SecIdentityPriv.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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#include <Security/SecBase.h>

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

/*!	@function SecIdentityCreate
	@abstract create a new identity object from the provided certificate and its associated private key.
    @param allocator CFAllocator to allocate the identity object. Pass NULL to use the default allocator.
    @param certificate A certificate reference.
	@param privateKey A private key reference.
    @result An identity reference.
SecIdentityRef SecIdentityCreate(
	CFAllocatorRef allocator,
	SecCertificateRef certificate,
	SecKeyRef privateKey);

	@function SecIdentityCompare
    @abstract Compares two SecIdentityRef instances for equality.
    @param identity1 An identity reference.
	@param identity2 An identity reference.
	@param compareOptions A value containing option flags. Currently there are no compare options, so 0 should be passed for this parameter.
    @result An enumerated value of type CFComparisonResult. See CFBase.h.
	@discussion Two identities are considered equal if they contain identical certificate and private key components.
    @deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5 and later; the CFEqual function should be used instead (CFBase.h).
CFComparisonResult SecIdentityCompare(
    SecIdentityRef identity1,
    SecIdentityRef identity2,
    CFOptionFlags compareOptions);

	@function SecIdentityFindPreferenceItem
    @abstract Returns an identity preference item, given an identity string.
    @param keychainOrArray A reference to an array of keychains to search, a single keychain, or NULL to search the user's default keychain search list.
    @param idString A string containing a URI, hostname, or email (RFC822) address.
	@param itemRef On return, a reference to the keychain item which was found. The caller is responsible for releasing this reference.
    @result A result code.  See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
	@discussion An identity preference item maps a particular identity to a string, such as a URI or email address. It specifies that this identity should be preferred in transactions which match the provided string.
OSStatus SecIdentityFindPreferenceItem(
			CFTypeRef keychainOrArray,
			CFStringRef idString,
			SecKeychainItemRef *itemRef);

	@function SecIdentityAddPreferenceItem
    @abstract Adds a new identity preference item to the specified keychain.
	@param keychainRef A reference to the keychain in which to store the preference item. Pass NULL to specify the user's default keychain.
    @param identityRef An identity reference.
	@param idString A string containing a URI, hostname, or email (RFC822) address.
	@param itemRef On return, a reference to the new keychain item. The caller is responsible for releasing this reference. Pass NULL if the reference is not needed.
    @result A result code.  See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
	@discussion An identity preference item maps a particular identity to a string, such as a URI or email address. It specifies that this identity should be preferred in transactions which match the provided string.
    @deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5; use SecIdentitySetPreference() instead (SecIdentity.h).
OSStatus SecIdentityAddPreferenceItem(
			SecKeychainRef keychainRef,
			SecIdentityRef identityRef,
			CFStringRef idString,
			SecKeychainItemRef *itemRef);

	@function SecIdentityUpdatePreferenceItem
    @abstract Given an existing identity preference keychain item, update it with the provided identity.
	@param itemRef An identity preference keychain item, as returned by SecIdentityFindPreferenceItem or SecIdentityAddPreferenceItem.
    @param identityRef An identity reference.
    @result A result code.  See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
	@discussion This function is used to update an existing preference item when a different identity is preferred.
    @deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5; use SecIdentitySetPreference() instead (SecIdentity.h).
OSStatus SecIdentityUpdatePreferenceItem(
			SecKeychainItemRef itemRef,
			SecIdentityRef identityRef);

	@function SecIdentityCopyFromPreferenceItem
    @abstract Given an existing identity preference keychain item, obtain a SecIdentityRef for the identity it specifies.
	@param itemRef An identity preference keychain item, as returned by SecIdentityFindPreferenceItem or SecIdentityAddPreferenceItem.
    @param identityRef On return, an identity reference. The caller is responsible for releasing this reference.
    @result A result code.  See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
	@discussion This function is used to obtain a SecIdentityRef from an existing preference item.
    @deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5; use SecIdentityCopyPreference() instead (SecIdentity.h).
OSStatus SecIdentityCopyFromPreferenceItem(
			SecKeychainItemRef itemRef,
			SecIdentityRef *identityRef);

#if defined(__cplusplus)