pcap_ng.3   [plain text]

.\" Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
.\" This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
.\" as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
.\" Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
.\" compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
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.Dd 20 March 2013
.Nm pcap_ng
.Nd pcap library extensions for the new pcap-ng file format
.In pcap/pcap-ng.h
.Ft pcap_t *
.Fo pcap_ng_fopen_offline
.Fa "FILE *fp"
.Fa "char *errbuf"
.Ft pcap_t *
.Fo pcap_ng_open_offline
.Fa "const char *fname"
.Fa "char *errbuf"
.Ft pcap_dumper_t *
.Fo pcap_ng_dump_open
.Fa "pcap_t *p"
.Fa "const char *file"
.Ft pcap_dumper_t *
.Fo pcap_ng_dump_fopen
.Fa "pcap_t *p"
.Fa "FILE *fp"
.Ft void
.Fo pcap_ng_dump
.Fa "u_char *user"
.Fa "struct pcap_pkthdr *h"
.Fa "u_char *sp"
.Ft void
.Fo pcap_ng_dump_close
.Fa "pcap_dumper_t *p"
.Ft pcapng_block_t
.Fo pcap_ng_block_alloc
.Fa "size_t len"
.Ft size_t
.Fo pcap_ng_block_size_max
.Fa "void"
.Ft int
.Fo pcap_ng_block_reset
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Ft int
.Fo pcap_ng_free_block
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Ft bpf_u_int32
.Fo pcap_ng_dump_block
.Fa "FILE *stream"
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Ft bpf_u_int32
.Fo pcap_ng_externalize_block
.Fa "int fd"
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Ft pcapng_block_t
.Fo pcap_ng_block_alloc_with_raw_block
.Fa "pcap_t *p"
.Fa "u_char *rawblock"
.Ft int
.Fo pcap_ng_block_init_with_raw_block
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Fa "pcap_t *p"
.Fa "u_char *rawblock"
.Ft bpf_u_int32
.Fo pcap_ng_block_get_type
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Ft bpf_u_int32
.Fo pcap_ng_block_get_len
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Ft int
.Fo pcap_ng_block_is_swapped
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Ft struct pcapng_section_header_fields *
.Fo pcap_ng_get_section_header_fields
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Ft struct pcapng_interface_description_fields *
.Fo pcap_ng_get_interface_description_fields
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Ft struct pcapng_enhanced_packet_fields *
.Fo pcap_ng_get_enhanced_packet_fields
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Ft struct pcapng_simple_packet_fields *
.Fo pcap_ng_get_simple_packet_fields
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Ft struct pcapng_packet_fields *
.Fo pcap_ng_get_packet_fields
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Ft struct pcapng_process_information_fields *
.Fo pcap_ng_get_process_information_fields
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Ft bpf_u_int32
.Fo pcap_ng_block_packet_copy_data
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Fa "const void * data"
.Fa "bpf_u_int32 caplen"
.Ft bpf_u_int32
.Fo pcap_ng_block_packet_set_data
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Fa "const void * data"
.Fa "bpf_u_int32 caplen"
.Ft void *
.Fo pcap_ng_block_packet_get_data_ptr
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Ft bpf_u_int32
.Fo pcap_ng_block_packet_get_data_len
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Ft int
.Fo pcap_ng_block_does_support_data
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Ft int
.Fo pcap_ng_block_add_option_with_value
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Fa "u_short code"
.Fa "const void *buffer"
.Fa "u_short length"
.Ft int
.Fo pcap_ng_block_add_option_with_value_string
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Fa "u_short code"
.Fa "const char *string"
.Ft pcapng_option_t 
.Fo pcap_ng_block_get_option
.Fa "pcapng_option_t option"
.Fa "u_short code"
.Ft void
.Fo pcap_ng_block_iterate_options
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Fa "void * context"
.Fa "pcap_ng_block_option_iterator_func opt_iterator_func"
.Ft pcapng_name_record_t
.Fo pcap_ng_block_add_name_record_with_ip4
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Fa "struct in_addr * in4"
.Fa "const void ** names"
.Ft pcapng_name_record_t
.Fo pcap_ng_block_add_name_record_with_ip6
.Fa "pcapng_block_t block"
.Fa "struct in6_addr * in6"
.Fa "const void ** names"
.Ft void
.Fo pcap_ng_block_iterate_name_records
.Fa "pcapng_name_record_t record"
.Fa "pcapng_name_record_iterator_func fn"
.Ft int
.Fo dlt_to_linktype
.Fa "int dlt"
.Ft int
.Fo linktype_to_dlt
.Fa "int linktype"
collection of functions and data structure is an extension to the 
.Xr pcap 3PCAP
library to read and write capture files in the Pcap-ng file 
While the traditional
.Xr pcap 3PCAP
API is packet oriented, the
API uses pcap-ng blocks as the fundamental type of object.
The following standard pcap-ng block types are supported:
.Bl -bullet -offset indent -compact
section header
interface description
the three types of packet blocks
interface statistic
name resolution
as well a custom block type for process information.
