial_Number = Right_Natural); end TC_Match; function Serial_Number( A_Plaque : Object ) return Natural is begin if A_Plaque.Serial_Number = 0 then raise Unserialized; end if; return A_Plaque.Serial_Number; end Serial_Number; end C391002_1; ----------------------------------------------------------------- C391002_2 with C391002_1; package C391002_2 is -- package Boards is package Plaque renames C391002_1; type Modes is (Receiving, Transmitting, Standby); type Link(Mode: Modes := Standby) is record case Mode is when Receiving => TC_R : Integer := 100; when Transmitting => TC_T : Integer := 200; when Standby => TC_S : Integer := 300; -- TGA, TSA, SSA end case; end record; type Data_Formats is (S_Band, KU_Band, UHF); type Transceiver(Band: Data_Formats) is tagged record ID : Plaque.Object; The_Link: Link; case Band is when S_Band => TC_S_Band_Data : Integer := 1; -- TGA, SSA, Milnet when KU_Band => TC_KU_Band_Data : Integer := 2; -- TSA, Usenet when UHF => TC_UHF_Data : Integer := 3; -- Gossip end case; end record; end C391002_2; ----------------------------------------------------------------- C391002_3 with C391002_1; with C391002_2; package C391002_3 is -- package Modules package Plaque renames C391002_1; package Boards renames C391002_2; use type Boards.Modes; use type Boards.Data_Formats; type Command_Formats is ( Set_Compression_Code, Set_Data_Rate, Set_Power_State ); type Electronics_Module(EBand : Boards.Data_Formats; The_Command : Command_Formats) is new Boards.Transceiver(EBand) with record case The_Command is when Set_Compression_Code => TC_SCC : Integer := 10; -- SSA, Gossip when Set_Data_Rate => TC_SDR : Integer := 20; -- TGA, Usenet when Set_Power_State => TC_SPS : Integer := 30; -- TSA, Milnet end case; end record; end C391002_3; ----------------------------------------------------------------- C391002_4 with C391002_3; package C391002_4 is -- Communications package Modules renames C391002_3; type Public_Comm is new Modules.Electronics_Module with record TC_VC : Integer; end record; type Private_Comm is new Modules.Electronics_Module with private; type Mil_Comm is new Modules.Electronics_Module with private; procedure Creator( Plugs : in Modules.Electronics_Module; Gives : out Mil_Comm); function Creator( Key : Integer; Plugs : in Modules.Electronics_Module ) return Private_Comm; procedure Setup( It : in out Public_Comm; Value : in Integer ); procedure Setup( It : in out Private_Comm; Value : in Integer ); procedure Setup( It : in out Mil_Comm; Value : in Integer ); function Selector( It : Public_Comm ) return Integer; function Selector( It : Private_Comm ) return Integer; function Selector( It : Mil_Comm ) return Integer; private type Private_Comm is new Modules.Electronics_Module with record TC_PC : Integer; end record; type Mil_Comm is new Modules.Electronics_Module with record TC_MC : Integer; end record; end C391002_4; -- Communications -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- with Report; with TCTouch; package body C391002_4 is -- Communications procedure Creator( Plugs : in Modules.Electronics_Module; Gives : out Mil_Comm) is begin Gives := ( Plugs with TC_MC => -1 ); end Creator; function Creator( Key : Integer; Plugs : in Modules.Electronics_Module ) return Private_Comm is begin return ( Plugs with TC_PC => Key ); end Creator; procedure Setup( It : in out Public_Comm; Value : in Integer ) is begin It.TC_VC := Value; TCTouch.Assert( Value = 1, "Public_Comm"); end Setup; procedure Setup( It : in out Private_Comm; Value : in Integer ) is begin It.TC_PC := Value; TCTouch.Assert( Value = 2, "Private_Comm"); end Setup; procedure Setup( It : in out Mil_Comm; Value : in Integer ) is begin It.TC_MC := Value; TCTouch.Assert( Value = 3, "Private_Comm"); end Setup; function Selector( It : Public_Comm ) return Integer is begin return It.TC_VC; end Selector; function Selector( It : Private_Comm ) return Integer is begin return It.TC_PC; end Selector; function Selector( It : Mil_Comm ) return Integer is begin return It.TC_MC; end Selector; end C391002_4; -- Communications ------------------------------------------------------------------- C391002 with Report; with TCTouch; with C391002_1; with C391002_2; with C391002_3; with C391002_4; procedure C391002 is package Plaque renames C391002_1; package Boards renames C391002_2; package Modules renames C391002_3; package Communications renames C391002_4; procedure Assert( Condition: Boolean; Message: String ) renames TCTouch.Assert; use type Boards.Modes; use type Boards.Data_Formats; use type Modules.Command_Formats; type Azimuth is range 0..359; type Ground_Antenna(The_Band : Boards.Data_Formats; The_Command : Modules.Command_Formats) is record ID : Plaque.Object; Electronics : Modules.Electronics_Module(The_Band,The_Command); Pointing : Azimuth; end record; type Space_Antenna(The_Band : Boards.Data_Formats := Boards.KU_Band; The_Command : Modules.Command_Formats := Modules.Set_Power_State) is record ID : Plaque.Object; Electronics : Modules.Electronics_Module(The_Band,The_Command); end record; The_Ground_Antenna : Ground_Antenna (Boards.S_Band, Modules.Set_Data_Rate); The_Space_Antenna : Space_Antenna; Space_Station_Antenna : Space_Antenna (Boards.UHF, Modules.Set_Compression_Code); Gossip : Communications.Public_Comm (Boards.UHF, Modules.Set_Compression_Code); Usenet : Communications.Private_Comm (Boards.KU_Band, Modules.Set_Data_Rate); Milnet : Communications.Mil_Comm (Boards.S_Band, Modules.Set_Power_State); begin Report.Test("C391002", "Check nested tagged discriminated" & " record structures"); Plaque.Create( The_Ground_Antenna.ID ); -- 1 Plaque.Create( The_Ground_Antenna.Electronics.ID ); -- 2 Plaque.Create( The_Space_Antenna.ID ); -- 3 Plaque.Create( The_Space_Antenna.Electronics.ID ); -- 4 Plaque.Create( Space_Station_Antenna.ID ); -- 5 Plaque.Create( Space_Station_Antenna.Electronics.ID );-- 6 The_Ground_Antenna := ( The_Band => Boards.S_Band, The_Command => Modules.Set_Data_Rate, ID => The_Ground_Antenna.ID, Electronics => ( Boards.Transceiver'( Band => Boards.S_Band, ID => The_Ground_Antenna.Electronics.ID, The_Link => ( Mode => Boards.Transmitting, TC_T => 222 ), TC_S_Band_Data => 8 ) with EBand => Boards.S_Band, The_Command => Modules.Set_Data_Rate, TC_SDR => 11 ), Pointing => 270 ); The_Space_Antenna := ( The_Band => Boards.S_Band, The_Command => Modules.Set_Data_Rate, ID => The_Space_Antenna.ID, Electronics => ( Boards.Transceiver'( Band => Boards.S_Band, ID => The_Space_Antenna.Electronics.ID, The_Link => ( Mode => Boards.Transmitting, TC_T => 456 ), TC_S_Band_Data => 88 ) with EBand => Boards.S_Band, The_Command => Modules.Set_Data_Rate, TC_SDR => 42 ) ); Space_Station_Antenna := ( Boards.UHF, Modules.Set_Compression_Code, Space_Station_Antenna.ID, ( Boards.Transceiver'( Boards.UHF, Space_Station_Antenna.Electronics.ID, ( Boards.Transmitting, 202 ), 42 ) with Boards.UHF, Modules.Set_Compression_Code, TC_SCC => 101 ) ); Assert( The_Ground_Antenna.The_Band = Boards.S_Band, "TGA disc 1" ); Assert( The_Ground_Antenna.The_Command = Modules.Set_Data_Rate, "TGA disc 2" ); Assert( Plaque.TC_Match(The_Ground_Antenna.ID,1), "TGA comp 3" ); Assert( The_Ground_Antenna.Electronics.EBand = Boards.S_Band, "TGA comp 2.disc 1" ); Assert( The_Ground_Antenna.Electronics.The_Command = Modules.Set_Data_Rate, "TGA comp 2.disc 2" ); Assert( The_Ground_Antenna.Electronics.TC_SDR = 11, "TGA comp 