-- C332001.A -- -- Grant of Unlimited Rights -- -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687, -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein. -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government. -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others -- to do so. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- -- ALL MATERIALS OR INFORMATION HEREIN RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE OR -- DISCLOSED ARE AS IS. THE GOVERNMENT MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED -- WARRANTY AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING THE CONDITIONS OF THE -- SOFTWARE, DOCUMENTATION OR OTHER INFORMATION RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE -- OR DISCLOSED, OR THE OWNERSHIP, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF SAID MATERIAL. --* -- -- OBJECTIVE: -- Check that the static expression given for a number declaration may be -- of any numeric type. Check that the type of a named number is -- universal_integer or universal_real regardless of the type of the -- static expression that provides its value. -- -- TEST DESCRIPTION: -- This test defines a large cross section of mixed type named numbers. -- Well, obviously the named numbers don't have types (other than -- universal_integer and universal_real) associated with them. -- This test uses typed static values in the definition of several named -- numbers, and then mixes the named numbers to ensure that their typed -- origins do not interfere with the use of their values. -- -- -- CHANGE HISTORY: -- 10 OCT 95 SAIC Initial version -- 11 APR 96 SAIC Fixed a few arithmetic errors for 2.1 -- 24 NOV 98 RLB Removed decimal types to insure that this -- test is applicable to all implementations. -- --! ----------------------------------------------------------------- C332001_0 package C332001_0 is type Enumeration_Type is ( Ah, Gnome, Er, Ay, Shun ); type Integer_Type is range 0..1023; type Modular_Type is mod 256; type Floating_Type is digits 4; type Fixed_Type is delta 0.125 range -10.0 .. 10.0; type Mod_Array is array(Modular_Type) of Floating_Type; type Int_Array is array(Integer_Type) of Fixed_Type; type Record_Type is record Pinkie : Integer_Type; Ring : Modular_Type; Middle : Floating_Type; Index : Fixed_Type; end record; Mod_Array_Object : Mod_Array; Int_Array_Object : Int_Array; Record_Object : Record_Type; -- numeric_literals Nothing_New_Integer : constant := 1; Nothing_New_Real : constant := 1.0; -- static constants Integ : constant Integer_Type := 2; Modul : constant Modular_Type := 2; Float : constant Floating_Type := 2.0; -- bad practice, good test Fixed : constant Fixed_Type := 2.0; Named_Integer : constant := Integ; -- 2 Named_Modular : constant := Modul; -- 2 Named_Float : constant := Float; -- 2.0 Named_Fixed : constant := Fixed; -- 2.0 -- function calls -- parenthetical expressions Fn_Integer : constant := Integer_Type'Min(Integ * 2, 8); -- 4 Fn_Modular : constant := Modular_Type'Max(Modul + 2, Modular_Type'First);--4 Fn_Float : constant := (Float ** 2); -- 4.0 Fn_Fixed : constant := - Fixed; -- -2.0 -- attributes ITF : constant := Integer_Type'First; -- 0 MTL : constant := Modular_Type'Last; -- 255 MTM : constant := Modular_Type'Modulus; -- 256 ENP : constant := Enumeration_Type'Pos(Ay); -- 3 MTP : constant := Modular_Type'Pred(Modul); -- 1 FTS : constant := Fixed_Type'Size; -- # impdef ITS : constant := Integer_Type'Succ(Integ); -- 3 -- array attributes 'First, 'Last, 'Length MAFirst : constant := Mod_Array_Object'First; -- 0 IALast : constant := Int_Array_Object'Last; -- 1023 MAL : constant := Mod_Array_Object'Length; -- 255 IAL : constant := Int_Array_Object'Length; -- 1024 -- type conversions -- -- F\T Int Mod Flt Fix -- Int . X O X -- Mod O . X O -- Flt X O . X -- Fix O X O . Int2Mod : constant := Modular_Type (Integ); -- 2 Int2Fix : constant := Fixed_Type (Integ); -- 2.0 Mod2Flt : constant := Floating_Type (Modul); -- 2.0 Flt2Int : constant := Integer_Type(Float); -- 2 Flt2Fix : constant := Fixed_Type (Float); -- 2.0 Fix2Mod : constant := Modular_Type (Fixed); -- 2 procedure Check_Values; -- TRANSITION CHECKS -- -- The following were illegal in Ada83; they are now legal in Ada95 -- Int_Base_First : constant := Integer'Base'First; -- # impdef Int_First : constant := Integer'First; -- # impdef Int_Last : constant := Integer'Last; -- # impdef Int_Val : constant := Integer'Val(17); -- 17 -- END OF TRANSITION CHECKS end C332001_0; -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- with Report; package body C332001_0 is procedure Assert( Truth : Boolean; Message: String ) is begin if not Truth then Report.Failed("Assertion " & Message & " not true" ); end if; end Assert; procedure Check_Values is begin Assert( Nothing_New_Integer * Named_Integer = Named_Modular, "Nothing_New_Integer * Named_Integer = Named_Modular" ); -- 1*2 = 2 Assert( Nothing_New_Real * Named_Float = Named_Fixed, "Nothing_New_Real * Named_Float = Named_Fixed" );-- 1.0*2.0 = 2.0 Assert( Fn_Integer = Int2Mod + Flt2Int, "Fn_Integer = Int2Mod + Flt2Int" ); -- 4 = 2+2 Assert( Fn_Modular = Flt2Int * 2, "Fn_Modular = Flt2Int * 2" ); -- 4 = 2*2 Assert( Fn_Float = Mod2Flt ** Fix2Mod, "Fn_Float = Mod2Flt ** Fix2Mod" ); -- 4.0 = 2.0**2 Assert( Fn_Fixed = (- Mod2Flt), "Fn_Fixed = (- Mod2Flt)" ); -- -2.0 = (-2.0) Assert( ITF = Modular_Type'First, "ITF = Modular_Type'First" ); -- 0 = 0 Assert( MTL < Integer_Type'Last, "MTL < Integer_Type'Last" ); -- 255 < 1023 Assert( MTM < Integer_Type'Last, "MTM < Integer_Type'Last" ); -- 256 < 1023 Assert( ENP > MTP, "ENP > MTP" ); -- 3 > 1 Assert( (FTS < MTL) or (FTS >= MTL), -- given FTS is impdef... "(FTS < MTL) or (FTS >= MTL)" ); -- True Assert( FTS > ITS, "FTS > ITS" ); -- impdef > 3 Assert( MAFirst = Int_Array_Object'First, "MAFirst = Int_Array_Object'First" ); -- 0 = 0 Assert( IALast > MAFirst, "IALast > MAFirst" ); -- 1023 > 0 Assert( MAL < IAL, "MAL < IAL" ); -- 255 < 1024 Assert( Mod2Flt = Flt2Fix, "Mod2Flt = Flt2Fix" ); -- 2.0 = 2.0 end Check_Values; end C332001_0; ------------------------------------------------------------------- C332001 with Report; with C332001_0; procedure C332001 is begin -- Main test procedure. Report.Test ("C332001", "Check that the static expression given for a " & "number declaration may be of any numeric type. " & "Check that the type of the named number is " & "universal_integer of universal_real regardless " & "of the type of the static expression that " & "provides its value" ); C332001_0.Check_Values; Report.Result; end C332001;