While it's possible to access the raw content of a block, the bulk of the 
API provides accessor functions to facilitate the parsing and the creation of 
blocks and options.
The purpose of this API is to provide sequential access to capture files using the
Pcap-ng file format and it does not offer any facility for random access or 
direct edition of pcan-ng file (no addition, removal or modification of pcap-ng blocks 
that are present in a capture file).
.Ss "Opening a pcap-ng file"
To open a handle for a pcap-ng capture file from which to read pcap-ng 
blocks use either 
.Fn pcap_ng_fopen_offline
.Fn pcap_ng_open_offline .
As these functions return a NULL value if the file is not in the pcap-ng 
format, one should then try opening the file using 
.Fn pcap_fopen_offline 3PCAP
.Fn pcap_open_offline 3PCAP .
To open a new pcap-ng capture file to save pcap-ng blocks use either 
.Fn pcap_ng_dump_open
.Fn pcap_ng_dump_fopen .
The above functions return a 
.Vt pcap_t
that may be used with most of the 
.Xr pcap 3PCAP
functions that accept a capture handle. 
When used with a 
.Vt pcap_t
handle of file in the pcap-ng format,
.Fn pcap_datalink 3PCAP
return the pseudo data link type
as a pcap-ng file may contain packets with different data link type.
.Fn pcap_ng_dump_close
to close the handle of a pcap-ng file.
.Ss "Reading pcap-ng blocks"
To read blocks from a pcap-ng file opened by 
.Fn pcap_ng_fopen_offline
.Fn pcap_ng_open_offline
simply call the traditional functions 
.Fn pcap_dispatch
.Fn pcap_loop
.Fn pcap_next
.Fn pcap_next_ex .
The difference is that instead of getting a pointer to a packet, the function or
the callback gets a buffer to a raw pcap-ng block.
The raw pcap-ng may be parsed manually or it may be passed to the function 
.Fn pcap_ng_create_with_raw_block
to create an internalized representation of the block and used with other 
accessor functions.
.Ss "Writing pcap-ng blocks"
The function 
.Fn pcap_ng_dump_block
takes a 
.Vt pcapng_block_t
object, and writes it to the capture file in the pcap-ng file format.
.Ss "Creating a pcap-ng block internalized object"
Internalized pcap-ng block objects are represented by the opaque data type 
.Vt pcapng_block_t
and accessor functions may be used to read and write the content of a 
.Vt pcapng_block_t
object (header and options). A 
.Vt pcapng_block_t 
object may be re-used to mimimize memory allocations.
The function 
.Fn pcap_ng_block_alloc
allocates a
.Vt pcapng_block_t
object to hold an pcap-ng block data structure.
This allocate a work buffer to hold the raw data block content 
so the given size should be large enough to hold the largest expected 
raw block size.
If the size given to
.Fn pcap_ng_block_alloc
is greater than the value returned by
.Fn pcap_ng_block_size_max
then the allocation fails and
.Fn pcap_ng_block_alloc
returns NULL.
To reuse an existing internalized
.Vt pcapng_block_t
object, use the function 
.Fn pcap_ng_block_reset
as it is more efficient to reuse than to allocate a new data structure 
of each pcap-ng block being read or written.
The function
.Fn pcap_ng_free_block
deletes the memory used by the
.Vt pcapng_block_t
The function 
.Fn pcap_ng_block_init_with_raw_block
parses a raw pcap-ng block buffer into an internalized form using 
an existing 
.Vt pcapng_block_t
object. This is typically used when reading from a 
pcap-ng capture file.
The function
.Fn pcap_ng_block_alloc_with_raw_block
creates a 
.Vt pcapng_block_t
object from a raw pcap-ng buffer buffer. 
.Ss "Getting information about a pcap-ng block"
The function 
.Fn pcap_ng_block_get_type
returns the type of a 
.Vt pcapng_block_t
The function 
.Fn pcap_ng_block_is_swapped
returns the byte order of a 
.Vt pcapng_block_t
object. This is useful when reading pcap-ng blocks and options from a 
pcap-ng capture file. This actually reflects the byte order magic of the 
section header block.
The function 
.Fn pcap_ng_block_get_len
returns the length of the externalized form of a 
.Vt pcapng_block_t
The following functions return the fixed header size corresponding to the 
supported block types:
.Bl -bullet -offset indent -compact
.Fn pcapng_section_header_fields
.Fn pcapng_interface_description_fields
.Fn pcapng_enhanced_packet_fields
.Fn pcapng_simple_packet_fields
.Fn pcapng_packet_fields
.Fn pcapng_process_information_fields
.Ss "Accessing the data of packet blocks"
The same functions may be used to access the data portion of the three 
types of packet blocks:
.Bl -item -offset indent -compact
enhanced packet block
simple packet block
packet block
The function 
.Fn pcap_ng_block_packet_copy_data
copies the content of the passed data buffer into the 
.Vt pcapng_block_t
packet object. This may involve memory allocation to hold the data. 
