guide.html   [plain text]

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<h1>libstdc++ Source Documentation</h1>

<p>This file is docs/doxygen/guide.html in the libstdc++ source tree.  It
   is not included in the generated pages (no real point to doing that).

 <li><a href="#creating">Creating the pages</a></li>
 <li><a href="#writing">Writing the markup</a></li>

<hr />

<a name="creating"><h2>Creating the pages</h2></a>
<p>The Makefile rules <code>'make doxygen'</code>,
   <code>'make doxygen-maint'</code>, and <code>'make doxygen-man'</code>
   in the libstdc++ build directory generate the user-level HTML docs, the
   maintainer-level HTML docs, and the man pages, respectively.  Prerequisite
   tools are Bash 2.x, 
   <a href="">
   <!-- snagged from the generated page -->
   <img src="doxygen.png" alt="Doxygen" align=center border=0 width=110 height=53>
   </a>, a working version of <code>g++</code> somewhere in the PATH, and
   the <a href="">GNU coreutils</a>.

   In addition, to generate the pretty pictures, the 
   <a href=
   package will need to be installed.
   (g++ is used to build a program which manipulates man pages.  GNU versions
   of find, xargs, and possibly sed and grep are used, just because the GNU
   versions make things very easy.)

<p>Careful observers will see that the Makefile rules simply call a script
   from the source tree, <code>run_doxygen</code>, which does the actual work
   of running Doxygen and then (most importantly) massaging the output files.
   If for some reason you prefer to not go through the Makefile, you can call
   this script directly.  (Start by passing <code>'--help'</code>.)

<p>If you wish to tweak the Doxygen settings, do so by editing
   <code>docs/doxygen/</code>.  Notes to v3-hackers are written in
   triple-# comments.

<a name="writing"><h2>Writing the markup</h2></a>
<p>In general, libstdc++ files should be formatted according to the GNU
   C++ Coding Standard rules found in the file
   <a href="">C++STYLE</a>.
   Before any doxygen-specific formatting tweaks are made, please try to make
   sure that the initial formatting is sound.

<p>Adding Doxygen markup to a file (informally called "doxygenating") is very
   simple.  The Doxygen manual can be found
   <a href="">here</a>.
   We try to use a very-recent version of Doxygen.

<h3>Doxygen style guide</h3>
<p>[incomplete and constantly evolving]</p>

<p>For classes, use deque/vector/list and std::pair as examples.  For
   functions, see their member functions, and the free functions in
   <code>stl_algobase.h</code>.  Member functions of other container-like
   types should read similarly to these member functions.

<p>These points accompany the first list in section 3.1 of the Doxygen manual:
 <li>Use the Javadoc style...</li>
 <li>...not the Qt style.  The intermediate *'s are preferred.</li>
 <li>Use the triple-slash style only for one-line comments (the "brief" mode).
     Very recent versions of Doxygen permit full-mode comments in triple-slash
     blocks, but the formatting still comes out wonky.</li>
 <li>This is disgusting.  Don't do this.</li>

<p>Use the @-style of commands, not the !-style.  Please be careful about
   whitespace in your markup comments.  Most of the time it doesn't matter;
   doxygen absorbs most whitespace, and both HTML and *roff are agnostic about
   whitespace.  However, in &lt;pre&gt; blocks and @code/@endcode sections,
   spacing can have "interesting" effects.

<p>Use either kind of grouping, as appropriate.  <code></code>
   exists for this purpose.  See <code>stl_iterator.h</code> for a good
   example of the "other" kind of grouping.

<p>Please use markup tags like @p and @a when referring to things such as the
   names of function parameters.  Use @e for emphasis when necessary.  Use @c
   to refer to other standard names.  (Examples of all these abound in the
   present code.)
