(* example.c -- usage example of the zlib compression library * Copyright (C) 1995-2003 Jean-loup Gailly. * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h * * Pascal translation * Copyright (C) 1998 by Jacques Nomssi Nzali. * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in readme.txt * * Adaptation to the zlibpas interface * Copyright (C) 2003 by Cosmin Truta. * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in readme.txt *) program example; {$DEFINE TEST_COMPRESS} {DO NOT $DEFINE TEST_GZIO} {$DEFINE TEST_DEFLATE} {$DEFINE TEST_INFLATE} {$DEFINE TEST_FLUSH} {$DEFINE TEST_SYNC} {$DEFINE TEST_DICT} uses SysUtils, zlibpas; const TESTFILE = 'foo.gz'; (* "hello world" would be more standard, but the repeated "hello" * stresses the compression code better, sorry... *) const hello: PChar = 'hello, hello!'; const dictionary: PChar = 'hello'; var dictId: LongInt; (* Adler32 value of the dictionary *) procedure CHECK_ERR(err: Integer; msg: String); begin if err <> Z_OK then begin WriteLn(msg, ' error: ', err); Halt(1); end; end; procedure EXIT_ERR(const msg: String); begin WriteLn('Error: ', msg); Halt(1); end; (* =========================================================================== * Test compress and uncompress *) {$IFDEF TEST_COMPRESS} procedure test_compress(compr: Pointer; comprLen: LongInt; uncompr: Pointer; uncomprLen: LongInt); var err: Integer; len: LongInt; begin len := StrLen(hello)+1; err := compress(compr, comprLen, hello, len); CHECK_ERR(err, 'compress'); StrCopy(PChar(uncompr), 'garbage'); err := uncompress(uncompr, uncomprLen, compr, comprLen); CHECK_ERR(err, 'uncompress'); if StrComp(PChar(uncompr), hello) <> 0 then EXIT_ERR('bad uncompress') else WriteLn('uncompress(): ', PChar(uncompr)); end; {$ENDIF} (* =========================================================================== * Test read/write of .gz files *) {$IFDEF TEST_GZIO} procedure test_gzio(const fname: PChar; (* compressed file name *) uncompr: Pointer; uncomprLen: LongInt); var err: Integer; len: Integer; zfile: gzFile; pos: LongInt; begin len := StrLen(hello)+1; zfile := gzopen(fname, 'wb'); if zfile = NIL then begin WriteLn('gzopen error'); Halt(1); end; gzputc(zfile, 'h'); if gzputs(zfile, 'ello') <> 4 then begin WriteLn('gzputs err: ', gzerror(zfile, err)); Halt(1); end; {$IFDEF GZ_FORMAT_STRING} if gzprintf(zfile, ', %s!', 'hello') <> 8 then begin WriteLn('gzprintf err: ', gzerror(zfile, err)); Halt(1); end; {$ELSE} if gzputs(zfile, ', hello!') <> 8 then begin WriteLn('gzputs err: ', gzerror(zfile, err)); Halt(1); end; {$ENDIF} gzseek(zfile, 1, SEEK_CUR); (* add one zero byte *) gzclose(zfile); zfile := gzopen(fname, 'rb'); if zfile = NIL then begin WriteLn('gzopen error'); Halt(1); end; StrCopy(PChar(uncompr), 'garbage'); if gzread(zfile, uncompr, uncomprLen) <> len then begin WriteLn('gzread err: ', gzerror(zfile, err)); Halt(1); end; if StrComp(PChar(uncompr), hello) <> 0 then begin WriteLn('bad gzread: ', PChar(uncompr)); Halt(1); end else WriteLn('gzread(): ', PChar(uncompr)); pos := gzseek(zfile, -8, SEEK_CUR); if (pos <> 6) or (gztell(zfile) <> pos) then begin WriteLn('gzseek error, pos=', pos, ', gztell=', gztell(zfile)); Halt(1); end; if gzgetc(zfile) <> ' ' then begin WriteLn('gzgetc error'); Halt(1); end; if gzungetc(' ', zfile) <> ' ' then begin WriteLn('gzungetc error'); Halt(1); end; gzgets(zfile, PChar(uncompr), uncomprLen); uncomprLen := StrLen(PChar(uncompr)); if uncomprLen <> 7 then (* " hello!" *) begin WriteLn('gzgets err after gzseek: ', gzerror(zfile, err)); Halt(1); end; if StrComp(PChar(uncompr), hello + 6) <> 0 then begin WriteLn('bad gzgets after gzseek'); Halt(1); end else WriteLn('gzgets() after gzseek: ', PChar(uncompr)); gzclose(zfile); end; {$ENDIF} (* =========================================================================== * Test deflate with small buffers *) {$IFDEF TEST_DEFLATE} procedure test_deflate(compr: Pointer; comprLen: LongInt); var c_stream: z_stream; (* compression stream *) err: Integer; len: LongInt; begin len := StrLen(hello)+1; c_stream.zalloc := NIL; c_stream.zfree := NIL; c_stream.opaque := NIL; err := deflateInit(c_stream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); CHECK_ERR(err, 'deflateInit'); c_stream.next_in := hello; c_stream.next_out := compr; while (c_stream.total_in <> len) and (c_stream.total_out < comprLen) do begin c_stream.avail_out := 1; { force small buffers } c_stream.avail_in := 1; err := deflate(c_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH); CHECK_ERR(err, 'deflate'); end; (* Finish the stream, still forcing small buffers: *) while TRUE do begin c_stream.avail_out := 1; err := deflate(c_stream, Z_FINISH); if err = Z_STREAM_END then break; CHECK_ERR(err, 'deflate'); end; err := deflateEnd(c_stream); CHECK_ERR(err, 'deflateEnd'); end; {$ENDIF} (* =========================================================================== * Test inflate with small buffers *) {$IFDEF TEST_INFLATE} procedure test_inflate(compr: Pointer; comprLen : LongInt; uncompr: Pointer; uncomprLen : LongInt); var err: Integer; d_stream: z_stream; (* decompression stream *) begin StrCopy(PChar(uncompr), 'garbage'); d_stream.zalloc := NIL; d_stream.zfree := NIL; d_stream.opaque := NIL; d_stream.next_in := compr; d_stream.avail_in := 0; d_stream.next_out := uncompr; err := inflateInit(d_stream); CHECK_ERR(err, 'inflateInit'); while (d_stream.total_out < uncomprLen) and (d_stream.total_in < comprLen) do begin d_stream.avail_out := 1; (* force small buffers *) d_stream.avail_in := 1; err := inflate(d_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH); if err = Z_STREAM_END then break; CHECK_ERR(err, 'inflate'); end; err := inflateEnd(d_stream); CHECK_ERR(err, 'inflateEnd'); if StrComp(PChar(uncompr), hello) <> 0 then EXIT_ERR('bad inflate') else WriteLn('inflate(): ', PChar(uncompr)); end; {$ENDIF} (* =========================================================================== * Test deflate with large buffers and dynamic change of compression level *) {$IFDEF TEST_DEFLATE} procedure test_large_deflate(compr: Pointer; comprLen: LongInt; uncompr: Pointer; uncomprLen: LongInt); var c_stream: z_stream; (* compression stream *) err: Integer; begin c_stream.zalloc := NIL; c_stream.zfree := NIL; c_stream.opaque := NIL; err := deflateInit(c_stream, Z_BEST_SPEED); CHECK_ERR(err, 'deflateInit'); c_stream.next_out := compr; c_stream.avail_out := Integer(comprLen); (* At this point, uncompr is still mostly zeroes, so it should compress * very well: *) c_stream.next_in := uncompr; c_stream.avail_in := Integer(uncomprLen); err := deflate(c_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH); CHECK_ERR(err, 'deflate'); if c_stream.avail_in <> 0 then EXIT_ERR('deflate not greedy'); (* Feed in already compressed data and switch to no compression: *) deflateParams(c_stream, Z_NO_COMPRESSION, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY); c_stream.next_in := compr; c_stream.avail_in := Integer(comprLen div 2); err := deflate(c_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH); CHECK_ERR(err, 'deflate'); (* Switch back to compressing mode: *) deflateParams(c_stream, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, Z_FILTERED); c_stream.next_in := uncompr; c_stream.avail_in := Integer(uncomprLen); err := deflate(c_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH); CHECK_ERR(err, 'deflate'); err := deflate(c_stream, Z_FINISH); if err <> Z_STREAM_END then EXIT_ERR('deflate