lldb-types.h   [plain text]

//===-- lldb-types.h --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.

#ifndef LLDB_lldb_types_h_
#define LLDB_lldb_types_h_

#include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-forward.h"

#include <assert.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdint.h>

// All host systems must define:
//  lldb::condition_t       The native condition type (or a substitute class) for conditions on the host system.
//  lldb::mutex_t           The native mutex type for mutex objects on the host system.
//  lldb::thread_t          The native thread type for spawned threads on the system
//  lldb::thread_arg_t      The type of the one any only thread creation argument for the host system
//  lldb::thread_result_t   The return type that gets returned when a thread finishes.
//  lldb::thread_func_t     The function prototype used to spawn a thread on the host system.
//  #define LLDB_INVALID_THREAD_ID ...

// TODO: Add a bunch of ifdefs to determine the host system and what
// things should be defined. Currently MacOSX is being assumed by default
// since that is what lldb was first developed for.

#ifndef _MSC_VER
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#ifdef _WIN32

#include <process.h>

namespace lldb
    typedef void*               mutex_t;
    typedef void*               condition_t;
    typedef void*               rwlock_t;
    typedef uintptr_t           thread_t;                   // Host thread type
    typedef uint32_t            thread_key_t;
    typedef void *              thread_arg_t;               // Host thread argument type
    typedef unsigned            thread_result_t;            // Host thread result type
    typedef thread_result_t     (*thread_func_t)(void *);   // Host thread function type
    typedef void                (*LogOutputCallback) (const char *, void *baton);
    typedef bool                (*CommandOverrideCallback)(void *baton, const char **argv);


#include <pthread.h>

namespace lldb {
        // MacOSX Types
        typedef ::pthread_mutex_t   mutex_t;
        typedef pthread_cond_t      condition_t;
        typedef pthread_rwlock_t    rwlock_t;
        typedef pthread_t           thread_t;                   // Host thread type
        typedef pthread_key_t       thread_key_t;
        typedef void *              thread_arg_t;               // Host thread argument type
        typedef void *              thread_result_t;            // Host thread result type
        typedef void *              (*thread_func_t)(void *);   // Host thread function type
        typedef void                (*LogOutputCallback) (const char *, void *baton);
        typedef bool                (*CommandOverrideCallback)(void *baton, const char **argv);
} // namespace lldb


#define LLDB_INVALID_HOST_THREAD         ((lldb::thread_t)NULL)

#define LLDB_INVALID_HOST_TIME           { 0, 0 }

namespace lldb 
    typedef uint64_t    addr_t;
    typedef uint64_t    user_id_t;
    typedef uint64_t    pid_t;
    typedef uint64_t    tid_t;
    typedef uint64_t    offset_t;
    typedef int32_t     break_id_t;
    typedef int32_t     watch_id_t;
    typedef void *      clang_type_t;
    typedef uint64_t    queue_id_t;

#endif  // LLDB_lldb_types_h_