2.1" ); Assert( Plaque.TC_Match( The_Ground_Antenna.Electronics.ID, 2 ), "TGA comp 2.inher.1" ); Assert( The_Ground_Antenna.Electronics.The_Link.Mode = Boards.Transmitting, "TGA comp 2.inher.2.disc" ); Assert( The_Ground_Antenna.Electronics.The_Link.TC_T = 222, "TGA comp 2.inher.2.1" ); Assert( The_Ground_Antenna.Electronics.TC_S_Band_Data = 8, "TGA comp 2.inher.3" ); Assert( The_Ground_Antenna.Pointing = 270, "TGA comp 3" ); Assert( The_Space_Antenna.The_Band = Boards.S_Band, "TSA disc 1"); Assert( The_Space_Antenna.The_Command = Modules.Set_Data_Rate, "TSA disc 2"); Assert( Plaque.TC_Match(The_Space_Antenna.ID,3), "TSA comp 1"); Assert( The_Space_Antenna.Electronics.EBand = Boards.S_Band, "TSA comp 2.disc 1"); Assert( The_Space_Antenna.Electronics.The_Command = Modules.Set_Data_Rate, "TSA comp 2.disc 2"); Assert( The_Space_Antenna.Electronics.TC_SDR = 42, "TSA comp 2.1"); Assert( Plaque.TC_Match(The_Space_Antenna.Electronics.ID,4), "TSA comp 2.inher.1"); Assert( The_Space_Antenna.Electronics.The_Link.Mode = Boards.Transmitting, "TSA comp 2.inher.2.disc"); Assert( The_Space_Antenna.Electronics.The_Link.TC_T = 456, "TSA comp 2.inher.2.1"); Assert( The_Space_Antenna.Electronics.TC_S_Band_Data = 88, "TSA comp 2.inher.3"); Assert( Space_Station_Antenna.The_Band = Boards.UHF, "SSA disc 1"); Assert( Space_Station_Antenna.The_Command = Modules.Set_Compression_Code, "SSA disc 2"); Assert( Plaque.TC_Match(Space_Station_Antenna.ID,5), "SSA comp 1"); Assert( Space_Station_Antenna.Electronics.EBand = Boards.UHF, "SSA comp 2.disc 1"); Assert( Space_Station_Antenna.Electronics.The_Command = Modules.Set_Compression_Code, "SSA comp 2.disc 2"); Assert( Space_Station_Antenna.Electronics.TC_SCC = 101, "SSA comp 2.1"); Assert( Plaque.TC_Match(Space_Station_Antenna.Electronics.ID,6), "SSA comp 2.inher.1"); Assert( Space_Station_Antenna.Electronics.The_Link.Mode = Boards.Transmitting, "SSA comp 2.inher.2.disc"); Assert( Space_Station_Antenna.Electronics.The_Link.TC_T = 202, "SSA comp 2.inher.2.1"); Assert( Space_Station_Antenna.Electronics.TC_UHF_Data = 42, "SSA comp 2.inher.3"); The_Space_Antenna := ( The_Band => Boards.S_Band, The_Command => Modules.Set_Power_State, ID => The_Space_Antenna.ID, Electronics => ( Boards.Transceiver'( Band => Boards.S_Band, ID => The_Space_Antenna.Electronics.ID, The_Link => ( Mode => Boards.Transmitting, TC_T => 1 ), TC_S_Band_Data => 5 ) with EBand => Boards.S_Band, The_Command => Modules.Set_Power_State, TC_SPS => 101 ) ); Communications.Creator( The_Space_Antenna.Electronics, Milnet ); Assert( Communications.Selector( Milnet ) = -1, "Milnet creator" ); Usenet := Communications.Creator( -2, ( Boards.Transceiver'( Band => Boards.KU_Band, ID => The_Space_Antenna.Electronics.ID, The_Link => ( Boards.Transmitting, TC_T => 101 ), TC_KU_Band_Data => 395 ) with Boards.KU_Band, Modules.Set_Data_Rate, 66 ) ); Assert( Communications.Selector( Usenet ) = -2, "Usenet creator" ); Gossip := ( Modules.Electronics_Module'( Boards.Transceiver'( Band => Boards.UHF, ID => The_Space_Antenna.Electronics.ID, The_Link => ( Boards.Transmitting, TC_T => 101 ), TC_UHF_Data => 395 ) with Boards.UHF, Modules.Set_Compression_Code, 66 ) with TC_VC => -3 ); Assert( Gossip.TC_VC = -3, "Gossip Aggregate" ); Communications.Setup( Gossip, 1 ); -- (Boards.UHF, -- Modules.Set_Compression_Code) Communications.Setup( Usenet, 2 ); -- (Boards.KU_Band, -- Modules.Set_Data_Rate) Communications.Setup( Milnet, 3 ); -- (Boards.S_Band, -- Modules.Set_Power_State) Assert( Communications.Selector( Gossip ) = 1, "Gossip Setup" ); Assert( Communications.Selector( Usenet ) = 2, "Usenet Setup" ); Assert( Communications.Selector( Milnet ) = 3, "Milnet Setup" ); Report.Result; end C391002;