should report Z_STREAM_END'); err := deflateEnd(c_stream); CHECK_ERR(err, 'deflateEnd'); end; {$ENDIF} (* =========================================================================== * Test inflate with large buffers *) {$IFDEF TEST_INFLATE} procedure test_large_inflate(compr: Pointer; comprLen: LongInt; uncompr: Pointer; uncomprLen: LongInt); var err: Integer; d_stream: z_stream; (* decompression stream *) begin StrCopy(PChar(uncompr), 'garbage'); d_stream.zalloc := NIL; d_stream.zfree := NIL; d_stream.opaque := NIL; d_stream.next_in := compr; d_stream.avail_in := Integer(comprLen); err := inflateInit(d_stream); CHECK_ERR(err, 'inflateInit'); while TRUE do begin d_stream.next_out := uncompr; (* discard the output *) d_stream.avail_out := Integer(uncomprLen); err := inflate(d_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH); if err = Z_STREAM_END then break; CHECK_ERR(err, 'large inflate'); end; err := inflateEnd(d_stream); CHECK_ERR(err, 'inflateEnd'); if d_stream.total_out <> 2 * uncomprLen + comprLen div 2 then begin WriteLn('bad large inflate: ', d_stream.total_out); Halt(1); end else WriteLn('large_inflate(): OK'); end; {$ENDIF} (* =========================================================================== * Test deflate with full flush *) {$IFDEF TEST_FLUSH} procedure test_flush(compr: Pointer; var comprLen : LongInt); var c_stream: z_stream; (* compression stream *) err: Integer; len: Integer; begin len := StrLen(hello)+1; c_stream.zalloc := NIL; c_stream.zfree := NIL; c_stream.opaque := NIL; err := deflateInit(c_stream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); CHECK_ERR(err, 'deflateInit'); c_stream.next_in := hello; c_stream.next_out := compr; c_stream.avail_in := 3; c_stream.avail_out := Integer(comprLen); err := deflate(c_stream, Z_FULL_FLUSH); CHECK_ERR(err, 'deflate'); Inc(PByteArray(compr)^[3]); (* force an error in first compressed block *) c_stream.avail_in := len - 3; err := deflate(c_stream, Z_FINISH); if err <> Z_STREAM_END then CHECK_ERR(err, 'deflate'); err := deflateEnd(c_stream); CHECK_ERR(err, 'deflateEnd'); comprLen := c_stream.total_out; end; {$ENDIF} (* =========================================================================== * Test inflateSync() *) {$IFDEF TEST_SYNC} procedure test_sync(compr: Pointer; comprLen: LongInt; uncompr: Pointer; uncomprLen : LongInt); var err: Integer; d_stream: z_stream; (* decompression stream *) begin StrCopy(PChar(uncompr), 'garbage'); d_stream.zalloc := NIL; d_stream.zfree := NIL; d_stream.opaque := NIL; d_stream.next_in := compr; d_stream.avail_in := 2; (* just read the zlib header *) err := inflateInit(d_stream); CHECK_ERR(err, 'inflateInit'); d_stream.next_out := uncompr; d_stream.avail_out := Integer(uncomprLen); inflate(d_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH); CHECK_ERR(err, 'inflate'); d_stream.avail_in := Integer(comprLen-2); (* read all compressed data *) err := inflateSync(d_stream); (* but skip the damaged part *) CHECK_ERR(err, 'inflateSync'); err := inflate(d_stream, Z_FINISH); if err <> Z_DATA_ERROR then EXIT_ERR('inflate should report DATA_ERROR'); (* Because of incorrect adler32 *) err := inflateEnd(d_stream); CHECK_ERR(err, 'inflateEnd'); WriteLn('after inflateSync(): hel', PChar(uncompr)); end; {$ENDIF} (* =========================================================================== * Test deflate with preset dictionary *) {$IFDEF TEST_DICT} procedure test_dict_deflate(compr: Pointer; comprLen: LongInt); var c_stream: z_stream; (* compression stream *) err: Integer; begin c_stream.zalloc := NIL; c_stream.zfree := NIL; c_stream.opaque := NIL; err := deflateInit(c_stream, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION); CHECK_ERR(err, 