The function 
.Nm pcap_ng_block_packet_set_data
uses the passed data buffer as a pointer reference to an external 
buffer. Using 
.Fn pcap_ng_block_packet_set_data
is more efficient than 
.Fn pcap_ng_block_packet_copy_data
as this does not involve data movement or memory allocation, 
but the caller must make sure the passed data buffer is kept intact for 
the lifetime of the 
.Vt pcapng_block_t
packet object.
The function 
.Fn pcap_ng_block_delete_data
empties the 
.Vt pcapng_block_t
packet object from any data so its length becomes zero.
The function 
.Fn pcap_ng_block_packet_get_data_ptr
returns a pointer on the beginning of the data portion of the 
.Vt pcapng_block_t
packet object.
The function 
.Fn pcap_ng_block_packet_get_data_len
returns the length of the data referred to by the 
.Vt pcapng_block_t
packet object.
The function 
.Fn pcap_ng_block_does_support_data
returns a non-zero value when the passed
.Vt pcapng_block_t
in a pcap-ng block with data of variable length.
.Ss "Accessing pcap-ng options"
To add an option to a 
.Vt pcapng_block_t
packet object use the function 
.Fn pcap_ng_block_add_option_with_value .
When the option value is a null terminated string, one may use the 
.Fn pcap_ng_block_add_option_with_string
that includes the terminating null byte in the option value.
To get a single option value one may use the function 
.Fn pcap_ng_block_get_option
when an option may appear at most once in a pcap-ng block.
The function 
.sFn pcap_ng_block_iterate_options
walks the list of options 
.Vt pcapng_block_t
and calls the given callback function of each option.
.Ss "Keeping track of interface information"
provides utility functions to help keep track of 
interface information associated with a 
.Vt pcap_t 
handle using the data structure 
.Vt struct pcap_if_info .
The interface IDs being specific to a given section, the list 
of interface information should be cleared whenever a new section is being 
The function
.Fn pcap_add_if_info
add an interface information. The interface ID is assigned sequentially so
the corresponding interface block needs to be written to the save file
to avoid reference to missing interfaces caused by filtering.
The function
.Fn pcap_find_if_info_by_name
returns the
.Vt struct pcap_if_info 
that matches the given name.
The function
.Fn pcap_find_if_info_by_id
returns the
.Vt struct pcap_if_info 
that matches the given interface id.
The function
.Fn pcap_free_if_info
.Vt struct pcap_if_info 
and removes it from the pcap_t handle. Removing a single
.Vt struct pcap_if_info 
is not a common usage.
The function 
.Fn pcap_clear_if_infos
removes all the 
.Vt struct pcap_if_info 
structures from a 
.Vt pcap_t *
handle. This is useful when processing a new section header block as the 
interface IDs are valid with a section.
Use the function
.Fn pcap_ng_init_section_info
to reinitialize the section specific data like interface information and 
process information. This should be used when adding a new section 
header. This is also useful when saving to a new packet capture files, 
for example when "rotating" files.
.Ss "Keeping track of process information"
provide utility functions to help keep track of 
process information associated with a 
.Vt pcap_t 
handle using the data structure 
.Vt struct pcap_proc_info .
The process information indexes being specific to a given section, 
the list of process information should be cleared whenever a new section 
is being processed.
The function
.Fn pcap_add_proc_info
adds a process information.
The function
.Fn pcap_find_proc_info
returns the
.Vt struct pcap_proc_info 
that matches the given process name and ID.
The function
.Fn pcap_find_proc_info_by_index
returns the
.Vt struct pcap_proc_info 
that matches the given process information index.
The function
.Fn pcap_free_proc_info
.Vt struct pcap_proc_info 
and removes it from the pcap_t handle. Removing a single
.Vt struct pcap_proc_info 
is not a common usage.
The function 
.Fn pcap_clear_proc_infos
removes all the 
.Vt struct pcap_proc_info 
structures from a 
.Vt pcap_t *
handle. This is useful when processing a new section header block as the 
process information indexes are valid within a section.
.Ss "Handling special pktap and iptap interfaces"
The function 
.Fn pcap_setup_pktap_interface
creates a cloned pktap or iptap interface to be used as a capture device.
The function 
.Fn pcap_cleanup_pktap_interface
destroys a cloned pktap or iptap interface that was used as a capture device.
.Ss "Dumping packet with ptkap header"
The function
.Fn pcap_ng_dump_pktap
saves a packet with a
.Vt struct pcap_pkthdr
header as a pcap-ng enhanced data block. It handles the packet metadata
information from the
.Vt struct pcap_pkthdr
and creates process information blocks and interface information blocks as
needed. It returns 1 if the packet passes the filter, 0 otherwise.
The function
.Fn pcap_ng_dump_pktap_comment
saves a packet like
.Fn pcap_ng_dump_pktap
with the addition of a comment string parameter that is added
to the pcap-ng enhanced data block.
.Xr pcap_dump_open 3PCAP ,
.Xr pcap_dump_fopen 3PCAP ,
.Xr pcap_dump 3PCAP ,
.Xr pcap_dump_close 3PCAP ,
.Xr tcpdump 1
.Pa http://www.winpcap.org/ntar/draft/PCAP-DumpFileFormat.html
.Pa http://wiki.wireshark.org/Development/PcapNg