CommandCompletions.h   [plain text]

//===-- CommandCompletions.h ------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.

#ifndef lldb_CommandCompletions_h_
#define lldb_CommandCompletions_h_

// C Includes
// C++ Includes
#include <set>

// Other libraries and framework includes
// Project includes
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
#include "lldb/Core/SearchFilter.h"
#include "lldb/Core/FileSpecList.h"
#include "lldb/Core/RegularExpression.h"

namespace lldb_private
class CommandCompletions

    // This is the command completion callback that is used to complete the argument of the option
    // it is bound to (in the OptionDefinition table below).  Return the total number of matches.
    typedef int (*CompletionCallback) (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
                                       const char *completion_str,          // This is the argument we are completing
                                       int match_start_point,               // This is the point in the list of matches that you should start returning elements
                                       int max_return_elements,             // This is the number of matches requested.
                                       lldb_private::SearchFilter *searcher,// A search filter to limit the search...
                                       bool &word_complete,
                                       lldb_private::StringList &matches);  // The array of matches we return.
    typedef enum
        eNoCompletion             = 0u,
        eSourceFileCompletion     = (1u << 0),
        eDiskFileCompletion       = (1u << 1),
        eDiskDirectoryCompletion  = (1u << 2),
        eSymbolCompletion         = (1u << 3),
        eModuleCompletion         = (1u << 4),
        eSettingsNameCompletion   = (1u << 5),
        ePlatformPluginCompletion = (1u << 6),
        eArchitectureCompletion   = (1u << 7),
        eVariablePathCompletion   = (1u << 8),
        // This item serves two purposes.  It is the last element in the enum,
        // so you can add custom enums starting from here in your Option class.
        // Also if you & in this bit the base code will not process the option.
        eCustomCompletion         = (1u << 9)

    } CommonCompletionTypes;

    struct CommonCompletionElement
        uint32_t type;
        CompletionCallback callback;

    static bool InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
                                                 uint32_t completion_mask,
                                                 const char *completion_str,
                                                 int match_start_point,
                                                 int max_return_elements,
                                                 SearchFilter *searcher,
                                                 bool &word_complete,
                                                 StringList &matches);
    // These are the generic completer functions:
    static int
    DiskFiles (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
               const char *partial_file_name,
               int match_start_point,
               int max_return_elements,
               SearchFilter *searcher,
               bool &word_complete,
               StringList &matches);
    static int
    DiskDirectories (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
                     const char *partial_file_name,
                     int match_start_point,
                     int max_return_elements,
                     SearchFilter *searcher,
                     bool &word_complete,
                     StringList &matches);
    static int
    SourceFiles (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
                 const char *partial_file_name,
                 int match_start_point,
                 int max_return_elements,
                 SearchFilter *searcher,
                 bool &word_complete,
                 StringList &matches);
    static int
    Modules (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
             const char *partial_file_name,
             int match_start_point,
             int max_return_elements,
             SearchFilter *searcher,
             bool &word_complete,
             lldb_private::StringList &matches);
    static int
    Symbols (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
             const char *partial_file_name,
             int match_start_point,
             int max_return_elements,
             SearchFilter *searcher,
             bool &word_complete,
             lldb_private::StringList &matches);
    static int
    SettingsNames (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
                   const char *partial_file_name,
                   int match_start_point,
                   int max_return_elements,
                   SearchFilter *searcher,
                   bool &word_complete,
                   lldb_private::StringList &matches);

    static int
    PlatformPluginNames (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
                         const char *partial_file_name,
                         int match_start_point,
                         int max_return_elements,
                         SearchFilter *searcher,
                         bool &word_complete,
                         lldb_private::StringList &matches);

    static int
    ArchitectureNames (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
                       const char *partial_file_name,
                       int match_start_point,
                       int max_return_elements,
                       SearchFilter *searcher,
                       bool &word_complete,
                       lldb_private::StringList &matches);

    static int
    VariablePath (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
                  const char *partial_file_name,
                  int match_start_point,
                  int max_return_elements,
                  SearchFilter *searcher,
                  bool &word_complete,
                  lldb_private::StringList &matches);

    // The Completer class is a convenient base class for building searchers
    // that go along with the SearchFilter passed to the standard Completer
    // functions.
    class Completer : public Searcher
        Completer (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
                   const char *completion_str,
                   int match_start_point,
                   int max_return_elements,
                   StringList &matches);

        virtual ~Completer ();

        virtual CallbackReturn
        SearchCallback (SearchFilter &filter,
                        SymbolContext &context,
                        Address *addr,
                        bool complete) = 0;

        virtual Depth
        GetDepth () = 0;

        virtual size_t
        DoCompletion (SearchFilter *filter) = 0;

            CommandInterpreter &m_interpreter;
            std::string m_completion_str;
            int m_match_start_point;
            int m_max_return_elements;
            StringList &m_matches;
            DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (Completer);

    // SouceFileCompleter implements the source file completer
    class SourceFileCompleter : public Completer

        SourceFileCompleter (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
                             bool include_support_files,
                             const char *completion_str,
                             int match_start_point,
                             int max_return_elements,
                             StringList &matches);
        virtual Searcher::Depth GetDepth ();

        virtual Searcher::CallbackReturn
        SearchCallback (SearchFilter &filter,
                        SymbolContext &context,
                        Address *addr,
                        bool complete);

        DoCompletion (SearchFilter *filter);

        bool m_include_support_files;
        FileSpecList m_matching_files;
        const char *m_file_name;
        const char *m_dir_name;
        DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (SourceFileCompleter);


    // ModuleCompleter implements the module completer
    class ModuleCompleter : public Completer

        ModuleCompleter (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
                         const char *completion_str,
                         int match_start_point,
                         int max_return_elements,
                         StringList &matches);
        virtual Searcher::Depth GetDepth ();

        virtual Searcher::CallbackReturn
        SearchCallback (SearchFilter &filter,
                        SymbolContext &context,
                        Address *addr,
                        bool complete);

        DoCompletion (SearchFilter *filter);

        const char *m_file_name;
        const char *m_dir_name;
        DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (ModuleCompleter);


    // SymbolCompleter implements the symbol completer
    class SymbolCompleter : public Completer

        SymbolCompleter (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
                         const char *completion_str,
                         int match_start_point,
                         int max_return_elements,
                         StringList &matches);
        virtual Searcher::Depth GetDepth ();

        virtual Searcher::CallbackReturn
        SearchCallback (SearchFilter &filter,
                        SymbolContext &context,
                        Address *addr,
                        bool complete);

        DoCompletion (SearchFilter *filter);

//        struct NameCmp {
//            bool operator() (const ConstString& lhs, const ConstString& rhs) const
//            {
//                return lhs < rhs;
//            }
//        };

        RegularExpression m_regex;
        typedef std::set<ConstString> collection;
        collection m_match_set;
        DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (SymbolCompleter);


    static CommonCompletionElement g_common_completions[];


} // namespace lldb_private
#endif  // lldb_CommandCompletions_h_