'deflateInit'); err := deflateSetDictionary(c_stream, dictionary, StrLen(dictionary)); CHECK_ERR(err, 'deflateSetDictionary'); dictId := c_stream.adler; c_stream.next_out := compr; c_stream.avail_out := Integer(comprLen); c_stream.next_in := hello; c_stream.avail_in := StrLen(hello)+1; err := deflate(c_stream, Z_FINISH); if err <> Z_STREAM_END then EXIT_ERR('deflate should report Z_STREAM_END'); err := deflateEnd(c_stream); CHECK_ERR(err, 'deflateEnd'); end; {$ENDIF} (* =========================================================================== * Test inflate with a preset dictionary *) {$IFDEF TEST_DICT} procedure test_dict_inflate(compr: Pointer; comprLen: LongInt; uncompr: Pointer; uncomprLen: LongInt); var err: Integer; d_stream: z_stream; (* decompression stream *) begin StrCopy(PChar(uncompr), 'garbage'); d_stream.zalloc := NIL; d_stream.zfree := NIL; d_stream.opaque := NIL; d_stream.next_in := compr; d_stream.avail_in := Integer(comprLen); err := inflateInit(d_stream); CHECK_ERR(err, 'inflateInit'); d_stream.next_out := uncompr; d_stream.avail_out := Integer(uncomprLen); while TRUE do begin err := inflate(d_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH); if err = Z_STREAM_END then break; if err = Z_NEED_DICT then begin if d_stream.adler <> dictId then EXIT_ERR('unexpected dictionary'); err := inflateSetDictionary(d_stream, dictionary, StrLen(dictionary)); end; CHECK_ERR(err, 'inflate with dict'); end; err := inflateEnd(d_stream); CHECK_ERR(err, 'inflateEnd'); if StrComp(PChar(uncompr), hello) <> 0 then EXIT_ERR('bad inflate with dict') else WriteLn('inflate with dictionary: ', PChar(uncompr)); end; {$ENDIF} var compr, uncompr: Pointer; comprLen, uncomprLen: LongInt; begin if zlibVersion^ <> ZLIB_VERSION[1] then EXIT_ERR('Incompatible zlib version'); WriteLn('zlib version: ', zlibVersion); WriteLn('zlib compile flags: ', Format('0x%x', [zlibCompileFlags])); comprLen := 10000 * SizeOf(Integer); (* don't overflow on MSDOS *) uncomprLen := comprLen; GetMem(compr, comprLen); GetMem(uncompr, uncomprLen); if (compr = NIL) or (uncompr = NIL) then EXIT_ERR('Out of memory'); (* compr and uncompr are cleared to avoid reading uninitialized * data and to ensure that uncompr compresses well. *) FillChar(compr^, comprLen, 0); FillChar(uncompr^, uncomprLen, 0); {$IFDEF TEST_COMPRESS} WriteLn('** Testing compress'); test_compress(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF TEST_GZIO} WriteLn('** Testing gzio'); if ParamCount >= 1 then test_gzio(ParamStr(1), uncompr, uncomprLen) else test_gzio(TESTFILE, uncompr, uncomprLen); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF TEST_DEFLATE} WriteLn('** Testing deflate with small buffers'); test_deflate(compr, comprLen); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF TEST_INFLATE} WriteLn('** Testing inflate with small buffers'); test_inflate(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF TEST_DEFLATE} WriteLn('** Testing deflate with large buffers'); test_large_deflate(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF TEST_INFLATE} WriteLn('** Testing inflate with large buffers'); test_large_inflate(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF TEST_FLUSH} WriteLn('** Testing deflate with full flush'); test_flush(compr, comprLen); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF TEST_SYNC} WriteLn('** Testing inflateSync'); test_sync(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen); {$ENDIF} comprLen := uncomprLen; {$IFDEF TEST_DICT} WriteLn('** Testing deflate and inflate with preset dictionary'); test_dict_deflate(compr, comprLen); test_dict_inflate(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen); {$ENDIF} FreeMem(compr, comprLen); FreeMem(uncompr, uncomprLen); end.